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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Thanks for that mum ...... 6006E Assa! ...... bet you the changer in the boot's cheaper than a head unit?
  2. First thing to look at mate ...... is the wiring already there for you to connect a new CD changer? If so it might be the cheaper and easier option. You could fit the Sony under your seat but you may need an adapter and the loom to connect it to the existing head unit (could be pricey). Another option would be the Ford CD Changer head unit where you feed the 6 discs into it..... someone might remind me of the model number ..... I would go the changer in the boot option if the wiring was already there. Hope this helps.
  3. Yes it was Chris ...... but just think of the implications!!! The carbon footprint of the galaxy ...... lower roadtax ........ everyone in the Galaxy will want one! :wacko:
  4. Dave if the bottle was leaking you'd see the water on the floor. Is the pump running? .... if the bottle ran dry then you can only run the pump for a few seconds before it overheats and dies. Is there an NRV in the line on the Gal that prevents the fluid from syphoning back into the bottle? If there is then this will be just after the outlet on the bottle itself and is basically a ballbearing held shut by a spring and can be cleaned out. If the bottle did run dry, then there's a good chance that all the crud in the bottom of the bottle has blocked the NRV.
  5. Nik ..... I think this topic needs pinning on the grounds of safety and if you weren't aware of it then it could be worrying when it did happen. I'm not happy about smoke entering the cabin from the Booster heater inlet if thats what caused it ...... Perhaps a little more research is called for here? What do you think?
  6. Now you're being silly ..... :wacko:
  7. Martin ....... mine has never gone up to 3/4, even climbing Dinas Middaw (a 1 in 5) where the Mondeo used to go in the red. I would give the system a good flush out making sure there are no air locks, change the thermostat, check the fan's running when its hot, check the radiator for hotspots and then the water pump to make sure the impellor hasnt become detached.
  8. Well it is all downhill to France ..... :wacko:
  9. Yea and I can get 199 mpg from mine ..... that's what my trip computer tells me when I coast downhills .....
  10. Sorry matey ....totally forgot to do it ..... will try again later.
  11. Mine have the flick and four flashes but not on self cancel .......
  12. mmmm ....... well its not going on the rear window mum ...... I'd be a little careful in doing that espiecally with all the electronic bits inside the car. Dave, have a feel of the carpets on the passenger side first to see if there are damp areas. Check to see if the pump is running and then have a look around the washer bottle to see if there are any obvious problems. Had a problem with the Non return valve in the windscreen line just after the bottle on my Mondeo. Is there a separate motor/line for the rear washer on the galaxy? Is the bottle full? Some types will allow fluid to the windscreen only once the level goes down below the rear wash outlet from the bottle.
  13. Havent a clue about the fault codes matey but 6 alternators in a year!? Are they conditioned units or the same one back after being repaired? I would suggest that yours is not up to the job? What you have to look at are the power demands (14V) for all loads for both prolonged periods (Pw1) and for brief periods (Pw2). Adding these together with a few other calcs will show you the current rating that you will need. Have you added anything that will draw more current such as a sub-woofer? Basically, you are looking at the car drawing too much current through either a short circuit across a resistance or adding equipment that requires a lot of current. I wonder how many others add electrical kit without thinking about how much current the bog standard 23/55A alternator will have to cope with?
  14. Tim ...I think you got it there matey ...... I was also wondering whether the odometer wasn't reset but your reason is more likely .....
  15. Whitty ....... I'll have a look at mine later when I get home from work ...looks similar to my Witter.
  16. Yea its good when you fix it yourself ...... by the way Frostie .... what caused the flooded footwell problem?
  17. Just check all the wheelnuts are tight first before going for the CV joint ....... seen that before ...hee hee
  18. The only real problem to watch out for is a flashing glow plug light and a flat spot around 1800 to 2000 RPM. The flat spot is a known problem and many hours have been spent trying to sort it. The flashing glow plug light was fuel contam caused by bearings in Injection pump failing and contaminating the fuel. Apparently this has now been sorted.
  19. I'd get my birthdate changed if I were you Baz ..... :ph34r: Mines "You Don
  20. Thanks Keith .... all useful info mate. My problem was the Turbo boost control solenoid (N75 valve) that I inadvertently broke one of the pipes off.
  21. Madbaz ...I get that feeling of deja vu ...... funny I thought I was going to say that ..... :( http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=10057 was just two threads down from this one matey ..hee hee
  22. You're not having much luck with this car mate! ........ had to laugh at your "IM ABSOLUTLEY FUMING NOW" ...... was that intentional? Was the smell electrical burning? ....... glad you and the family are ok but I would get everyone including yourself checked out at the docs mate as you cant be to careful breathing in PTFE fumes if it was electrical.
  23. Phillip, not that this will help you with your aftermarket sensors, I have a towbar and have never had problems with them sounding off as the factory fit ones are "intelligent" and recognise the ball as a permanent obstruction and therefore ignore it. I recollect that the distance settings can be adjusted using VAG COM. Are there settings you can adjust with yours? Quite funny when I reverse because when I get the steady tone the towbars an inch away from an obstruction ..... get some funny looks from drivers who are sat in there car and stationary ..... :(
  24. I dont think answers like that are going to help Squawkbuzz, broom broom It sounds like you have got several problems here ..... first thing I would do is to find someone near to you that has VAG COM. (Perhaps a member somewhere in the South East could oblige) This will hopefully pinpoint your problems and allow better diagnosis. By the way, if you are being forgotton by lack of answers, you can always reply to your own thread by just adding "BUMP". This will send the thread to the top of the pile where hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge of your problem than me will reply. My first impressions ..... Get the garage to re-check the belt that runs the power steering pump. Get the battery checked ..... with all the short journeys and use of wipers and lights etc perhaps its not been giving enough charge time. If the battery has been allowed to go completely flat, theres a chance its knackered. Once the cars running, then the power loss diagnosis can be done ..... there are numerous things that may cause this and then the peeps on here can start to have a look. Welcome by the way
  25. You can count me in to drive but only if you let me use me F40 ...... no seriously though, I dont have any issues with who or whatever organises it ... I want to get involved just to help the kiddies. I reckon we should stick to the gals and get Ford involved somehow.
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