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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Bigjeeze

  1. Thanks MM - Although I suppose I will need to check the bore of the pipes in case the Vauxhall one is larger or smaller. :lol: Course it doesn't mean it's a lot cheaper either!! :lol: But a good idea!! :)
  2. Some of the Gals I know sure have!!! :lol: :D :D Seriously - it is an option like most extras on Cars. :)
  3. Thanks Dave - I'll give it a whirl - you never know! Mines now done 90K miles and is 4 years old so I expect it's just tired. I'll try and source another pump from someone other than Fraud. Did your
  4. Hi All I had a problem with my brakes squealing which after a few hours of work on Saturday has now been cured - But.... I now notice a missing noise!! :) I don't seem to hear the pump that reamins on after the engines stopped any more. I know some members have had problems with this and I don't want to be looking at
  5. Jase forget whatever or whoever it is that's bugging you - Even if it is VR6 - (you could of course ask him) - so what? You got your help and advice - everybody gets help & advice so why worry. Lets just keep this friendly and laugh at everyones jokes - Delyboyt can't spell - who cares? He makes me laugh and has some useful input. You don't have to respond to anyones jokes , digs or attacks - This is a free forum it doesn't cost - but the advice is priceless - I know I've saved hundreds if not thousands as a result of this site. Treat it like it is - a brilliant source of information and advice. :)
  6. The Airbag is probably something called the slip ring - It can be replaced - costs around
  7. David Look at the huge amount of posts on here on this subject. The chances are that there is a wiring issue - there are some wires that are exposed to the elements that can cause the Aux Heater to fail it is not always the Glowplug. There are other components that can fail but go for the quick and easy ones first before going to a new heater. It may be worth your while. Regards
  8. Jase take it in the spirit it is meant. We don't want or like bad language - we appreciate that you are a happy bunny - that's great. VR6 is a stalwart of this forum so calm down and eae up a bit. You as are everyone are welcome - but just respect the membership.
  9. Ladies Ladies - why all the fuss? you know you love it!!!!! B)
  10. I may be wrong here but I was always under the impression that you should always change callipers as pairs - if you change only one the other may have wear etc that could cause uneven working. Costs more but worth a look. :(
  11. I would aks them to replace the glowplug first - 9 times out of 10 it's that . Make sure they understand that the glowplug in question is in the Bosster heater and not one of the engine varietly!!
  12. mumof4 firstly- is it at the front of the car - ie the bit that has the headlamps and radiator etc? secondly - why don't you put some pictures on so that we can get an idea of what exactly is wrong.
  13. I assume you mean the outer ring that illuminates? If so you can take this off and replace the bulb. I think that you may need to get the bulb from as dealer as it is an encapsulated one - although don't quote me on that!!. You can definitely fix the light.
  14. Vehicle systems will lose a certain amount of refrigerant over time, mainly because it has flexible hoses fitted in the system and the wall make up of these hoses are not 100% leak free. The other main reason for a system losing its charge is us! If the system is not run on a regular basis the oil in the system does not get circulated with the refrigerant and the system seals dry out and leak - particularly the compressor shaft seal. The majority of systems once proven leak free can simply be vacuum de-hydrated and re-charged with some system oil replaced in the process.
  15. If you went through all the members I must have missed it!!!! :lol: :P
  16. You could be right Jase - I'll see if I can get some of that sticky or if not I'll try some coppaslip :rolleyes:
  17. Oh no it isnt! :( it's 1.5 DIN :huh: Oooooooooooh!!!! Get her!!!! Now she's an expert all of a sudden!! :D :D :D I
  18. A DIN unit - it's just the size of the radio/CD player head unit. The DIn unit is the average sized unit - the Double DIn is just that the unit is about twice as deep/high. Mumof4 - your Mark 2 5000 is a double Din unit. :huh:
  19. My 97 GLX doesn't have the fuel light - it's there but it has never worked. As for the 70 litre tank - I am sure it is actually bigger than that as I have managed to get 70 litres in before now. :huh:
  20. Yep .....Daft - Yes of course! No good without it!! :huh:
  21. You can have the Silver one for
  22. Hi Ma I have the 5000 the same as you. I have two spares - one is in silver. I don't have a spare CD unit that goes in the rear cubby. If that is the problem then I can't help. (The reason I have spares is I had a fault that turned out to be a speaker) If you need a head unit let me know.
  23. Look up re setting the service light in your handbook - it tells you how to do it. Failing that hold in the trip button and turn off & on the ignition - that should do it.
  24. Hi normal capless type you can get them from Halfrauds. Once you remove the dashboard the bulbs are in twist out holders. It's usually one of the cnetre paitr for the Speedo lights.
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