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Everything posted by Dave-G
Ah - ok ta Whew - I wont need to kill anyone today then ^_^
Mines a 2 bed semi with car space at the side, worth about 120k. We are band "B" and pay
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Well LD, a quick run around a 3 mile block and it initially seems less frequent and less noticeable. I feel inclined to leave it for a few days to get confirmation of that. I forgot to add that when stone cold - in last weeks freezing weather - the exhaust produced substantial white smoke at startup. I also noticed it (less obvious) occasionally during the 'miss-fires -
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
LD - Just before I did the check I ran the engine to get some of those answers (in case I broke something) Problem seems to be at it's worst about 1500rpm in neutral - which seems probably about the same in drive. If I run it at 1500 it can die about 200rpm then surge back to 1500.. That can take about 2 seconds to occur - and it repeats itself frequently at those intervals - but not all the time. I have tried this with various electrics on and off with no difference. Well the prelimary result can be seen in this photo. All termials read 00.7. I had to release the socket from the head to see into it - the plastic battery compartment surround renders a clean view impossible. That action will have disturbed the loom - and I have anyway rotated it 180 degrees on refitting in the hope that it makes a possible poor connection better. I am now going out to complete the reassembly of the intercooler? pipework etc -
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Good job you don't live near me Ld - I'd have to do a sort of man hug thing for that :unsure: I'll be doing that prelimary check tomorrow afternoon my ansome :wacko: Mods - can we pin this in the FAQ's please? I've been down to Maplins and bought a new multimeter for this job today -
Thats not on MY radar Greg ;)
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Ah - Thanks again LD -
I just nick em off a newer galaxy :16: Not really - I wipe the rubbers with meths occasionally
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Thanks Scrote - OMG I dont believe I just said that :16: well it does actually appeal to the mischief in me...*more of later* I'll keep that in mind as I dabble. Now the fuel system is pressurised right? - So I goes out and drains the filter with my good hand (the right one) and the fuel trickles out. After it stops I put the plug back in and restart the car. No change. Just realised I should have drained it just after I stop the engine maybe? It's been standing overnight and today. Maybe it's lost it's pressure? *More of... You'll love this When I tried several times to get an ebay "name" I eventually gave up after some 25~30 attempts and spitefully wrote bolluxthen which got denied too. I then gave up and as I was closing the enrolment page down I got a message that bolluxthen was accepted. So I starts trading RC helicopter upgrades I have left over from a business I gave up on and got a message from one of my customers that he thought I was being very rude. Unknown to me the very last word that ebay adds to a sale message to a buyer is the sellers name. He sent me a copy of his sale confirmation that read something like "Thank you for buying this product. Bolluxthen" I subsequently managed to modify it with a "0" to read "Bolluxthen0" instead. :16: -
Heater Takes To Long To Get Hot?
Dave-G replied to Tazbandit's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Wolfie is correct. The washer bottle will dump its contents as the separated pipe siphons it to the front passenger footwell - which in turn flows into the space below the seat. I have checked my 'service portfolio' it seems Ford motor company are still using old stock See here for the 'classic warranty: ford warranty configurater Open the configurator and look for the bottom line in the left hand column (terms and conditions) then make that call :16: -
And how come your eye is furthur open today? It barely opened yesterday :16:
Heater Takes To Long To Get Hot?
Dave-G replied to Tazbandit's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
What page are you looking at Taz? I think you'll find all UK sourced cars have a 3 yr warranty, the last bein a slightly less encompassing one from Ford UK - European ones are the standard Ford manufacturers two years. -
Heater Takes To Long To Get Hot?
Dave-G replied to Tazbandit's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Hmm - I'll admit on re-reading the 'underside bit I may have missunderstood... partially due to the previous mention of smoke in here/coming out/seat belt/side pillar/little box etc. Darn this disliyexxia :16: -
Heater Takes To Long To Get Hot?
