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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

stevie m

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Everything posted by stevie m

  1. I have just been told tonight that i am in need of a new dual mass fly wheel. I know these are expensive, can anyone point me in the right direction as to get one at a reasonable cost. I have had such a bad day and this has topped it off. Many thanks Stevie.m ;)
  2. It is happening to me too. Changed the box but not the lead and it's doing it again... :27:
  3. Pull number 12 fuse this will stop the heater for now. I had white smoke. Glowplug was at fault tho.
  4. Have you ever eaten a nice sugary jammy doughnut without once licking your fingers or lips?? :16: , its ace, teaching the kids that at the moment, :D Too really give the jaw a workout, whack em in the fridge first then stuff a load in the mush..Jaw will ache for ages :D I love em, the kids go hyper on them, so i hide em here there and everywhere in my 'ouse :16: Ooooooooooooooo jammy doughnuts ! nnnnnnice :D There should be another poll ! Oh forgot to say they are not nice on their own.... Better by the half doz ! :16:
  5. :16: I wont reply then :16: :16: Perhap thats what i'm doing wrong REPLYING :P
  6. I don't want those universal one cos they are not quite big enough. They large at halfords ?
  7. I'm no expert but look at the 1st and 3rd first if you know what i mean :16: It would be a starting point
  8. Deja vu an me :16: Sorry
  9. what voltage should the alternator be giving to the battery. I have checked it with a multimeter but i think it's low ? 13.4v. Someone told me 14.5v ish should be right ? If that's on it's way out more money i have to pay out. :wacko:
  10. Yes i have replaced it before. The problem is in the process of coming back. I wonder if that would also drain battery (stab in the dark really) Thanks mumof4
  11. I have a problem with my battery too. I find that if i leave my lights on for a very short time without the car running the battery goes flat (very short time). I have a multimeter so i looked at the voltage going to my battery and i think it seems a bit low so the battery may be not getting enough juice when the car is running. I work with batteries alot so im going to do a hydrometer check once it's fully charged. I have also found that the fuse box by the battery (the black one) is melting too so i wonder if by replacing a lead in it that that might have a connection to the problem anyone know ?
  12. You want to delete the codes ? How much is this lead ?
  13. I'm fine m8. Glad it's sorted enjoy your kebab (oh and your beer) Speak soon Stevie
  14. :rolleyes: It is auxiliary heating in the rear (not in conjuction with semi-automatic temperature control) Air flow and temperature of the rear footwell vents can be set with the 2 rotary switches in the roof on the left hand side behind the left hand front seat. Stevie.m
  15. Or perhaps i may have owned it !!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. Hi huwb, Welcome to this forum. Saif Rehman has given you good advice. It's gotta go back to the dealers. Keep everything, you may need it later. :rolleyes:
  17. Sorry i haven't got an answer for you but i would like to welcome you to this merry forum. I hope you get your answer. Stevie.m
  18. I would have thought 45-50 mph would have been more realistic ? My mkII is good on the diesel as long as i stay less than 70mph on the motorway go above and it still return ok. I'm up and down the motorway every day apart from sunday. Ok mine is only 1.9 but it has loosened up a little (162000 miles) and although that is a 2.0 it is newer, i'm surprised. :rolleyes:
  19. Don't worry i'm not that stupid. In fact i might be ? So i will make sure i don't !! :rolleyes: :lol: ;)
  20. Nice one chazy, I haven't fitted them yet. I haven't got the gal at the moment. I'm having a new concentric slave cylinder fitted.I hope i get it back soon as i'm travelling round in a second car. I hate to say this but it's a SAXO (everyone can stop laughing now).
  21. Hi chazy, Welcome to the forum. Well i hope you enjoy working on your project, and i hope this forum becomes a good form of research for you. I will look forward to reading your posts in the future and hopefully helping if i can somewhere along the line. Stevie.m
  22. Excellent mate. Now you have that free time this weekend the pubs gotta be calling you. If your misses complains i neva told you to go :rolleyes: :lol: I'm glad you have sorted it. Stevie.m Ps I have yet more work tomorrow. Oh well i will just have a couple now i reckon. I'm not going to wait !!!! ;)
  23. Sorry i just voted for them all. Cos with me they don't last long enough to taste them :rolleyes: ;)
  24. Well i hope you get an inexpensive solution. Let us know and everyone on here. Stevie.m :rolleyes:
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