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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Bigjeeze

  1. Don't put the key in then!!! :lol:
  2. Where are these stalwarts of the Forum? :D I know there have been a few disagreements but why haven't we heard from them? Most of the time SK & VR6 have skins like Rhino's and always give better than they get - so what's the deal? :lol: Come on guys we need your advice. At least let us know you are OK! :D
  3. Perhaps if we find someone on the forum who speaks "Mum" that would help. We need to relate what we are saying so that Mumof4 can understand it. Oil - Baby Oil Grease - Vaseline or Sudocrem Filter - Nappy or Pamper Gear Box - Like a mixing bowl you put in the ingredients and mix them up! Clutch - a means of disengaging drive - Saying no to Hubby and so on!! :lol: As you can see I have only a basic knowlege of "Mum" Perhaps one of our female members can do a translation for her!! :D
  4. Hi Guys well as predicted the Aux pump finally gave up the ghost. I took a chance and bought a second hand one off Ebay for
  5. Dear Mr Mumo4 - It's not just a motor you will have to buy if this isn't addressed - it's also the spindles and mechanism - you probably won't get much change out of
  6. Perhaps you would do better not to write so literally!! The Double Entendre freaks (like me) have a field day with what you write!! :lol: :(
  7. Without seeing or really understanding the complete issue - Is there no way that perhaps a plate can be welded onto the sump to get round the leaks? Is it leaking at a defined spot or is it across the whole thing? If it's going to cost
  8. Cor Blimey - why can't you all sleep in your Gal's - there loadsa room!!! :lol:
  9. I also have a PD 115 six speed manual and apart from the usual Galaxy glitches is fine. I would though consider looking at the LPG conversion - it could be cheaper than changing, and at least the one you have now should have had all the problems ironed out, Plus Dear Mr Brown has said you will probably not have to pay Road Fund with LPG :D
  10. Two Gal's Mk1 1997 TDi 130K original Clutch Mk2 2001/2 TDi 91K original clutch
  11. If you press econ it shuts off the compressor so you don't have the Air Con on - it will still heat from the engine but it will only cool as far as the outsdie air temperature. When the compressor runs it cools the air.
  12. Don't worry - most of us don't look that good either!! :lol:
  13. If it had been you perhaps more people would turn up to the "team" meeting!!!! B)
  14. Should we have? Every bastard in the world keeps telling me about Mothers day - I thought they would know automatically - signs advertising it in Tesco's etc :lol:
  15. If anyone is interested, I had a new tyre fitted today - at home by Etyres - I bought from the web - I did get an extra 5% for working for BT but in the end I paid
  16. I work for BT and Cepheus is absolutely right - But, just one word of advice , BT is now very choosy ( Don't know how I managed it!!) and will only take graduates with Ist's - there is just too much competition out there. BT, as with most large corporates ,runs a Graduate programme - go to BT.com and see if you can find it. Just to add to Cepheus point, I am in sales and now we are spending far more of our time and effort on VOIP and MMVOIP. You may have heard of the 21CN - This BT's new network to replace all existing networks (there are around 7) with a totally IP based network - The projects been running for nearly two years and is costing
  17. Here Ladies - your version of 20th March
  18. Danyoda Put it on Ebay - You make a few Bob and everyone gets a crack at it. You're too generous by far!!!! :lol:
  19. No Steak - but still, nothing to get down in the mouth about eh?!! :lol:
  20. Hi When I say I used two I mean that I had them both on the work as it heated up more quickly. Yes you do need to ensure it is grease free before trying to braze it. I used two ordinary plumbing type blowlamps - brazing does require more heat than soldering but not as much as welding so you should be OK. Hope that helps
  21. I like looking at Naked women - will that do? :rolleyes:
  22. I like to think so!!!! :rolleyes:
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