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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. ... I miss the edit button. eit button is back..you have a limited time in which to alter a post before it vanishes again into a poof of white smoke. Woop Woop! - I'm going to have to play with it now EDIT: Hey whadaya know - it works EDIT - And again - nice. Not into POOFS... of white smoke
  2. That sounds a well informed explanation tim - Thanks for that.
  3. Well a guy at the VW specialist confirms your theory about the loom in the rocker cover LD - but suggests that its in its early stages, and too soon to produce fault codes. Leaving it to develop - at least till I get the service book stamped - or the other warranty documentation, may lead to a more accurate diagnosis without taking things to bits.
  4. And get ripperss wi it
  5. I get a loose sphincter too sometimes :rolleyes:
  6. You DO realise that Galaxy owners are prohibited from cruisin with loud music emanating from open windows and wot not huh? :)
  7. Booster heater aside... Although someone has taken me to task for this previously - I suspect the Galaxy cabin heating system takes its supply from the cold side of the thermostat which barely opens in winter. Ford/VW bumph say the engine is so efficient it dont produce enough waste bolliks and spam. The basic PD engine is also used in other (saloon) cars that dont have the problem and my guess is that the layout of a saloon car somehow allows enough space? to enable the cabin heating system to draw from the hot side of the stat.
  9. You would usually get some heat towards the very end of a ten mile drive witout the booster heater working and the engine reaching operating temperature, as the thermostat opens - particularly if it was in traffic and taking longer than a clean run at it. It sounds like you are reaching that threshold. A loger run could provide more information to work on. If the heater works it will produce a 'jet engine noise - and you'd also hear a 'jet wind down when you park up and unload the kids. The exhaust pipe of that heater if and when actually burning oil, will be hot enough to take the skin off your hands if you grip it tight - natural body reaction will prevent this from happening. You would also smell something very similar to aviation/parrafin fuel - there is very little differerence between those and diesel (mostly viscosity)
  10. What are they for - heaters maybe? I'm rather hoping the seats were all made with them in as standard - then the loom or relays etc get added as per model spec. C-mon - make my day.
  11. TBH - I cant recall how much higher the values in MVB 13 were. I'll stay with the plan to let them test drive the car tomorrow, and maybe change the filter later in the week. Cant risk tearing open the wound in my hand just yet - nor any contact with diesel. Car has nearly 22k on the clock - cost
  12. Oh - misunderstood the 30 seconds bit in your original post. Hmm... head scratching
  13. Thanks guys - I left a shortcut to this thread in his favourites so he'll spot you replies soon
  14. The occasional bit is probably due to it only dropping below 10 degrees outside temperature. After the engine has warmed up it goes off
  15. You are probably getting fumes from the booster heater which is located beneath the rear kerbside of the car. It burns diesel (That smell) when the temperature goes below 10 degrees - 5degrees on the older models You will hear a jet engine type of noise while it is operational. Is it possible that you had a rear door or window open prior to smelling the fumes?
  16. My son in law has an X reg renault Scenic. He got it from a main dealer - who bought it at auction. He wants the key code for it's original stereo - but they say they dont have it. Would I be correct to say they can get it if they can be bothered? They clearly know he owns the car - and in fact works for one of the groups companies (Jelsons Builders)
  17. Well LB, I've been down to see him again - no charge this time either 'cos Iput
  18. I once disconnected the fuel supply pump to the heater till I had more tme to fix it. It's near the rear offside suspension anchor... Hmmm not very descriptive... Look up near the side of the fuel tank, about level with the rear of the rear off side door. you can pull a spade terminal off it.
  19. It's a wave Jim - but not as we know it
  20. I can't explain why - but this is quite common... or even normal on most galaxy's
  21. There is also an option to indicate that an edit has been made after a few moments - or when someone else posts after you. I am also advised that an edit can be made in a different colour?
  22. Sorry guys but I have to disagree with some of that. I post on 3 other forums - some with not very eloquent language - and the edit button remains a feature. Nor do I think its a good thing to trouble a moderator for. If on the other hand someone abuses the edit feature then either they lose the edit button - or the ability to post altogether?
  23. Thanks LD, The switch issue seems to be ruled out now, good. Looking at your vag-com printout... The lower line of group 23 shows a major different value on cyl 2 - is that correct?
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