Dave-G replied to Tazbandit's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
No disrespect to your mechanic friend, but I suspect he disconnected your parking distance sensor control box... which may have been faulty/flooded - Does your rear washer still produce water when you try to squirt it? The booster heater is underneath the car - apart from a 'jet noise you will notice a small 'roar - similar to the roar you hear when your gas central heating boiler kicks in and the small exhast pipe from it gets too hot to touch while the fuel is burning. -
I just polished off a Waitrose chicken tikka masala - with pilau rice - and very nice it was, too, especially with a hefty spoonful of Patak's hot lime pickle. It hit the spot. It might not have made Madhur Jaffrey quake in her sari, but in its context, it was better than acceptable. The only problem was that it wasn't quite enough, so I got a chair to stand on to see if we had any poppadoms in the top of the cupboard. There were three and a half. Sharwoods, I think; the ones you cook yourself. A quick clattering rummage in the pan cupboard produced the poppadom pan, all black and flaking. Five minutes, hot oil hanging on the precipice of combustion, and clouds of choking smoke later, three and a half exquisitely cooked poppadoms had filled the rest of the hole. After unsuccessfully attempting to whistle the tune to Doctor Findlay's Casebook, it became apparent that a drink of some description was in order - all that spicy food, I suppose - but rather than fill a mug uncouthly from the tap, something made me look in the bottom of the fridge. There was one bottle of Grolsch. One cold bottle of Grolsch. One bottle of Grolsch so cold that as I looked at it, not believing my good fortune, beads of condensation formed on it, and began to trickle provocatively down its smooth green flanks, wriggling gently round the embossed lettering on the eponymous bottle. They were like the tiniest beads of sweat disappearing into a smooth, ivory cleavage. The bottle gasped urgently, a wisp of vapour fell from its neck and hung in the air before vanishing like the flimsiest of slips cast aside, and the cap fell tinkling gently to the floor before rolling under the dishwasher with all the rest of the greasy fuzz, pennies and dog chews. It didn't touch the sides on the way down. It was an utterly sublime, exquisite moment that bore comparison with the first frantic febrile fumble in the blue serge of a schoolgirl's smalls behind the chem. lab. To be blessed with what happened next was far, far more than I could have ever expected. It started way down somewhere near my ankles, sounding like the dull and distant rumble of a Hammersmith and City Line train approaching Great Portland Street station, building in amplitude, volume and speed. As it rose towards the back of my throat, the sense of anticipation was palpable. My palms grew moist, and my scalp tingled. When it finally burst forth, it wasn't simply the richness of the baritone it produced, but the duration and evenness of the note. It seemed to last for hours. The blast of warm air which accompanied it was a delightful reminder of everything I had enjoyed mere moments before; exotic eastern spices like cardamom and coriander skilfully blended by culinary artisans in Agra, tender aromatic chicken, rice picked from the paddy fields by the long, skilful, practised fingers of delightful dusky maidens, the crisp counterpoint of the poppadoms, and the hoppy tang of the beer. A small tsunami of taste filled the back of my nose as the most satisfying belch I've ever had the pleasure to produce burst from my face and echoed round the room. A small ornament swayed briefly on the bookcase, and a woodlouse fell startled from the wainscoting. Alas, like the fleeting moment of coitus, it was gone, but I was left with that same feeling of being suffused with pleasure, of revelling in warm, tropical waves of sheer joy that ebbed gently away. All I have left that is tangible is a fragment of regurgitated chicken on the ^ key of the keyboard, but the memory will linger longer. Marvellous...
Had A Flat Battery (ca Type)
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Unless your 1 year old Gal has done more than 60K I guess theyd find it hard to suggest it's not up to its job mate -
Welcome mate - is that car in the same garage you bought it from gio? What I'm getting at is if it's in the suppliers garage and they are paying for the work then go ahead and have them change the tensioner, particularly if it's done a lot of miles. If you are paying to have it changed due to it "bouncing" then perhaps look at this thread: belt tensioner thread All the best, Dave.
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Thanks Ld - occurs in P D and N - and whenever I'm driving sedately - as befits my 55 years :) I have a very old multimeter. Interestingly and out of sheer boredom yesterday in stand still traffic I upped my throttle in "n" to 1000 RPM for a while and noted that when it occurs the RPM initially "fades" then recovers - perhaps as a result of some anti stall device. It sometimes then sort of blips about 100 RPM as if I was very slighly pumping the throttle. Again - possibly some kind of antistall device briefly correcting... HMM -
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
HMM LD... There seems to be a little mention of wiring looms in the "not covered" section. Still intending to allow it to develop a little more first while my hand gets better at least. -
Watch out if you go down there. Last time I went some bloke with an orange apro asked me if I wanted decking... Well I got the first one in and floored him :lol:
Howdy matt, do a search for "towing caravan" and you'll find enough info from oodles of people to keep you busy all evening. ATB, Dave.
Well I got some good news - the previous owners serviced it in house and have now stamped the service book for me, and look what I found in that PDF Kev... I'm guessing the standard ford warranty is "classic" Chapter 5:... "Before any work can be carried out under your Ford Protect Plan, you must produce your Ford Service History Log duly stamped and showing scheduled servicing. Scheduled servicing can be carried out by any repairer during the 3 year Classic 60,000 mile Plan, but must always be carried out by an Authorised Ford Repairer on Premium Plans"
Anyone Know Of "electrical Issue's"
Dave-G replied to Dave-G's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Yikes - this is could turn into one of the "how to" items in the FAQ's if your keen to post the details of the resistance test Daz. Those are very good photos - If you took the cover off especially for me I'm going to feel a bit guilty about the following. I had two envelopes of good news today. First was the service book with two stamps reading: "HERTZ - SERVICED TO MANUFACTURERS SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE" So it could be that ford will accept the servicing of one of their major fleet buyers is agreeable to satisfty warranty conditions. Second contained the two years Car Care Plan warranty documentation - spoilt for choice now. At the moment it's still only a niggling distraction but when it deteriorates I'm thinking I'd get the loom done at VW if they work with Car Care, given it's a VW engine. -
I agree with Nik - if you are reasonably adept with small handtools you will not find it difficult. Just be sure that your TORX drivers and other tools are good quality and clean out the rust from the screwhead sockets they fit in. It really is easy as long as you dont mind getting down on your back and knees in the cold.