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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Let me know the part number and I can supply one nearly half that price.
  2. It is far better than TIS, much more information and covers all aspects of Sharan's.
  3. Sometimes tyres can make a sound like bearing hum,dose it sound like it's from the front or back.
  4. For the sake of undoing 3 bolts I would take the scuttle tray out it makes it a much easyer job to see and do, I used a length of wire from an old exstenion lead so no more indoor swimming pool.
  5. It could be slight play in the steering rack or bottom ball joint wear, I had a slight knocking noise on my Sharan but becouse I replaced everything that could be replaced on the front end it could have been anything so a bit piontless me typing this reply. :lol:
  6. Some would say you need a press to push the old bearings in and out but I used a club hammer. Basicly when you have the hub off you remove the circlip then hit the other side of the bearing being careful not to damage the hub then use the old bearing to tap the new one in, again be careful to keep the old bearing square with the new one so as not to damage it. Another way is to take the hub off strip it down then take it to a garage and ask them to press in the new ones.
  7. The wheel bearing are non ajustable,if they are noisy the chances are they need replacing, To do the job you will need to remove the hub from the strut,it is not a big job but can be a pain to remove and replace the bearings,I did mine about 8 weeks ago and it took me a day to replace all the bearings but I did replace everything else with new,drop links, disc's & pads lower ball joints etc.
  8. I find the rear electric windows a pain, if I leave my dog in the car I like to leave a window open but as soon as I lock the car the bloody things close unless I am realy quick with the key, plus the fact I have to lock twice to disarm the sensors so the dog dos'nt set the alarm off.When I press and hold the unlock button or use the key in the door I don't think the quarters open just the 4 doors and sun roof.
  9. A little grease goes a long way when you think on how fast the drive shafts spin and there could have been a lot of grease left in the CV, the only proper way to check them is to remove the CV joint from the shaft and wash and inspect. Having said that they should at least remove all the old grease and wash them out before fitting new boots just in case there is any grit in them.
  10. The only difference between the licenced and un licenced version is the un licenced one will not auto scan the fault codes you have to go through them one by one.plus I think the un liceneced version dose not let you bring the graph up. Basicly the un licenced version is a bit more long winded.
  11. I got the who window mech from a scrap yard for
  12. The software is free ;) you just down load is from Ross Tech's website
  13. I have an abs ring kicking about somewhere, I took it off a nackered CV after reading the same thing about a corrosion problem in a post a few months ago.
  14. You need to remove a few pipes and the coil pack on the side of the head so you can get to it, it is located on the right hand side of the engine just above the gearbox,my advice to you is to buy a new rubber gasket as well as the one that come with a new stat as you have to take the whole thermostat housing off becouse the the themostat is on the underside of the unit and cannot be taken off by itself as you can't get at the bolts,there is also a rubber seal on the pipe that runs along the front of the engine you may as well get a new seal for that as well. It is quite an easy job to do but can be a bit fiddly.
  15. I would say your best bet would be use a motor factor as there is very little they would'nt stock.
  16. Most helpful kind sir :lol:
  17. I can't even find the abs sensor,or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place. :lol:
  18. Elsa win is the dogs mutts, I got the program from here (a very nice forum member)and it has helped me out many times,I also have Etka but I don't think its the full version as I wanted to get the part number for the abs leads and could'nt find them within the program.
  19. I got my lead from this guy and it works with all Ross Tech versions except the latest version 5. something.
  20. It's a 96 on a P , it is a sharan but I need the Galaxy part No.
  21. Dose anybody know what the part number for a Shalaxy rear ABS sensor is If so could you tell me what it is please. :unsure: .
  22. Once you have your prices post them up as I know they can be beaten. :D
  23. took the big air pipe off today and it had had a small split that I had tapped up and the little split had become a big big split so air was going directly into the throttle body,I had a new pipe on order and it came today so fitted it and it seems to have solved my problem,I won't know until VC tests it.
  24. I had put VC on it and it showed a problem so took it off to give it a clean and the vains inside were nackered when I touched one with a cotton bud it fell off :huh: I will have another look as soon as I reinstall VC on my new laptop,I just don't know enough about what VC can do and what it can't which is why I asked the question :rolleyes: .
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