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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I had a knock on mine when the auto box changed from 1st to second I renewed this part and it stopped. They cost about
  2. Try slacking each injectors fuel line in turn until fuel runs out.
  3. Ian Kingswood bristol 96 VR6 Sharan 1 year Yep but an oil burner
  4. The only way to tell is to have the head off and get it tested,at a guess I would say it is the head gasket blowing between a water and oil hole but the only way to tell for sure is to take the head off.
  5. There are 2 types of Vag com lead the cheap ones on ebay which let you use the early software but you have limits to what you can do (still good enough for most jobs) but these leads are no good for new cars, or you can buy the real deal which will do all cars and no limitations but this lead will cost you between
  6. You can buy an after market kit to make it remote, I have a 96 Sharan that has locking and global but only on the key,I brought a kit for
  7. Or it could be that your battery is draining a bit and the alt has to work harder to put the charge back in,that is why you hear more alternator squeel over the winter months because people use the light more so draining the battery.
  8. Not because mine is silver but I think silver hides any imperfections very well and set off with alloy wheels looks good. If I could have mine in any colour I would like MG electric blue (awesome colour )
  9. Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh? We know your heart's in the right place
  10. under normal conditions ie everyday use 20 mpg if you have a heavey foot about 15 mpg.If you are getting 30 mpg then you must get overtaken by cyclist's a lot :blink:
  11. Whoops ! forgot about that :blink: mines a flip front so I don't have a code.
  12. It is quite a simple job to take it off and put some copper ease or grease on the bendix mechanism about 45 mins and if you are selling it you don't want to spend more than you have to. I don't how apt you are with a box of tools but the main thing to remember is to disconnect the battery. to do the job you will need to Disconnect the battery Take off the under tray Make sure you have a long 3/8th extension bar Don't use loads of grease as it will spin out and contaminate the clutch plate,use just enough to grease the mechanism.
  13. The quickest way to know for sure is to turn the steering hard lock left hand down then look on the drivers side and you would be able to see the abs sensor wire ( not to be confused with the brake warning wire which will come from the brake caliper)
  14. My carpets in the back are stilll very clean, my daughter uses the seats to clean her shoes off as she's getting in :angry: .
  15. I have just gone out to my VR6 Sharan and started it with the AC on and only the left hand fan comes on (standing at the front looking down) I unpluged the conector and conected it to the right hand fan and it worked as normal. I would check yours this way as the last thing you want to do is buy a new fan if it's not needed.
  16. I have a new set of front struts and lower wishbones sta in my PC room waiting for me to fit them, when I asked on a Vr6 forum I'm a member off some one had the good sujestion of using a windy gun on the top nut. As for the lower joints I had them all off late last year when I put new bearings and CV joints on.
  17. Could be the oil pump :lol: or big ends on the way out.
  18. I have a linksys system and my Dell M70 has wireless and no one could hack into my laptop. Mainly because I can't get the bloody thing to work.The laptop see's the router but asks for some sort of ID I typed in some password my mate told me to, it the say it is connected and all it dose then is puts a message up saying trying to get ip address. I tried loads of things to get it to work but it's all packed away in the box :D .
  19. After a lot of searching I found him, his Ebay id is draco2700 if you go into advance search then search by seller you could ask him if he has any left,I must admit it has been a while since I have seen him selling the springs but he was listing a new set every 4 or 5 days and sometimes they were only selling for
  20. I had a nice blonde in mine. :angry:
  21. The is a guy in Trowbridge who sells on Ebay and had lots of front spring sets and was selling them for under a tenner a pair.
  22. You do get a new bolt in the kit.
  23. One point to add, Make sure that you have plenty of fuel in the car or the light will come on lol!! :D
  24. Lots of people disconect the ABS light when there is a fault either by removing the bulb or cutting the wire,more so if they want to sell the car and the first time you are aware is MOT time ,as said before it could be a loose conection or bulb blown. I know this is not the right thing to do but you can use the power from the low fuel warning as that comes on then gose off in the same way as the ABS (I did this on my Transit van)to get it through the MOT after the mot you can sort it out properly.
  25. I agree with the last coment, on older cars pushing the piston back was sort of ok to do but on a modern car you can do all sorts of damage trying to force fluid back upto the resevoir.
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