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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. i keep seeing n75 valves, intercooler pipes, relay 109, pancake valve .... havent got a clue what they do but someone might on this site Maz.....
  2. MO4 .... been looking around in the Tdi website and found this ... this hopefully will give you some good pointers as to what your problem might be: http://tdiclub.com/TDIFAQ/TDiFAQ-8.html#8) Chris
  3. Clutch will be OK cos it hasn't got one !!!!
  4. :unsure: WOMEN!!!!! ... dont expect any help on a wednesday!! :19:
  5. Dunno how to get cover off j but if the LED's are all in parallel its a good chance if several blow that the rest will blow due to LED's being current sensitive devices. It just depends if any protection is built into the lighting circuit.
  6. My Mrs is taking the kids dressed as she is ....... OW that hurt!!!!!!
  7. Found a fix for that: Select IBP Default skin bottom left of this page
  8. So you think you have 4 mothers with ...what was it called? :)
  9. Quick question .......? Sorry too slow! What was the question again?
  10. My attitude to Muslim women wearing veils ? ...... It doesn't matter ..... there are more pressing issues to worry about such as, how on earth are my children going to be able to afford to buy their own house at current prices? I'm seriously considering taking on a second mortgage for them .... I shouldn't have to do that!
  11. I remember it first time around Maz ... and it wasn't called that :blink:
  12. The 215/55R16 NRHi reinforced tyre is load rated at 97. Thanks Tim
  13. You love your Dremel don't you Nik? :D You wanna use a MANS tool ...... a 1000000W angle grinder!!!!! :lol: :lol: :D actually don't own a dremel - was bought a rotozip many years ago which eventually burnt out (before I got the angle grinder with the 230mm diamond wheel) did pick up a b&q
  14. Well..i didnt have it on just because it was cheap..it was either that or a dunlop..and i don't like dunlops and i needed the tyre changed asap.Just because it was only 49 quid i think IIRC..does not mean it is crap. :blink: Sooo...my reasons for having it were not based on price..it was necessity and the aversion i have to Dunlops. :blink: :lol: Blimey. ..... that was a read an a half ...... Good though ... The Nokians sound good but I noticed the Load rating on the size for mine was not listed or am I blind? (215/55/16)
  15. You love your Dremel don't you Nik? :blink: You wanna use a MANS tool ...... a 1000000W angle grinder!!!!!
  16. The latest feeling I get on tyres is that they're a little cold to the touch with a gritty rubbery texture. Anyone else? Maz, what's a Full run tyre? Ive got Dunlop Directionals on the front and Conti's on the back but are they full run tyres. Is it the loading you're on about?
  17. Sounds like a bit of co-channel interference Strouf. You might find that the FM regulation in Greece is not policed like it is in the UK and what you are picking up is random FM taxi broadcasts that just happen to be within the range of your receiver. Window antennas are ok but obviously not as good as a good as a single dipole.
  18. Arr ... but is that on the compression or exhaust stroke?
  19. Both the wife and I smoke .... we love a "tab" and very rarely drink. Like Maz I hate the smell left on our clothes and we have both tried giving up numerous times but it only takes one to give in to the urge, giving the other an excuse. We both want to give up but we're waiting for that, " I don't want to smoke" feeling.....mmmm guess we're just weak!
  20. Hey I'm well impressed with you lot!!!! What a bunch of honest people who's only intention is to help one another out. Like MO4's father I spent a long time in the Air Force fixing very complex aircraft systems and believe or not, I still have problems in diagnosing faults on my own car. So as far as trying to explain what the symptoms are over a forum, Maz did great! Still reckon it's the clutch though :blink: :blink: :lol: :lol:
  21. S'all right I have been mentally scarred by changing the clutch on a hillman superminx - lying on a sloping drive with melting slush running down my neck with the gearbox laid on my chest whilst trying to get some bolts back in - twice - now that must date me :angry: ;) :D A Superminx hey?........ I remember those but I was only little .... Here's one for you...... My uncle had a Sunbeam Rapier ...weren't they similar to the Hillman Minx?
  22. Sorry Nik ..... I just see the funny side to changing a clutch having done a few on Allegro's, a Sierra and other sheds..... Perhaps the moral of this story is that we shouldn't jump to conclusions by reading written symptoms from people that obviously have a wide and varied experience in fixing cars. Chris
  23. ;) Clutch ........????? :angry:
  24. ;) Might be the clutch ....... :angry:
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