STREWTH! next problem i get,i hope "T120" sees it,all that boffin stuff is very well explained! I had the prob on my old allhambra(90bhp). If anybody else thinks they got the problem remove the plug and test drive the goes more like it should,but uses bucket loads of fuel-so ONLY test drive and replace the plug till you can replace the unit-and you dont need to be a rocket scientist to do it. Incidently,the very helpfull Volkswares chap who supplied the unit asked if i'd had problems with my OFF-side brake light? It seems(in his words)that a frequently failing bulb,and a missaligned "2nd brakelight switch" are also apparant at the same time,and may be a contributing factor to the failure. On checking the 2nd brakelight switch I found that the one fitted WAS non-standard,and When I asked other galaxy owning taxi drivers ,they had also experienced 'bulb-switch-maf symptoms. Hmm...I'm not knocking you T120,but as i review the postings in the cold light of day..I see you went from a guy what needed help to a very informed expert in 8 days? It does sound damn good though!