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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. Do a search on the rain channels, they are inside the bulkhead under the tray that covers the wiper motor, theyt are each end. you have to remove the inner wheel arch cover and you will see the outlet for the rain when it runs of the tray inside the bulkhead. these will be blocked. poke a coat hanger up there and see the garbage that comes out, i couldnt believe the amount stuck in ours. also check your pollen filter, it could be seeping through that corner as for the control box under the seat, ours got wet as well and the locks went crazt, i took it apart and put it in the airing cupboard over night, ity dried out and worked fine , if its damaged you can get em off ebay but make sure you get the matching part number or it wont work.
  2. are you anywhere near a vw garage ? they should be able to diagnise it as the galaxy is basically a vw sharan with the same diagnostic socket under the ashtray also check the mini fuses that run along the ottom of the fuse box in the car, i had one that worked loose and staopped the car starting up
  3. someone on here a fair while ago posted a link to a german website where it was shown how to turn the standard aux heater into a timed one , i looked at it and couldnt read german mein heir
  4. isnt it on the bulkhead there are 2 next to esch other a small cylinder with vacuum pipes in and out
  5. on the older mk1 tdi has anyone used this type of oil remover ? was wondering if you could get the big fat oil filter of easy as it hangs downwards and looks a bit confined space. just wondering also about the use of house bricks to support the car !!! sounds a bit dodgy .
  6. come on lads and lasses someone must know where the turbo inlet is to spray this stuff into
  7. hi all have got some of this 10k to clean things up a bit, it says to spray into the turbo inlet after any mafs, where is the inlet for the turbo ? thanks
  8. this happened to us as well the mechanic had to weld a nut to the broken one to get it off. these cars seem to tighten the nuts over time and are a real problem to remove. ive found it best to slaken and retighten every 3 months as a precaution.
  9. when the mechanic did ours he told me it was a long job and he had to lower the engine from the mounts to get the servo out
  10. rosie, i went to halfords to buy the turbo cleaner you mentioned, the 17 year old spotty boy looked at me gone out, got nowt like that says he. assistant manager came , 18 i think jhust as gormless. is the product you mentioned sold under a brand name or can you remember the exact name of the product, thanks
  11. hello all has a small puddle under the car after a short trip and using air con, should this be clean water or does it come from somewhere within the system, i tasted it and it has a very bitter taste but its nots blue green like the antifreeze it a clear colour. car not lost any liquid , just a wondered thats all. thanks
  12. i made a 3 sided cut in the .plastic tray under the sump nut, the plastic then folds down to allow access then just push back into place. not as easy as a pump but cheaper and saves having to remove tray.
  13. a similar thing happened to our old tdi 90 r reg last year one of th einjectors has a wire to it and is bigger than th eothers on top, this is the sensor. luckily only th ewire had broken on ours but it did the same as yours started and ticked over fine but when revved it stumbled and smoked loike fury. check the wires to it and the surrounding mulitplug connectors if not i think they are very expensive but you could get a second hand one
  14. anoter thought, our old tdi a 90hp on a 97 year had the same thing, it ran hot one time cos of an oil leak and the gauge went to the red. for all the years we had it the gauge always read in the middle. after the short of oil thing, it always ran at 3/4 up the gauge showing much hotter than befroe however the car never actually overheated or used water or oil again for a long time. something had happened to something but we never found out what.
  15. is the car actually overheating or could the gauge be telling lies ? how about changing the sensor that feed it and the ecu its located on the pipe that come from the cylinder head middle front of the engine usually has 4 wires on it, just a suggestion to see if its the gauge.
  16. could be a blockage somewhere, have you tried flushing it through or putting one of them rad clean products throuhg it, radweld do one called radflush, a two bottle affair that you pour in let it do its job then you add the other bottel to finish the job.
  17. i think there is a problem with some water pumps on these, the impeller comes off inside, the fact that its fine when there is no problem when there is no thermostat in is the clue. the water wont get hot in these engines for a very long time as they are so effiecient. does the rear heater get hot air from it ? the pump has to pump ot all the way to the back via the booster heater, is that working as well ? if no hot air from rear heater then it sounds like water pump.
  18. we had the same thing, seems to be age related, ours packe din at 145,000 had new clutch fitted and now its light as a feather first signs of slipping, get it fixed, ours lasted 1 day after first slip. then was left marooned. expensive job though and lots of rip off garages.
  19. ooh i thougth i had got lucky too, i got the same one from judith a member who joined today.
  20. has anyone tried these leak seals in a tin ? i seen a few different ones on ebay form aircon sellers, from around
  21. hi all these aerosol refills for the aircon do seem to flucuate with the gauge that is on some of them, what exacltly is normal ? is it when the engine is running at a certain speed or tickover , ive tried a couple and one said normakl the other overfilled!
  22. you are so kind, thanks, i got confused as i read the post on kwik fit and air con and the guy said it was 750g,
  23. im always on holiday running this guest house ! got some cheek but no answer, cant see it on front of car.
  24. hi all what is the gas quantity for the mk 1 tdi with the normal single system for refilling the system thanks
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