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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. Well after posting the above I found two of the other forums I use were also slow - but another was not much slower than usual. Seems it may be my connection speed again.
  2. Uh - so is this the reason the site has got so appallingly slow?
  3. As Churchill the nodding dog would say - Oh YES in a gruff chin wobbling way. However I dont got a V6 so I'll let someone more qualified tell you what when and where
  4. He needs to stop filling the country up with frikkn immigrants - of course the roads are full to capacity - as are our cities, hospitals, schools, dentists, doctors and benefit offices!
  5. Good move Maz - there's some things girls can't do :rolleyes:
  6. Wot - no pink centre hub caps?
  7. Wazza sdi m8?
  8. So - no more catching your elbows on the door lock buttons then - won't you at least miss that a little bit?
  9. Hi Crabby :D I'm not trying to get your post count up or anything like that but... What time is it in WHERE? :D
  10. Ouch - you need to do a part exchange without letting the other party very near them till it's too late :46:
  11. Now be a good trainee... boy :16:
  12. Yes my end seems quicker too :(
  13. Here we go Adrian. If you scroll to the bottom of this page you frequently find similar threads based on a search using keywords. I found this at the very bottom of the list mate. similar topic
  14. Hi mat, Make sure you have a slender and flexible socket extension - a 'knuckle type if you get what I mean for one of the bolts at the rear of the cover. My problem - which it seems you may have read about occurs regardles of temperature, and seemingly only below 2000rpm. (perhaps its at higher rpms too but being masked) Most noticeable at 1500 rpm in drive or neutral. I've left it for a while to see if any fault codes get recorded - tomorrow seems a good time for another check. I suspect number 1 cylinder is the one that would be at the front of an inline engine - which is where the cambelt etc is situated.
  15. Hmm - I've replaced the oil - to the correct level and it's still 'miss-firing the same. :rolleyes: Think I ought to google 'damaged catalitic converter' to see what I find given that high oil level. I checked it after I'd finished the loom check.
  16. Well I had a go at the loom today - nothing found to cause concern. Only swore a few times trying to remove it from the head. finally found there are "holders" for the plugs in the stem. Nearly threw a wobbly about not being able to undo one of the rocker cover bolts at the rear of the engine - till I dug real deep deep deep into the tool archives and found a 1/4" drive universal drive elbow and 10mm socket... whew. I have also discovered a revelation :o They dont use flat cork gasket material under rocker covers that tears when you look at it - that ribbed rubber moulding is a work of art :rolleyes: I'd even splashed out 4 million quid on some flexible gasket compound because I read somewhere it might be needed over the camshaft humps. Anyway all I could think of to possibly make an improvement was to slightly distort the terminals in the plugs in the hope they might improve contact. Now Comes the immense anger and shame that I have been naive and gullible enough to assume that predelivery checks and servicing on such a new car is done correctly :o While the bonnet was open I decided to check the fluids. Topped up the screen washer level... checked the dipstick WTF?!? The oil level is over an inch above the level - Give me strength! Off to drain it now!
  17. AH - Another lesson learned by this technophobe Glen - I've only been using Pc's for about 4 years :rolleyes:
  18. I've not towed a caravan with either - but I'd say you have bought a car that's not up to that job me old beauty :rolleyes:
  19. I like it wider with the smiles togggle and stuff easily accessible. Perhaps you could keep the default wider but some of the others in narrower format for themwho like it? I never did see why anyone would want a 2" blank screen as a border to each side.
  20. And what did I tell you would happen to your finger nails if you dont wear gloves when changing diesel oil? :lol: Huh? Pray tell us. We all know what happens of course 'cos we is guys and it dont seem to matter quite as much to us. :lol: Can I say that I feel a bit of a pratt for not realising the "grip Washer" was a 1" long piece of tube - puhlease give us a two or three dimensional view of any further photo's. Whats the next phase of your DIY service mechanics course Maz? Pollen filter?
  21. Did you particularly want a ghia and a manual box Greg - or would a Zetec auto do your needs?
  22. Wahey - I have smileys and stuff next to the reply box on a full width page - woop woop
  23. The gaps are just like in my photo's - but I only get that on this forum - I'm on quite a few others without the "borders", could get a screen shot of them to show the difference if it helps? Done now
  24. No difference but all the other forums i'm on are full screen width - this one has about 45mm~50mm of blank screen each side ?
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