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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. there is a main power relay on these , we have the same model, it can cause start probs as everyhting goes through it, i think its number 109 under the dash on the 2nd row i think, i did swop ours due t poor starting, if you hold it while turning the ignition on you should feel it click if it doesnt then that may be the problem. dont waste more cash buying parts till you know what is wrong, really you need vag com to check for fault codes
  2. we had 2 galaxys and both had the air con pipe leak in the same place, just where the pipes run aling the chassis leg as they go to the dryer, this is the ml1 version, there is a p clip fastening the pipe to the body and both leaked from the clip area, poor design if poss, remove the p clip and protect the area.
  3. only 14 months after fitting a recon starter from the local man the thing wouldnt work right, no warranty he says 12 months only.
  4. ok thanks for you chaps advice
  5. evenin all can someone tell me if its possible to change the starter motor from above rather than having to remove the undertray etc, looks like you can but would like a pro to confirm afn 110 tdi on a 98 s reg thanks
  6. the wet passenger footwell will be either the rear washer water tube that runs under there where there is a joining valve that tends to leak, or if you say its worse when it rains, it is very likely the water drain channels are blocked, if you look in the engine bay there is a big tray just under the wiper motor the water runs onto this and into each corner and then down the drains, you need to remove the inner wheel arce plastic panel you will see the end of the outlet tube at the top there is a rubber flap over the end, if you move the flap you will probly see lots of grunge that needs cleaning out some folk use a thin bendy rod and do it from the top inside the engine bay i never been able to do that , go to the faq section to find out all about the galaxy common problems and how to fix them
  7. you need to get it code read, if you have a laptop get a vagcom lead from ebay and download the free software from ross tech
  8. was indeed from a good recon place cost
  9. come on chaps, surely there is someone who knows about starter motors out there ?
  10. very odd, for some reason my 1st post ended up in the ford ka section, i tried to remove it but now another has ended up on galaxy , must be old age and a rubbish computer ! starter just out of warranty
  11. evening all, just been to supermarket,, got loaded up and got in car , put key in and odd thing, the starter seem to "half engage " I turned ket to try again but the starter did not re engage it was making this whirring noise like a humnming but that was it, i turned ignition off sounded like a small pump noise, i thought thats odd why is it still going with the key out of the ignition, after about a minuet it stopped , i then treid again and the card started normally. anyone had out similar, this was a recon starter about 12 months ago, 1.9tdi mk1 110 AFN
  12. join the club, it seems to be a "live with it " problem that doesnt cause any real problems other than a few curses ! weve had it years, always fires up in the end. nothing ever shows on vag com. someone mentioned a non return valave for the fuel, i have posted a question to find out if there is one fitted to this engine, only seems to be the AFN code thats affected
  13. after ripping the rear leather seat i was at a loss as to get some same coloured leather to repair it, then i found this........ it will also work with cloth seat, simply, remove the plastic rear plate that sits on the seat back the thing that has two cup holder shapes in it, under there is a supply of trim material that you can snip out and use. i got a piece of matching leather to glue over the slash.
  14. can anyone confrim if there is a diesel non return valve fitted somewhere on the mk1 tdi 110 AFN engine if there is, where is it / have looked on tis but cant see anything.
  15. must be different dealers, i went to my local ford dealer and asked for a relay 109 for a 98 s reg tdi 110 galaxy he got the slide out and there it was, ordered, here next day fitted in 15 mins, didnt make the slightest difference to our poor starting. ours starts quick, then if you stop if within a few seconds it is a sod to restart, could this be down to the fuel non return valve ? would this valve show as faulty on vag com, i think relay 109 is for all starting things like glow plugs etc etc i could be wrong and im sure someone will tell us so and hopefully put us right
  16. hi all, can someone tell me if the electric heated door mirrors are the same on the mk 1 and 2 or is there a difference, am trying ot get one from ebay after ours was bashed off seems to be a couple of cheap mk2 types but i need mk 1
  17. i think there is a vacuum supply to the controls, check the pipe, it runs through the bulkhead under where the air con connecto goes through, if i remember its a thin pipe taken from a bigger one in the engine bay if your getting no vacuum then the flaps wont move i THINK this is right , but as always if im wrong someone will put us both right
  18. you may have to bite the bullet ours went and i searched all over and yes the robbin dealers want
  19. my blades seem to be the other way round with the passenger blae on top and moving 1st, was yours the same and you swopped them somehow or are some galaxys fitted with a later wiper frame and spindel to have the drivers side move 1st which is how it should be i think did you just use a heavy duty hand file for the job |? does anyone know if you can change them round and get a good wipe
  20. that ebay no. related to some wipers for a chrysler voyager, is that right ? does the fact that they are not curved affect the wiping in any way, i suppose once you file down the galaxy arm to 9mm then you are not going to be able to refit original blades
  21. any news on these yet ? i thought the mk1 could not be fitted with aero type blades, are they an ebay special ? are they these on ebay number 140352734823 looks a bit sus to me says they are for wipers with a side pin fitting which the gal dont have then you have to ask for a hook arm fitting, theres a box where you type the car you want blades for,,,,,,,,,,,, i typed in ford galaxy, took me to a home page with lots of headlight bulbs on ! odd
  22. How long does job take and is it a major stripdown to get the valve off ?
  23. as a former 90hp r reg i been through all this. you need to get a vag com lead from ebay and download the software from ross tech free of charge. you will then see if you have a sensor issue. there is a vac pipe that goes down to the turbo unit form a small valve on the bulkhead. its a long one so can get damaged.as ours did. you can spend hours and hours and come up with nothing, so get you a vag com it usually saves you the hours of fiddling and hair pulling. i think i have a system diagram of the 9o hp only vac pipe layout so if you want one let me know . www.themarina-bridlington.com yes i know its my website but we have to sell ourselves you know.
  24. hi all, clod in a motorhome knocked me drivers side door mirror off today, wanted all the width of the road as he came towards me, anyway, result is one mirror kocked off and the metal pivot inside snapped. of course there is none on ebay except brand new for
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