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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

stevie m

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Everything posted by stevie m

  1. I nearly forgot. Recently someone posted pictures of their galaxy on here. They had loads of goodies in it. It looked nice. Me with my bad memory can't remember who it was. Mumof4 might know, if you want info i would think that would be the person to speak to. I know he paid to have it done (or at least some of it), but it's done and he will have ideas, he seemed knowledgeable. :rolleyes Give this person a try. ;)
  2. Hi Chrissy. Hope you enjoy this site. Door handles you get replacements for
  3. Hello and welcome to the forum ;)
  4. I had problems with mine. blooming rubber paint. In the end i bought a whole set for
  5. Hello blade, Welcome to this merry forum. You will find many helpful people with vast experience here and the good thing is they are willing to help. I have found this place for you to try. They are in kent and sorry im not sure of prices, but they are worth while giving them a call. try this link. I would also try Euro parts . If your motors are the same as the sharan then they are from about
  6. I wish i had known you wanted a glowplug I know where you can save money. They are main dealer parts as there is only one maker. I don't want to depress you with how much..... Sorry i didn't know. I just read something. If your glowplug was the one with wires then main dealer only. If it hasn't got wires no problem.
  7. What about this here
  8. Shame i can't help.. Now if anyone needs help with driving forklift trucks i'm the man. It's my business !!! :rolleyes:
  9. Glowplug Here or here :rolleyes:
  10. I still don't know the cause. Nobody seems to want to help .
  11. No way....Wot was the outcome? - how did you sort out the problem of smoke coming in through the seat belt area. I'd be really grateful if you could let me know. Thanks virtually no smoke when heater sorted. Hence nothing coming in i would have thought.
  12. Hi steyve, I live down the road in cov. If you need any help i.e code reader etc..... Give me a shout ! if i can help you i will.... Welcome to this forum. You will find many helpful people on here. Including mumof4, who by the way knows more than me! (although Im i may be catching her up :rolleyes: ) Enjoy your gal. Stevie.m :ph34r:
  13. Yes this runs on fuel. This runs in from a small pipe IIRC.
  14. Again i forgot to say hello !!!!!
  15. The smoke will be caused by the glowplug. It has been covered many times here. Oil ? i don't understand tho. I hope you get a new one mate but my thought is that your plug will be replaced instead. The cost of replacement is
  16. Judging from what i have read. Some MKIII will be run in travelling to and from the dealers for repair. :wacko: Ohhhhh i'm not jelous really <_<
  17. my kids run riot in mine <_< :wacko: :lol:
  18. I have sent you a message hedge. Beyond help, as far as i am aware the glowplugs with wires are main dealer only. I will look in to it tho. <_<
  19. I think this forum is brill ! People help each other save a bit of cash by doing SOME jobs ourselves and not getting ripped off by the dealers. If i was you i would tell your dealers to join this ! Maybe they will learn something about the cars they sell too..... :wub: :lol: :D
  20. welcome jminimadman. I,m glad you are loving your 2.3 gal. I have had a gal for a few years now and the comfort and drive is great. If you get any problems (and i should say i hope you don't) then there are people here that are willing to help you solve them. I hope i can help you in the future. Stevie.m :wub:
  21. It may possibly be the time to give it the boot by the sounds of it. :wub:
  22. I would give the glowplug a try. I think you will find it's that. It takes about 1 hour to do and it easy job. Info on what you require for job is here. If you pm after me after i will tell you where to get the cheapest new type glowplug from too. :wub:
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