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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Wheels would be a good start .... on a Ka nothing else really matters does it? ;) ;)
  2. Here's one of me driving the new Williams F1 car for next year .... caption?
  3. ;) Keep um coming please m8
  4. Welcome Strouf ..... nice looking car and kids m8. I'd see if you can a new front number plate cos looks as though the previous owner has painted the letters out!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
  5. Hello Kerry and welcome ..... mmmm .... I remember asking my Mum what a transvestite was....she said ask your dad, she knows! :ph34r: Chris
  6. Not worth the effort welding it m8 .... like TimsBamma said, a good chance that the internal structure of the rear silencer and expansion box have had it by now. Just think of the improvement in performance and economy when you have to shell out on a new exhaust. <_<
  7. Hey, they look rather smart. I think you're right about the upgrade ... Mine are having a little difficulty coping with the Maxi Thrunge Motorsnake stuff I like blasting. <_<
  8. Welcome John ..... mechanical engineer hey? Perhaps you can re-engineer the Air Con, the Boost heater and a lot of other faults that look like design flaws created by Frord? Chris
  9. Hey M8 ..... never mind the Gorm or gormless .... I've just realised from Gregers last post what a complete Gimp I am... If I remember correctly..... ;)
  10. its even got a hot and cold running toilet!!!! ;)
  11. OK sorry for gorming ... what does it stand for Gregers, or anyone if they would be so kind?
  12. ILL KILL HER.....THATS MY SOFA!!!!!!!! :o
  13. kd Sorted mine out a couple of weeks ago using a standard cd lens cleaner disc. This disc has 2 cleaning brushes on the disc where you squirt a small amount of isopropyl alchohol onto one of them. Play the disc for 5 minutes which cleans the lens. No more CD read errors or disc skipping. Hope this helps Chris
  14. I had a 6000CD unit in my Mondeo Mk 111 and was one and a half DIN, if that makes any sense. I'm pretty sure the Mk 11 Gal is double DIN, so whether its the same as the Mk 1 you'll have to ask a Mk 1 owner. Hope this helps
  15. Is that the booster heater or the aux heater???? :lol:
  16. I did 2 tours with the RAF in Germany and never once saw the germans using snow chains. They have a lovely set of alloys for the summer and a standard set of wheels with either a deep tread winter tyre or even spiked tryes for the winter months....whether they are still legal now I dont know.
  17. AAArrr .... I wondered why mine was doing that!!!! I thought it was someone in the street messing about like the old TV remote gag. I read the manual after seing this.....feeling really silly now :lol:
  18. I did have a problem wth my Mk 3 Modeo rear passenger belt where I couldn't pull it out to belt one of the kiddies up. The only way in the end was to unlatch the seat back and SLAM it shut. I assumed the shock of slamming it released the inertia bearing. I dunno if this is any use but it worked every time for me. OOOh yes... I also had a problem with the middle belt on my Gal having been pulled all the way out would not retract. Again a really good hard sharp yank released it.
  19. Seriously, does it change pitch with a speed change or a gear change? Does it stop when depressing the clutch. I had a whining gearbox on a Sierra. Found the main input shaft bearing dry and worn out. OK to change on the Sierra but I wouldn't have a clue on the Gal Good luck Chris
  20. mmmmm....Roast Lambda and bisto gravy.... :lol:
  21. A self generating water pump .... perhaps it doesn't like your wiring loom? ... I reckon its either the stalk or an earth return.
  22. Try asking the spider to get back behind the wing mirror!?
  23. I'd try it in mine but the fumes would end up making me feel hungry. Anyway my wife isn't fat, nor does she look like an old fisk cake .... but she does do wicked gravy .... I wonder if the motor would run on gravy???
  24. 2 Adults and 3 kiddies ... ok for me to Paul Chris
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