SOmething tells me we have a Tojan on the site!! No one has denied that Ford Dealers spend thousands - usually on bonuses for technicians to rush jobs and bring in the dosh! He works at a dealers. And quite frankly, I find it insulting to suggest that because your not Ford trained you can't do the job as well as someone who is. I,m with Johnb80 on this one. Anyway as my Galaxy is basically a disguised VW I would prefer if FORD had their guys trained by VW. The stories and information on this site make it a no brainer - Ford Dealers in the main cannot be trusted - they are not skillede , not caring and ususally on ly interested in a profit. I am sure there are some honest Value for Money ones out there - We just have to find them. Lastly is it right that a dealer should advertise on this site? Jeeze