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Everything posted by cyborg

  1. Hi seem to remember that the gearbox is an ag5 also known as 01v on mk2 and ag4 on mk1 . Heres the I depth book on it http://avtopedia.ru/akpp/audi_o1v_o1vl.pdf.
  2. Hi seem to remember that the gearbox is an ag5 also known as 01v on mk2 and ag4 on mk1 . Heres the I depth book on it http://avtopedia.ru/akpp/audi_o1v_o1vl.pdf.
  3. Check FAQ number 74 in help section
  4. Hi, Take your rocker cover off ,Then check your tappet's by pressing on them they should move down a couple of millimetres if one doesn't its likely that is causing you problem. if they all move then it's possible you have a worn cam.
  5. Hi, Check your large air intake and turbo pipes for air leaks as they also can cause boost problems.Then trace the black and green wire on MaF to the Ecu when they made the loom they twirled them together for some reason and they chaff and short ..
  6. Hi, May not be oil from block.. Your oil cooler may cause this problem or you may have a soot leak from egr cooler rarer but does happen. If car is bubbling in coolent bottle then it is more than likely head you could check head bolts in the old days we used to check head after rebuild etc's we don't seem to do that now..... Try head bolts torq should be around 110nm from personal exp or try another 45 deg.
  7. Check the metal short support beams near which hold the dash for pats module . Your correct the Tcm/Ecm is in engine bay on mk2 http://i.ebayimg.com/t/VW-SHARAN-SEAT-ALHAMBRA-GALAXY-2003-IMMOBILISER-CONTROL-UNIT-ECU-7M0957084B-/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/cVMAAMXQlUNRSvbg/$T2eC16FHJG!E9nm3pv9EBRSvbgejjw~~60_12.JPG
  8. This a 2.0 ecu but the principles the same http://www.qonago-corporation.com/foto/pardavinejami/Paneveziecio%20dalys/DSCF6606%20%28800x600%29.jpg This is the pats module location under ecu http://www.qonago-corporation.com/foto/pardavinejami/Paneveziecio%20dalys/DSCF6610%20%28800x600%29.jpg yours will look like this http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/tg8AAOxy7q1RXgth/$T2eC16dHJGIE9nnWrckQBR(gtgzWz!~~60_12.JPG
  9. Hi the pats module is under the ecu has white wires going into it .There a pig to get to !! The pats are coded to ecu . swap them and all will be well.
  10. A Faulty mass air sensor can also replecate the fault. Try disconnecting,the car will run in default mode until you replace.
  11. Hi Joe Senior, Welcome to the forums When the handbrake light is on usually means low brake fulid If the abs light is on as well handbrake means you have more than one sensor failed sometimes caused by a mechinal brake disc/pad failure.
  12. Try replacing the fuel filter & perhaps a coil pack .
  13. http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6973/dsc02112ld1.jpg This is not a galaxy ! but gives you the idea of selecting another power source using the correct fuse and bypassing original terminal wire.
  14. As acecard says, However if your still stuck It is possible to drill mounting bolts from under neath. when you drill them out have the drill on a slow setting and shapern the drill bit like a pencil .
  15. hi I suspect the boad has failed on some way and you don't have power to the indicator fuse so splice a wire to get power to the fuse and all will be well .
  16. Always worth having vagcom ,In the mean time its worth checking underneath to see if any pipes have come detached from the turbo.
  17. Check your earth straps also wires in tailgate & doors
  18. Wynn's had to chuckle :) reminded me of this old advert. Check all your rubber pipes for leaks Then check the elbow on the driver's side intake piping they crack with age will need to be on ramp to check this .
  19. If its petrol its probably a coil pack on its was out.
  20. Hi, had a few cars where airbag light is on the battery light shows in smypathy :blink:. Otherwise check leads/voltage from alt to starter to battery fuse box .
  21. Three critical items for ignition that get battery voltage when the key is on: - the Camshaft Position Sensor, switched by the ECM - the Coil, switched by the key - the ECM, switched by the key and though the ECM relay “30” check all grounds ,they should be less than 1.5 ohm resistance What is supposed to happen: - When you turn on the ignition, the coil gets 12v though the key, the ECM gets 12v through the Ignition relay ‘30’, and the Crank Position Sensor gets 12v through the ECM. - As the engine turns over, the CPS sends a 12v pulse to the ECM. - The ECM takes this information, modifies it based on input from other sensors, and switches 12v to ground from the coil pack. Timing of this grounding is the ignition timing. - You should hear the fuel pump run briefly when you turn on the ignition (after it has been off for at least a couple minutes). - Check for spark at the spark plugs. So Start with relay 30,The coil ,Crank sensor
  22. Please ensure you have also checked for airleaks around maf and clean the throttle body
  23. Have a look at your coil pack,the sensors may be a red herring . If you disconnect the lamda and maf car will run on default settings .
  24. The reason the coils are filling with water is.. You need to adjust the bonnet so it sits further back and makes a water tight seal :)
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