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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. good trick here that i was told by my tutor..rub a smear of vaseline around the door seals and they wont freeze. (he has a thousand and one uses for vaseline on the car!) Doesnt stop the windscreen frosting over though hee hee ...got someone on that a few years back :lol:
  2. ;) Yea very useful thanks mate. So why did do think the servo took time to kick in? a little strange :lol:
  3. Cold ????? I fort you were a suvvener loike me .... as the norvenners would say " bloody nesh yow" :D
  4. Well that was a good start with this thread m8 :lol: how low can we go?
  5. No there aren't! Wibble. Pah-pah. My old man's a mushroom etc Welcome to the club newt. I reckon we could start a Galaxy club band now then .... guitarist, 2 bassists, anyone smack the skins? Enjoy your stay at the Shalaxy mental home for the seriously short of cash! :huh: Never mind the skins ...... welcome littlenewt .... :wacko:
  6. IIRC I had a similar problem with the timing on a Montego once Hank .... I ended up getting an oscilloscope from work and using a sharp pointed probe. Once I found where the o/p from the crank sensor went to, I probed the pin and turned the engine over. Should have got a nice square wave but got zilch. Might be an easier way on the Gal ..... VAG COM gents?
  7. ;) Greg you're a Star ....... lovely avatar m8 hee hee :D
  8. Loads .... my 10 year old son has taken on the task of "Galaxy Spotter" in supermarket car parks and sticks them under wipers! Handed them out to the peeps at the mids meet too so hopefully they're starting to circulate round the Midlands now! Thanks again Alex! ;) Funny old thing .... new hobbie for my kids to H :D
  9. I had Pirellis on my last car and changed to Nexen's and noticed a difference straight away I had Pirelli P6000's on my Mondeo Mk III .... never again .... bloody dangerous for oversteer in the wet and wear rate was rediculous for normal driving.
  10. Screens are a good buy!
  11. Pigging hangar pilots you mean like this:
  12. Hi Neil what you need is a Dunstall Thunderclap 4 into one ...... makes an awful racket and looks really cool ..... espiecally on a MOTOR BIKE!!!!! Since when was a Galaxy a Sports car in need of an unrestrictive exhaust? I thought the idea of an exhaust was to feed the exhaust gases away from the car?
  13. Hello Sandra_X Wecome to the Hovercraft full of eels! :P
  14. Hot and cold running toilet? :P
  15. :D Oh my God ........ more power!!!!! Well done to MO4 and Neil .... does that mean she gets an all red TDi badge and free batteries for the toys?!!!! :P
  16. You'll never afford the batteries MO4 .....
  17. I havent spent a penny on mine yet :blink: ...... (repairs or servicing that is ...... I wonder when that that will start?)
  18. well it is technical - if you consider the physics involved, we are actually looking at a broad spectrum electromagnetic wave which is being selectively absorbed ( with all the attendant considerations of quantum coupling between photons of different energies transfering said energy to random electronic oscillations) by a pigmented chemical leaving only light with a wavelength around the 600nm area to stimulate the cones on the back of the retina ....... now about the bhp .... :P And you teach Physics!?????? :P Try Travelling Wave Tube or Magnetron principles for starters .... yummee ..... then you can think about talking BHP Mr Nik!!!! we did indeed Bleeno...so when we swapping cars hun? :P :D mmmmm ..... ????? We can swap "interiors" if you like? I do like the cream.
  19. We mentioned this on Saturday didn't we MO4? ..... mine has an all silver TDi badge although it clearly states the power output being 115PS on the Log book version code. Wonder if it's been replaced at some time? This is the North American explanation http://tdiclub.com/TDIFAQ/TDiFAQ-2.html#a
  20. Matt ... to be honest if you're after good sound quality then these are not for you. Like Dyno mentioned, you can get breakthrough on other channels as the Broadcasters switch frequencies depending on where you are driving in the country. I also found that like most FM broadcasts you end up with a high frequency hiss, particularly with the volume turned up. Although probably not the ideal device for the HI FI buffs they're OK for the kids to listen to whatever over the car radio. Interesting point on the legality though Mark, so are they going to imprison everyone for using them if caught? I think not ..... perhaps a warning yes. Thanks for your comments
  21. See what you're saying mate .... are they against the law?.... (Quote on the box " .... should not be used in the UK without a broadcasting licence. Broadcasting Licences are not normally available to consumers. This product may only be operated without a licence in certain other European countries) If they were, then the retailers are not supposed to sell them and how are the regulators going to police their use? I have read previous posts regarding A/V adapters but the simplest and easiest way for those who are not as technically challenged would be to buy one of these, which was the reason I posted this thread.
  22. Post #32 onwards on this thread Jimbo .... let us know how you get on :ph34r:
  23. Sorry m8, I think you'll find they're not lifetime parts ..... changed a few myself but not on the Gal.
  24. Anyone lucky enough to have the Journey Pack 2 with the Visteon DVD and screens fitted to their headrests or want to listen to their MP3 players over the car radio might be interested in this: I dont know about you, but my kids hate having to wear headphones when watching DVD's in the car(something to do with spatial awareness). Anyway, I've just bought a handy little gadget that plugs into one of the 3.5 mm audio output outputs on the A/V box mounted in the centre console. Having researched short range FM transmitters I bought the Belkin Tunecast II for Ipod for
  25. :( MO4 .... it'll cost you! .... It comes with the Bleeno Mob ... ....... including me, but I do cook a wicked Beans on Toast :D
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