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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Hiya m8 ...... I would go for the Diesel ..... more economical and it also might be worth seeing what Gordon Brown does next week before considering either. Chris
  2. Hiya C ....welcome to the forum from me and look forward to receiving your questions ......an 07 hey? ........ might be worth editing your signature to show the car details everytime you post. Chris
  3. Paul ..... dont do what I did and try and push it through the grommet in the 11 o'clock position above the clutch pedal using a bent coat hangar. I broke the pipe off the bottom of the turbo boost solenoid. The easiest way I found was to pull it through the bonnet release cable hole by feeding a long piece of earth wire out of a twin and earth cable and then hooking the power lead onto it. Most standard connectors will be able to handle the current you're talking about here. Chris
  4. Geoff, if you're mechanically minded the lazy starter like Big D suggested is a good "starter" and you can do a lot to save yourself some money. Get it off, split it and clean the solenoid contacts and also the commutator segments.
  5. 500 Dave!? yeh ..you would have thought I would have remembered that, but mine didnt fill the black hole underneath the passenger seat full of water. Sounds to me like the water ingress problem through the bulkhead or is that another 500 lines? ........ did you get the fuse box cover off Santefe999?
  6. Geoff, the problem today with modern maintenance free batteries is that they have to be charged correctly. If not, and if the charging voltage exceeds 2.3 to 2.4 volts per cell, then this will lead to water consumption if you are using the lead acid type. Using the car to charge the battery once you have jumped it will exceed this voltage which will lead to the problems you are having. Another problem could be the build up of carbon on the starter solenoid contacts due to the low battery voltage where you are hearing the starter getting faster as the current increases. I would change the battery, have a look at the battery negative terminals and check out the pre-engage solenoid on the starter. Chris
  7. I thought exactly the same as you m8 ..... relay or fuse. Believe it or not the dipped beam filaments in the headlamp bulbs could have gone at the same time! Confused the hell out of me when it happened on my Mondeo.
  8. my mother made me do 'progress papers whrn I was a kid - full of these problems Not much progress there then Nik ......... 2/10 for spelling!!! :D
  9. Need a bit more info mate ..... does it idle ok? ..... is it misfiring under load? ....... is it backfiring? ...... Does it start normally? ....... Whats the temperature gauge reading?
  10. Welcome Phil ...... my belts due sometime this year to .... we'll have to have a competition to see who can get it done the cheapest. Look forward to your posts mate. Chris
  11. The dreaded passenger footwell syndrome? ..... mmmm .... all the problems on mine have been self-induced, otherwise dead chuffed with it. So wheres the parking sensor module and how's it getting wet?
  12. I know Santefe999 ...... nothings ever easy on these believe me and I ve only had mine for 8 months! ..... Canterbury hey? know it well from my long distant past. I lived just outside Ashford and had some very good school freinds in Faversham.
  13. :D :D Sorry ...was only a suggestion ...... :D :P
  14. Where I live we dont have MOT but i have been meaning to buy some morettes headlights. I dont know where to get any thin g for my ka though? i want a cool body kit, air filters, lexus lights, morettes headlights etc but i dont know any where to get them? Probably better off buying a decent car that will attract attention ....... :D :P :D
  15. You'll probably find someone has fitted it upside down .... I had the same problem but managed with a lot of fiddling .... try and pull the top left and right edges towards you with a fair bit of pressure. If not, try the bottom edges. Thats when I found out there should be only one way to fit it because of the keyways. There's always one who forces it on without thinking! :D
  16. Hiya Strouf .... havent heard from you for a while. Dunno about Athermic mate and tinted windscreens in this country are frowned upon by the authorities. It might be worth checking your local policy with regards to tinted winscreens. There are plenty of companies out there but I would be careful in your choice. I've heard a freind mention this site. http://www.filmshield.com/index/autotint/home/ Hope you find what you want :D Chris
  17. Sorry Cozy ..but you wont get much for 6K ...... good deposit mind you. 40 + MPG in a diesel ....... that should swing it :ph34r:
  18. T ..... shocks dont leak just like that and will fail an MOT if they are ..... did they MOT it? Anyway, still a nice car and when are you getting them AA stickers on it? :lol: :ph34r:
  19. a belated Happy Birthday from me too Baz ......... I would definately go for the Tdi ...but there again, I would also go for another Mondeo because there are some cracking deals out there at the moment with the launch of the new one in June. I saw an ST TDci the other day at around 10K, trouble is I cant get all the kids in that. What a car though! ;)
  20. Welcome to from me mate ........ this site has already saved me hundreds of pounds and my local Fraud dealer uses it to...... ;) Look forward to your posts Alan Chris
  21. Hiya Rockeeper ...have a look at this thread which will give you some pointers. There are plenty of sites you can browse that will give you some info. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...c=8008&st=0 Might be worth making sure that the caravan isnt too heavy for the car to tow. That was my first consideration when buying it so when you say that you have just bought a second hand van, I assumed you looked into this? Chris By the way ...this is a site I found really useful http://www.towsafe.co.uk/
  22. Final Update: Well after having ordered the wrong solenoid twice I finally went to the Audi dealers in Telford who ordered the correct part. Its now fitted and all is now working. Thanks again to all that replied to my thread. A little advice to myself ...... Dont assume the test kit is right in its diagnosis..... Connect the donor battery in the correct sequence when jump starting .... and finally ....... Be more careful when trying to feed wires through the bulkhead grommet with a metal coathanger! Regards Chris
  23. My Daniel pays
  24. Hey Mum..the MoD obviously know what you're like because when I tried from work this is what I got: marians_site.bmp Do they know something you dont? ;)
  25. Havent you got a trip computer that tells you? ....... READ the BOOK Gregers! ;) :D ;) Oh and neally forgot ....... my aux heater is working!!! ;) Shame the turbo isnt!!!! :16:
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