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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Its a scarab beetle on a sunbed :16:
  2. Looks good Yunus ...... my lads have just had their Rovers done and they paid a similar price to you but obviously theirs were smaller windows. I was quite impressed with the standard of work and the guy threw in a free sun visor tint. Must admit though, yours looker darker than my factory fitted tints.
  3. Smilge


    Hiya Boo Boo ...... i feel really childish saying that! Welcome from me and look forward to hearing what you've bought. Go for a Mk II if you can afford it and if you can stretch to it ...... a Ghia! ...... loadsa gadgets and look nice too.
  4. I don't even drive I bought it cause I like the look of it Hiya Musa and welcome to the forum ...... sounds like the Mrs is rubbing her hands mate ..... bet you're paying for it to? Have you driven before? Diesel or Petrol? I must admit though ..... the Mk II looks good doesnt it?
  5. Galaxy sold for an ESCORT? .............. pah! :wacko:
  6. Have a look at this matey ...this should help you out or you could always ask the guys on this site: http://vwnavi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=...ght=navi+remote
  7. Tony I reckon you have a duff sensor somewhere ..... have a look at this thread as a few have had similar problems to you. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=7894 I have noticed though looking at different cars that have reversing sensors they look very similar ..... perhaps a similar part number?
  8. Roof rails? ...... they stick out a bit ..... :rolleyes:
  9. Viper ...... Have a look on E-Bay for them as thats where most people get theirs. Also it might be worth doing checking to see if you can fit one in your motor as you havent left any details about it. I know mine had one already fitted when I bought it but you have to think about a GPS aerial, GALA connection, CAN-BUS if you're going to interface other bits with it. Have a look at this site to give you some ideas on how others have fitted it: http://vwnavi.com/forums/ Good luck mate Chris
  10. Tony ...haven't got a clue mate. Do you mean the switchlight is continually flashing? ..... do you hear any beeps? ...... can you stop the flashing by pressing the switch?
  11. Yes, but did they reset the VAG-Com relight failures when you changed it Narch?
  12. mmmmm ..what would I do? ....... Ok ......... Buy it even though there may be a possibility that the glow plug in yours is causing the problem and will cost less to change it than buying the one from the scrappy you will then have hopefully a working spare and the rate at which these things fail, it will certainly be easier to swap them over as a unit instead of having to dismantle it. Will the scrappy one work? ...... mmmm .... less risk than paying for a new unit. Thats my opinion matey. :D
  13. So whats new ? ....... a good example to set our new members? ...... from a moderator ....... tut tut ... :D
  14. Well done Maz ..... I think I would have struggled to looking at your piccies and I know where to come if mine needs sorting. Cracking job!
  15. Hai Andee ...... welcum too the forem maite ...... just up the rowd from yow! Sowns like yoo got a coil pack or spark plug probload wiv it missin .... need a few mor details but Im pritty sure someone here will give yoo a few pointors and spellin hints. Mines improoved loads sinse I cam on here! :D
  16. I think I would need to find out whether the A/C or anything else that would cost a lot to sort out was working correctly first before deciding to shell out.
  17. Hiya Bob ...... did a little research myself after a few problems with mine and basically once I've saved a bit of dosh I'd go for this: http://www.gendan.co.uk/product_VCHU.html You can have a look at http://www.ross-tech.com/ for more information. This is where most download the software and some even register it to gain full functionality. Hope this helps.
  18. Faz ...... to be honest and from my limited experience from a similar problem I had a month ago I dont think sparaying cleaner is going to solve your problem. Have a look at my thread and in particular TimSpams comments: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...0loss&st=15 I reckon VAG-Com is your first port of call which should show up your problem and hopefully point you in the right direction. I tried looking to see if you had posted the problem previously to report the symptoms but it appears you haven't. Hope this helps. Chris
  19. Well Pb is a lead acid battery matey peeps ......
  20. Sounds good to me Dave ...... I know mine are activated by selecting reverse or if I push the parking switch to on. The front are also activated at the same time and all are automatically deactivated when selecting second gear. Question: .... would you want to manually deselect them?
  21. Wibbly .... sounds to me you have a duff battery. Is it a maintenance free type one? If it is and its gone flat then you need a specialist type charger to get it back up to be able to hold its charge. I've done a bit of research on this subject and to be honest, if it is a maintenance free type, then consider yourself lucky its lasted 6 years. The Ca type are similar when it comes to charging and again, the simple current chargers we all buy from Halfords or relying on the alternator to charge them from "flat", will never do the job properly. Get yourself a new battery and check the trickle charge voltage from your alternator once it's fitted. A good voltage is +13.8V.
  22. Bet you got some little insects in there somewhere activating the ultra sonic motion sensors ..... quite common this time of year when all the beasties come out to sun bathe ..... :D
  23. Hiya peeps ...... apologise now for anyone has posted this before: How to read a Haynes manual
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