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Everything posted by cyborg

  1. Fuse might be wrong amp for lights check Fuse31 is 15A or wires broke in tail gate rubber shorting fogs or rear blown bulbs.. .
  2. Erm thanks :rolleyes: ,but it's a team effort years of reading this forum and skipping posts on Aux heater :P so ithink its a thank you to the team well done all :46:
  3. jay have a play and see if you can adjust the track rods first, i think it will help you make you mind up to under take job . If there seized its oxy torch to heat up then unscrew..... Redneck balljoint splitter is a 2.5 lb lump hammer not the commen house hammer <_<
  4. There's a fluid sensor built into the yellow cap of your brake fluid container above servo so leaking system be it clutch or brake is detected by low fluid.
  5. Hi Hassan welcome to the forum, Resetting the service light open close bonnet then hold mile reset then put in key turn on ignition for a few secounds usually works .As for very poor fuel the list is endless ... Are there any unusal sounds ? Does car go over 70 ? Any loose wires under bonnet ? Have you checked you oil ?
  6. Informing Vosa ! What your joking right ! surley he shot a dawn after being pulled by rope attached to said car...... :) no seroiusly please, the man's offered to "replace the ball joint FOC for the error" were only human and thankfully not robots .I would be happy with that he could have just said "It was ok when he checked" your case end of .I don't think there's a conspiracy going on by any means and no I don't work in a garage and am not a copper. I do see your point perhaps next time you buy you could have a independant check done .
  7. Try giving relay 109 a new coat of soilder i think thats what your looking for. however my moneys on Battery as you gave wires a check.you could try a jump if it a manual box. good luck
  8. Hi dix , Welcome to forum Please be aware that your asking questions in the technical section which would be better placed in 'general questions about my galaxy' part of forum easy mistake try using the search bar as there 89 topics on software and 132 results on manual:blink:a lot but please have a look before multiple posts
  9. Try looking for 'Engine mount bracket'
  10. Was giving the shed a tidy this afternoon and took a couple of snaps of a wishbone so you know what to look for this one still has rubber attached most of the time you end up with metal cylinder complety detached causing clunking sound's http://lh5.ggpht.com/_PdOMpb38CEw/TTxpFyFxuAI/AAAAAAAAASM/bbXw50jcayQ/S8000450.JPG removed getting ready to replace http://lh5.ggpht.com/_PdOMpb38CEw/TTxpGuISEdI/AAAAAAAAASU/FLi6aAPEfMY/S8000452.JPG
  11. Hi there jayton, Something to check for your front control arm Wishbone trailing arm bush rubber failure.It will cause same clunk as the rubber has come away from metal spindle If the steering is off centre that would be a pointer.As they take 2.5 ton of stress the bushs are only 6 pound each they can be hacksawed out and tapped in with large socket and hammer.
  12. I'am going to sound like a defunked primeminister and say " I agree with sparky Paul and zorgman ". If you were saying clutch slips gearbox crunch's and engine spurts out white smoke then black using more oiI than petrol then I would say get rid . To be honest the things you have listed as problems are very very minor . And your inexperance may have lead you to overdiagnose to dramatic effect .It is very common for droplinks or wishbone rubbers to go there peanuts the air bag light isnt an mot fail again easy fix . I can see the finace thing is a bit of a trap but stick it out ,feel for you bin there, grass isn't always greener.So put away white flag.Do do some research loads of info in facts section who knows you may contribute to other's who have problems or take the easy finance option but you will always be the banks Bitch and the circle continues :) .
  13. no clicks just a buzzing sound from the dash can still mean the flat battery its at a very very flat stage check that first . Then check for a blown fuse or duff relay.
  14. Hi carl welcome to forum, If all you hear is clicks its your battery not having enough juice, a faulty key immobiliser allows engine to turn for 3-5 secounds. There's been a lot of frost draining battery's its the season for it.Try jump starting or borrow a battery.
  15. Always ment to add to that post check these relays 167 fuel pump ,109 Ecu supply You can test the crank sensor with vagcom or voltmeter Yes it is possible to get a spark but not all clyinders.on a 4 cylinder its 1+4 not sparking
  16. I take it you've tried another battery or jumpstart here's somthing else to try http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=8810&st=0&p=68423entry68423
  17. did you check your fuses no4 ,13 ,14 ,26 32 and have you tried spare key .
  18. Hi dopey, Welcome to the forum ,sounds like you need to click on this topic pgdn its all there let us know how you get on. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=5194
  19. Oil sounds like a red herring. sounds like a starter relay is doing last waltz.
  20. cheers and amen to that :rolleyes:thank you :)
  21. Check you out Tooting your own Horn . Oh its my birthday today site didn't pick that up!
  22. The only change i would do Is get all the diesel posts that are titled aux heater and send them to Iran Nuclear plant guarented to crash there systems with drivel. Oh Mirez I own fwck all :unsure:
  23. Hi there, Most likely I think you have blocked scuttle drains mind you the sunroof also good for letting water in if you have one ! for now check the scuttle. Open bonnet use 10mm socket and remove 3 bolts holding scuttle cover its a bit tight but gently move the coolent header tank forward and it will come out. now behind the wiper arms you will see the metal fabric of car like a shelf this area gets leaves mud road grit etc stuck in it .Causing water to rise and find its way into car through air filter and varoius other holes so clear it all lots of stoge mud n' crap. On the left and right of shelf area you have drains that lead behind wheel arches these get bloked in time its a common fault. so undo each and clear away grime use a air hose and blow from scuttle drain area or some use a piece of wire to clear. Once you have cleared the area's you will want to clear swimming pools bear in mind the water will have got under front seats so 13mm socket 4 bolts all out ,have a stack of towels at ready you will need to pull back carpet under which is a brown poly, under that is carpet wadding sound proofing this will need to be cut out so stanley away this must be done as lots of electric wiring trunk under plastic door frame cover.have some news paper to hand helps dry out carpet. That should sort it
  24. I put 18" on a gal once ,whilst handling improved it turned it into a bumpy ride.In retrospec given the same option I would not have waisted the money. Am not sure you should mess will wheels if you have ABS or ESP traction control, As all originals calculation's are done on a set or tyre and wheel combination.maybe it is a safe thing to do maybe someone who understands the dynamics could explian.
  25. Hi there currently fixing a petrol mk1 vr6 gal with no heat at all and wondered if anyone's got a photo, drawing, picture or doodle will do on how the pipe work goes. Repleaced the dash heater matrix then went to sort pipework as some bits are missing ! Unable to work out how rear heater pipes connect.The previous owner bypassed front and rear heaters and connected the pipe to aux pump here's where am stumped need picture like this showing how the Rear heater pipes connect to the dash heater matrix and engine. Example of type of picture needed http://www.3dzubehor.com/webpics/vr6flow.jpg
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