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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Justice

  1. The simple way is to take off the scuttle tray that sits under the wiper motor , it is held on with 3 bolts 1 either side and one in the middle.And while it's off it make cleaning the drain bungs easy to.
  2. I got mine from here http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/USB-KKL-Vag...1QQcmdZViewItem quick delivery and fair price but none of the lastest cars will work with these you would need to but a registered version, a cheaper place to buy a proper lead is from here http://www.skpang.co.uk/catalog/product_in...2a825649dd92fa0 I was thinking about buying one of these myself so I can use the latest software.
  3. Take a look under the pasenger seat at the module make sure it is not wet and that the conections are tight,When I first got my Sharan I unlocked it and all the window went haywire and after a lot of checking I traced it back to this module, I took all the conections off and undone the a bolt with an earth lead on it cleaned everything and wiggled all the conections when refitting and my problem was solved. You got nothing to lose give it a try. :lol:
  4. I use Audi locking bolts and they are almost bomb proof.
  5. It is a right royal pain in the butt to tint them properly, I sugest going to a tinting firm and get the job done right first time, Do a search on window tinting it has been covered many times.
  6. The serial number is always on the white sticker on the radio casing give that to ford and they will give you the code if you are lucky they will not charge you,another way of doing it is to ask the former keeper if they have the code(I've done that one myself) I did'nt know T.i.s would give you your code. The radio fuse is the same for int lights No 21 2nd one in from the right.
  7. Not bad visit rate,mind you it is quite easy to find when using Google. I use to get 3000 visits a month on my Karaoke site and then one day Google rang me at home asking if I wanted to pay to become top listed,I told them no because I am already top when anyone typed in anything to do with Karaoke, 3 weeks later when using Google I was no even on the first 6 pages (arseholes) must have put a block on me. :blink: .
  8. I am sure I have an ABS ring in good condition,I took it off for another member on this forum but it turned out they replaced the whole unit.I will have a look today.
  9. Other drivers. :lol:
  10. I agree with that,my rear ABS was faulty and when I replaced the sensor I drove 50ft down the road and it turned itself off.
  11. When I had a fault with one of my sensors both the ABS light and the brake light were lit so thats quite normal. If the sensor is very dirty it could interfere with the signal and when the wheels are turning quickly it loses contact hence the light comes on.You could jack the car up and use axel stands to suport start it up and drive the wheels if it comes on then it is the front at fault , if not then the back,the other way is to take it to your local garage and ask them to put it on the rolling road that should give you the wheel at fault.
  12. I can not understand why people feel they need to put a fake email address and also fail to put car type location and stuff like that.
  13. Go for it Matt :P
  14. I agree that VR6 knew his stuff but I can't see blameing MO4 has anything to do with it,as I said earlyer tounge in cheek about the amount of posts MO4 has made (how many :P ), but in all honesty she is just enjoying her time on the forum. I don't feel you need to know anything about cars to be a modder of the forum all you need is knowledge of what is right or wrong.plus the fact the original problems that made Gteuk show his face had nothing to do with her. I don't care who mods the forum at the end of the day if I am not happy I'll leave.
  15. To be honest I thought it was you and then you posted so that pi**ed on that thought :P . At the end of the day is was'nt me so that's all that matters :P .
  16. quote "more to the point as a nosey sod who has been suspended " I was thinking the same thing. :P I also agree that the site has sorted itself out in the past and do we realy need members who are active in all aspects of the site to also be moderators,only time will tell.Past problems on other froums and taught me there is more to life than being popular.
  17. If you had a broken wire then I would have thought the light would saty on all the time, are you sure it was'nt a brake pad warning light, If the light is comming on when you reach 15mph it dose sound like one of the wheel sensors is at fault and the abs sensor is not reading as it should, the only way to be certain is to vag com it.
  18. I'll give her my vote even if most of her posts are about nothing :P .
  19. Problem with any forum is not everyone will get along so I do see the need for some sort of all seeing eye to watch over it. Mainly for post's that are inappropriate because of rudeness and slagging off another members coments, but only in extreme circumstances. A bit of banter is fun but as we know from the past it can be taken to far and then it gets peronal. Good luck to those offering their services to help moderate this forum it's not an easy task and one that should not be taken lightly. ;) .
  20. Imagine T.I.S as a pocket guide well Elsa Win is an encyclopedia. You can get it off Ebay anywhere from
  21. Not very good working conditions, you could always go over there to help them trim thier bushes. :o
  22. That is quality and very informative :D
  23. The Car yard in Warmley have a Mk1 Galaxy they are breaking.
  24. The chances of you getting nicked for using red is very very slim but ! there is a chance, you have to weigh up is it worth loosing your car (at worst) for the sake of saving money. Myself I would'nt take the risk , plus the fact my VR6 don't like diesel <_< .
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