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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by cyborg

  1. Hi Ron, Sounds like coils on there way out . The bang was probably a missfire,the sluggish behavoiur 1,2 & 3 is where you're not firing on all cylinders on highgears the problems is less noticable the cold & damp has probably exposed the problem.To check use a spare spark and pull each lead/pack connect to spark plug and see if you have spark as a quick way off checking also looks fo cracks in packs.
  2. The inside of lock is brass M... so try a hair dryer then when done wd40
  3. hi there, If you've replaced coils plugs etc, Then its likley before you changed those bits that the unburnt fuel cleaned off oil resadue from combustion chamber.Which in turn has killed the cat . Had a 2.3 in summer which failed its emissions, I was in a rush so replaced cat and lamda sensor made a massive diffence to power.When I inspected the cat it was choked and a wonder the car ran at all .However In saying all that I would change the Lambda sensor first then let it tickover for 1/2 hour then go test it.
  4. Glad to hear all is well & one less hazzard on road :wacko: .
  5. Hi there, Sounds like your gearbox is low on oil or needs flush and some new oil. Some Galaxy's are fitted type 5-Speed Manual Transaxle - VXT75 later models MTX75 depending on variant to find more information go to http://www.etis.ford.com/vehicleRegSelector.do
  6. Over torqued an old seirra cvh engine once lasted forever ,anything worth a try this side of christmas good luck .
  7. Ah mumof4 aka maz hello, hope you used your own buying rules :16: Run ragged,mix of tyres,diff key for every lock & more holes than a flashers trousers. Welcome back :o
  8. The answer is none of above :16: what it is most likley thin oil in cylinder head / rocker cover seaping through worn valve grommets into combustion chamber over night burning off on start hence blue smoke nothing to worry about just watch oil if you start using alot the grommets are penies to change just akward cams off cam belt etc.
  9. Hi there dbc. Try some wynn's head gasget sealent first ,might be the best tener you've ever spent. A breaker friend of mine reckons the 2.3 suffers from hairline cracks in head and steers clear of them. so factor a replacement head if it is.Anyway Can you describe in detail the problem your having exactly as its not always the head gasget with galaxy's there is a lot of other variables that the team on here can suggest..
  10. hi there,try taking off drivers seat and observe how it works.
  11. Update, bad news I'm afraid. The plate had a rust hole in it so probably the leaking of oil has been going on for some time. A temporary fix was done to see if an oil refill would correct the problem but it has not made any difference, so the Gal is next to useless. I will probably take other posters advice on here and break for spares although it has crossed my mind to get another same model Galaxy that is road worthy and use other for spares and sell the spares that are left, but I may stear clear of autos. Thanks again for the advice everyone. Feel for you, dammed shame that . clutching straws ..wonder if they had engine running and checked oil then basic i know but sometimes overlooked.
  12. Hi there , Sounds like keys have taken a knock and the pats chip inside key is no more . On paper you could get another chip and reprogramme to lock using vag but iirc you need a master code plus time+hassle etc... It's got to be easier and i would Try taking your duff key and working key to a locksmith and see if they will replace chip and clone even working key if it means a new key can't see them charging more than
  13. Yours is The mk1 galaxy vr6 AAA is a 12 valve head develops around 174 bhp which has one coil 6 prongs situated inbetween engine and battery.Vagcom doesn't show coil faults how you tell is when you can go less than 70 and get 14 miles per gallon. V6mikey has mk2 galaxy vr6 AYL is a 24 valve head develops around 204 bhp which has six individual pencil coil's situated on top of each cylinder .Vagcom does show coil faults on the model.so does annoyingly the engine light on dash. Yours is popular with tuners, turbo's race ht leads iridiam plugs ^^ ahh those were days .spent forever dreaming about putting turbo on. Doesn't matter now as have Expolice pursuit Galaxy mk2 Rs(badge on clocks :unsure: ) monster tuned somewhere in nottingham.Huge rear shocks ,massive disc's and god know's what done to engine.oops going of topic the mk1 however I did prefer the seats far more comfortable than mk2 .
  14. Hi welcome Alex , haynes cover body, electrics but not engine.Recommed you buy VAGCOM and connect car to laptop! for fault diagnosis. The engine is a VW VR6 cam chian same as what's in gti's its a solid lump surpisingly economic very powerful. sometimes prone to coil pack ht lead failure water pump also other than that its superb enjoy.
  15. Hi there , Try removing the scuttle tray (plastic cover above engine about 1 metre in length ) clear all debris leaves and stuff if this area's blocked water flows through air filter into car .if you have an aircompresser blast it all away if not its marigold's time. Then remove the front wheel plastic covers (rear ones )and remove stodge. This Translated german web page covers most of it . http://translate.goo...2Fnode%2F253143 Good luck
  16. My money would have been on master cylinder also. I can only think it could be contamination in fluid or a assist return spring failure on pedal.
  17. Hi there please check ot this link in faq section http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=8810&st=0&p=68423entry68423
  18. Hi vinny, Sounds like you have duff coil/split ht lead, showing itself when coil's warm up look for wet spark plugs as an indicator of which coil has had it.of course it may even be a spark plug.
  19. Hi, Just started having the problem of all windows opening with a judder after turning the ignition off on my 1997 Galaxy 2.8 V6 Auto 4x4 Can this be fixed by cleaning and water proofing the micro switch or do i need a new part fitting? Thanks for any advice. Regards....Andy Thats right each door frame has a microswitch with a rubber seal about size of 2 pence piece. oftain on early models the rubber is lost and the switch exposed eventually falling arpart and confusing central locking causing windows to have ghost mode. try clean or replacing they don't cost the earth.
  20. Hi looney toon, Welcome to the forum,Please detail car model year petrol, Diesel litre etc might be worth adding to signature. Does car start for a few secounds and cut out ? Have you dropped keys and lost chip? Have you tried spare keys? Try looking at relays 30 /27 (plenty of information on here about that problem best respond with car type to piont you in right direction. Any odd sound or rattles proir to problem? please let us all know how you get on.
  21. I saw this on volksworld forum (credit king rat) http://pistonheads.com/gassing/topic...Plato...&mid=0
  22. Feel for you spending that much on mk1 and having problems Do you have 7 day's to take back.. ? to Auctioneer ?But saying that i bet lt must look good if it does then the odds are the Autobox is reason it was at auction as they can be expensive to sort , at least there's a tangable fault your lucky that way. You could have done very well and it may be a case of happy days:) looking from a pint half full perspective.Good luck.
  23. Didn't go outside today as have cold hopefully better tomorrow.will take piccy's then. In answer to 2nd question Dash out 45 mins,There are 2 very awkward screws hold plastic brackets on back of dash ,access then under wipers above metal leading to scuttle tray.On dash's at scrappys have not bothered to undo just a hearty yank from facier. oh remember to unplug speaker's and heat sensor I always forget one lol. heater element. There's a tubular double barrow piece of plastic that goes from heater matrix through to the engine bay which is held on by torx screws.Make sure you have a spare one if possible it saves alot of time if you cut it. Also the engine bay to heater pipes are prone to rotting so recommend have spares also you wiil need to have vagcom if you have a passenger airbag.
  24. Hi there are two connectors, I have a dash out on a gal at mo as changing a heater so will take photo of wires and where they go tomorrow.
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