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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Justice

  1. When it happens again try getting out locking then unlocking the car through the lock not remote then try again, someone I know had this problem and it turned out to be that when he unlocked the car it never deactivated the immobiliser,
  2. As we know Vag com will not read a lot of the 2.3 galaxy so which is the best program or tool to use in Diagnosing and fixing , obviousley within a realistic price bracket. I have search a lot on Ebay, talk to my car etc etc but everything seems a bit vague so help on this would be a help Thanks.
  3. Any chance of a link Mirez I can't find it,
  4. I did a test today and I was wrong about the air con, well not wrong as there is a fault but not the reason for the engine light as that showed up as throttle cable position incorrect.
  5. It looks like I will have to do a test again then as I was sure it was the A/C, I did do a test using a ford diagnostic tool and wrote down the codes but for the life of me can not find it. and now I only have Vagcom which as mentioned will not find a fault. Thanks for your input
  6. Drives great new MOT this week taxed, a couple of minor scratches and small shopping trolley dink 7 seats front are captain seats, engine management light on open to sensible offers full service history up to 2008 including original bill of sale 116000 mls
  7. My original post said I knew it was an air con fault to which I am not prepared to spend money on to get fixed so if I reset it (which I have before) it will just come on a day or so later, Also just because you disconnect a bulb does not mean that the system fails to operate it just means that I would not know of the fault until it failed completely , there are many cars that were made in 2000 the same year as mine that did not have engine management lights fitted I wonder if those people should drive them. at the end of the day it an old banger that gets me to and from work. Thanks for the guys who helped and :D to the ones who didn't. Just a thought the deisel don't use this light
  8. That's the jobbie Thanks Chris,
  9. Still no answer to my original question then, does anyone know the best way to take the dials out thanks.
  10. Your right it is a 2.3 and yes it is Petrol. How do I get the unit out Thanks.
  11. I did do a search but could not find anything on removing the dials on a Mk11, The story is my engine management light is on and getting on my nerves I put Vagcom on and other than a problem with the air con there are no issues, anyway I thought I would just take the bulb out on the dash but unlike the Mk1 there are no screws on the outer rim to undo and little short of taking the whole damn dash apart I dont know how to get at the dials. Any help would be great Cheers.
  12. Made I laugh :huh:
  13. I must admit I miss my Sharan
  14. I went out today and on the way home I noticed that it was not changing through the gears as it should the wife said to me that it may be just a turn the engine off then restart clitch, anyway we were on a hill waiting for the traffic lights to change so I turned the ignition off and to my utter disbelief the sodding thing wouldn't start turn over or anything so on went the hazards, I had recovery with direct line for 12 years and never called them out so stopped it 2 months ago (typical) it was as if the inhibitor switch was not working, also I could switch on the ignition and not have to put my foot on the brake to change the gear selector also the dash lights that tell me what gear I am in wasn't working there was just a blank section where it should be, After half an hour I got the wife to ring for a taxi to take her and the 3 kids home whilst I stayed and tried to work out the problem (
  15. I'm sure Vag Com would do the job but not the engine and that can be brought for just a few
  16. Hi all long time no speak, I have gone back to a Gal and brought a 2.3 X reg but it not got electric windows in the rear has anybody done this conversion and apart from the obvious door cards is all the wiring there and is it just a matter of getting the motors and replacing the wind up ones. Thanks.
  17. It does everything but the engine which is not much cop because thats what you want mainly want a dianostic for.
  18. Agree it looks like a multichanger plug As for the code pm me
  19. I have Vag-Com and a 2.3 gal and as mentioned the engine is not VW so will not give you fault codes, I have had the engine light come on done a full test and reset the faults by clearing the fault list in Vag com and after a long drive the light goes out btw if yours is an 02 then the socket is under the steering wheel, there are other programs that will work but are many more
  20. No good because his is pre 2003 :D
  21. Has anyone got the Ford ELM software if so what can it do compared with Vag com, is it easy to use and more important will it read all the stuff on a 2000 2.3 Galaxy mainly the engine, For some reason I am getting realy poor fuel comsumption and the engine light was on (now gone off after a week or two) any help would be great thanks. Gendan do the elm kit for
  22. 16795/P0411/001041 - Secondary Air Injection System: Incorrect Flow Detected Possible Solutions Check Fuel Pump Relay (J17) Check Hoses/Pipes to/between Components Check Secondary Air Injection Pump (V101) Check Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay (J299) Check Secondary Air Injection Solenoid Valve (N112)
  23. Welcome to the forum Simon :unsure:.
  24. I think the Mk1 is under the ashtray , on my Mk2 it is below the fuse box on the drivers side
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