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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. fully agree i used to run a motor spares shop and sold these. tried one myself and ended up overfilling it, the engine was just about cutting out with the strain , i let some out and cured it however just had to be regassed by a proper man with a van id let it nearly all out. however if you really want to try, get one with a gauge on, remove the nearside indicator and you will see the filling port, unscrew the capp attach the can with the gauge on and usually the needle will show how much if any gas is in there, you then inject the gas till the needle is inthe correct area on the gauge.
  2. hi all enquiry here for a friend. hes got climate control in 53 reg tdi, somehow hes pressed tsomething and the display has gone from centrigrade into farhenite, how do you revert back to centigrade display thanks
  3. price up here in bridlington east yorkshire was offically
  4. i did a report on this a couple of years ago, for those who say it cant be done ie many air con specialist, let me tell you what i did, i had an old tdi with the same pipe split underneath where its exposed and also broken 3 inches from the compressor. i got 2 sizes of proper aircon tubing from a bloke on the web from chesterfield, as one pipe was thin and the compressor one fatter. something like 10 mm and 16 or something. i cut the pipes where they were jagged with a tube cutter to stop any filings going astray. i siliconed the pipes and pushed them around 3 inches into the rubber tube and put 4 jublee clips each side. luckily a friend was indeed a laffing air con man and only charged me
  5. hi i used to have a motor spares shop and sell lots of the paste and bandages etc. flexi wrap bandages are only good on normal tubing these flexis are a pain and no the paste will not survive long, depending where the split is and which way it runs some welders are able to repair them, ive seen it done but you have to be good at welding as it has to remain flexible, try and find a scapper or shell out
  6. no pooh or sick a few crisp crumbs though they are both in fine nick one has a red clip thingy missing but it doesnt seem to do anything. how about a mere
  7. indeed the groaning wheezing noise was in fact low gas in the air con system, man with van came today flushed it did what he does and .we now again have a quiet cool working for now system.
  8. SORRY TOASTER NOT FOR SALE it makes rather a lot of toast in the guest house, bye all means members can come for a stay and even get an extra sausage for being galaxy owners.
  9. i have uploaded a pic for anyone, they are grey in colour and i have 2. not sure what to ask in cash i put em on ebay starting at 99p collection only from bridlington
  10. hi all hope im in the right section here i have for sale 2 of the ford after market galaxy child seats the one that sits on the seat , suitable from 4 to 11 year old, if you have a handbook then it shows the seat in there. they are in a mk 1 but i think they go in the mk2 as well am putting on ebay on sunday but maybe someone on here will fancy a ride to bridlington for a day by the sea to collect them.
  11. how are people getting compressor damage and blown systems due to overfilling if as seatkid says the 3 way pressure switch prevents it working if over or under filled
  12. ok thanks for that, the fact that i had no dump of gas made me wonder particularly as its on the origianl compressor and no cool air came out. whats my next step how do you know if the comp has failed
  13. hello all thought we was going to have a nice air con trouble free summer, then this morning turn it on, there is a odd noise from the inside i think, the lower left part of the dash near the glovebox, like a groaning wheezing noise, it goes off when you swtich the air con off. turned it on and off while under the bonnet and all was fine definatly from inside. could it be the dreaded evaporater and dashboard out job, there was no blast of air or gas as though it was a leak i thought it was th ecooloing fans in the engine but no. nor is it the blower fan in the car. the compressor clicks in and out but alas no cool air seems to come, was perfect two days ago ! any input gratfully recieved, all the parts of th eair con are now 10 years old and apart from replacing the engine pipework and condensor last year all been well. end of the road ?
  14. also be careful cleaning them, dont use windowlene it has some chemical in that eats the film away, also some others do as well and some of the wipes you can get. use autoglym fast glass thats good. keep th ekids sticky fingers of it as well, i didnt and two are now a mess due to cleaning them with wrong stuff.
  15. sounds very much like the commoin problem of the seal in the servo that has failed. ours went last year , same symptoms. apparantly its not critical repair but needs doing sooner rather than later. i woiuld with it being brakes. scared the daylights out of me. bad news the seal is part of the servo unit and unless you can find a good used one then you are out for around
  16. many thanks for that part number. dont forget to you and all members you get a free extra sausage at breakfast if you stay at our hotel www.themarina-bridlington.com
  17. nogdog have you the .laser tool part number for the .pulley tool thanks
  18. many thanks s.k possibly as you say different type and usage change from the last 5 years come have a weekend at bridlingotn all memebrs get an extra sausage for breakfast
  19. had a new clutch in last year only done around 1000 miles on it, now when i start up from cold and move off in 1st im getting some judder doesnt happen when engine is warm car is now though never getting warmed jup much as we moved house and i do around 5 miles a week could this lack of movement be anything to do with it ? doesnt seem to smell or lose or burn oil unless some is dripping thrugh the oil seal does you think
  20. never thought about that, whod want it anyway. i will spend the cash on something else. like booze and a wild woman
  21. i too bought one of them on ebay, a blue leather one for
  22. hi all does anyone know whats the best cover or bar for the steering wheel to protect form thieves, its a mk1 , have got a claw type thing at moment but the centre of the wheel seems to baulk it going on, its too tight.
  23. had same problem for last 2 years on 149,000 afn engine. i think its some gremlin that you have to live with. i thought ours seemed better after coatng the fuel filter ends where they go in the filter with silver grease also on the inj pump end as well. i still have problem of if i start car and then turn it off after a minuite or so then its the same, ages of cranking. as chap said, live with it. ive checked everything and had a dieselvw expert check it and they find nothing.
  24. what does the term blow by mean ?thanks
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