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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. I stand corrected. Thanks for the info. I've just read a comment on a VW Passat forum about low oil warning and the only way the VW garage could cancel the warning message (after replacing a level sensor) was to disconnect the car battery for the 30 seconds. After that message had gone ! Worth a try? So you look like a proper mechanic now Maz?
  2. tried the arrow up button - just makes the reply window taller. No worries glen.
  3. my display settings are 1024 x 768 - as set by my comp guru if it helps
  4. Screen flickered for a bit - green "progress" squares went up the scale - page remains the same as last photo
  5. this is with that button on the other mode
  6. Print screen button dont seem to do anything - that button with two arrows makes the reply window go narrower - but not quite narrow enough for them to fit alongside each other Glen.
  7. Hijacker - I have had a low oil warning BEEP and bulb indication in the past. It could have been that the beep doesn't work?
  8. Apparently I need a special screenshot program. I tried a photo but that dont produce a usefull image
  9. I'll ring a friend to see if he can talk me through posting what I see
  10. Yup - still there Glen. It's like one of the windows is too wide...Erm or my screen is narrower than yours hmm you aint got a widescreen have you?
  11. How can I paste an exact copy of what I see on my screen Glen? The side toggle jumps abve my reply panel as it's too wide to fit alongside it
  12. Erm - you took it in for an mot when you KNOW it's going to fail?
  13. Oops - forgot to tell you about the socket for that - a sixteen sided one IIRC. If your old man has a good grip he might be able to shift it. Two handed like - if it wernt fitted too tight in the last service. Dont even think about pipegrips as if they are squeezed too tightly the top will crack... it's rigid plastic. I wouldn't worry about the grip washer found on the tray - we all drop bits sometimes. It was probably dropped during a past service when replacing some component. Never had to remove the skirts to access the front screws - did'nt you get a socket extension like I suggested every man should have? :)
  14. Well now that you mention it maz... I haven't seen any spambots etc - yes, well done Glen. Don't mind my moaning - how many 55 year olds don't moan about new "bloody changes" :( As for the FAQ's, they are an invaluable asset to the forum. I hadn't noticed 'the unofficial FORD GALAXY site bit either Thanks... Did I say thanks for that? :(
  15. Ah all that techie stuff is lost on me Glen. I'm just concerned that our identity seems to have got diluted over a period of time to the point of being an "also" forum. As an experiment I have googled ford galaxy and still get a result for this site though. I am however becoming concerned - as are others ,that long term and not so long term members have gone AWOL. What - if anything - is driving them away. This forum used to be the font of all knowledge on Galaxy ails. They cant all have sold there Gals and moved on? The word GALAXY has also been relagated to a back seat in that new header.
  16. Glen, I Saw and did not fully comprehend all that you were saying about the site changes... I hadn't taken on board the name change - which sux - sorry but thats how I see it Could it also possibly be that the reason this site has become so appallingly slow recently is that more and more forums are coming off one server sort of thingy (Not pc techie enough) which dilutes the Galaxy section - which is where we started out before becoming the ford forum now the uk car forum - what next eurocar forum? The Galaxy forum I joined has paled into insignificance.
  17. Tried "Googling" some member names. Found littledaz on a few forums - Quite a populay membership name in different parts of the country. Found Fredt, and JohnB 80 too
  18. Aw - post 21 looked soooo promising. sure your current problem aint a glow plug mate?
  19. Just think of it like a speeding ticket Maz - as long as you give them money all is well, they will not be concerned about who the lawfull driver or owner is.
  20. Yes - Getting concerned now, the absence of many long term members is noted - and newcomer Littledaz too - who I've PM'd to see if all is well :ph34r:
  21. If you like to be first off at the lights, and all town work etc thats not too bad for a manual. You could knock 3 or 4 mpg off that for an auto if you have to be the one in front... like me :ph34r:
  22. I'm told by my Pc guru that it's a good idea to have a false email addy at the top of your list. If it cant get past that it wont get the rest. So something like (((0)))@n.c for example would reside at the top because open bracket is nearer the top alabetically.
  23. Thats how I read it too - let us know please? You do realise that by keeping the buyers identity secret - which sounds like he's protecting your interests - you dont get to see what other buyers have to say about the item.
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