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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. Like it says on the box really. Im sure I'm not the only one who feels they may have worded something wrong or omitted relevant details. It also gives a poster an oportunity to undo a rash comment if he subsequently regrets it.
  2. undefined
  3. I see Gooners booster heater is on fire
  4. Well I carefully got down below for a closer look - sounds pervy huh? There is only one switch - and it's plunger is totally different to usual - being a smooth rod about 3.5mm diameter... rather like the refill of a ball point pen. Two thoughts occur - one is it's a totally wrong switch - giving implausible results. Or an improved switch due to the known issues with the old type - but as the new one I bought yesterday was the same as the other ones I have replaced in the past, this seems unlikely.
  5. Thanks Nik - but I believe you :)
  6. oer nik - now there's a thing?
  7. TCH PUH-LEASE... WHY CAN'T WE HAVE OUR EDIT BUTTON BACK GLEN? Could I be looking at the wrong switch. It's not that I'm too fat or lazy to get down and pull things around, I have had an operation on my left hand and every time I stretch it open too far the wound cracks open. Some of the stitches gave up last week! I'm not sure if there is a another switch further up - although I seem to recall there was only one on my last (02 reg) auto. And it may be that the one on an auto differs from a manual?
  8. The centre picture shows where it is located when viewed through the fuse box access
  9. I found a wee little straw to clutch at while waiting till I can get it back to the vag-com. Recall there was an implausible signal fault recored at some time? - While at the VW dealers, and to rule it out of the equation, I got a brake light switch from VW for a 115 bhp auto, 02/03/05 build date sharan...thinking it should be the same? Well the new switch is black - as was the one's I have replaced in my other galaxy's.... but the one in this Galaxy is purple and "more rounded" in shape...does that sound right anyone? Could someone with a later car have a quick peek through their fuse box cover for me
  10. Cost? - depends on how many tyre repairers there are on your patch - and their ethnicitythingy :16: There's loads on my patch - most of them owned by Mr Patel - and I usually get cherged a fiver for a puncture repair - regardless if a 'rat-tail patch was used. Your part of the world would probably see a much higher cost
  11. The list is a good broad range of sensible well spoken, helpfull and capable candidates - each of who meet my approval. All the best to whover accepts and are accepted.
  12. Blimey - thanks for the reminder Ivor. I too feel greatly honoured Glen and thank you for the consideration. The feeling that I may qualify is probably mis-placed however if the shamefull truth be known. You have already seen how easily I can be side tracked - and a poor attention span has been with me since the days I got the blackboard pointer across my finger tips for daydreaming out the classroom window in secondary school. I'm baring my soul a little here - but feel it's the best way to explain why I'd be a poor choice for the responsibility that moderating carries. I simply could not be trusted to always do the right thing, in addition to the fact that I am for the most part "instruction blind" That is to say I cannot absorb written instruction - I would need to be shown how to do things a couple of times - I kid you not. Thats also partly why I so desperately miss the edit feature - to cover my slightly dyslexic shortcoming. I also lack tact and etiquette - and regularly get chided for my sense of humour too.
  13. looks like bear season
  14. I must have missed that - and something seems to be missing
  15. Aha - so someone DID like it :16:
  16. Good thread :16: :16: :16:
  17. Still active mate - whats the problem?
  18. Well - paranoia set in... And I convinced myself that I'd been somehow blocked for using an angry emoticon in frustration at not being able to edit my posts. So I logged out and still got the problem then phoned around a few friends to find someone awake for them to try from a different IP adress :unsure:
  19. Erm me-thinks there's a twist there somewhere - but you know me, I dont do subtle, Best say it clearer. Cmon now - spill the beans Glen, is it cos I want to have the edit feature back? I can rarely get it all out in one attempt - I have to post then reconsider a few times Oops nearly posted only to follow up with another post 'cos I cant edit... Whats with moving the smileys to somewhere less conveinient? Not complaining - just curious/confused
  20. Make sure it's not too bright or it will produce an annoying reflection on the windscreen when night driving. (that the 1.2 bit I'd say)
  21. mine only beeps on opening the door... if my lights are on
  22. Thanks LD - I'll get down there monday morning. What would we be looking for there if the fault is occuring please?
  23. I'm only here for the emoticons - o yea, howdeedoo
  24. DARN THIS NO EDIT TING :lol: 21k miles on the clock. Now an interesting bit from the ford guy... Allegedly - they only get paid by ford for things they can prove are faulty - so unless they can prove the problemo - no warranty repairo! May be hypothetical as the book aint been stamped - ever... yet. The previous owners have indicated they will stamp it up for me - its an ex Hertz car and they do their servicing in house. with me so far? Now the other bit - as there was no stamp - I insisted on a warranty. We agreed that they would pay for a year if I bought a second years warranty from car care - which I know pays main dealer prices because they paid for my autobox the first time it failed on my last car... bought from the same firm.
  25. Darn this no edit thing... I considered the fuel filter - till I found it still does it at speeds too.
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