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Everything posted by davewill

  1. Smitch / Gregers thanks for your help Interesting one Gregers about the run on pump, as i am not sure if mine is working When i switch off the car i hear a loud ticking sound from under the bonnet that lasts about 90 seconds. If i turn on the ignition there is no audible sound for the pump working When i ran Vag Com and got the memory module controller error code, i cleared the 5 instances logged. Switched the ignition off, then started up the engine again. Checked vag com staright away and the error code was back So, could it be the run on pump that has caused the failure of the Aux heater?? Smitch, i am in Reading on business about twice a month, so if you could post contact details for the Company you used, i will see if they can help me Thanks again, Dave
  2. Yes they do have air bags in the side Is it a necessity then to remove the battery, or is it that the airbag just may deploy??
  3. Guys I want to take out the front 2 seats to give them a damn good clean, question is, is it an easy job or not? (Mkll 2006 model zetec) I have a socket set, and can do basic stuff so not too woried about undoing bolts etc They are not heated seats, and do not have DVD screens and are not rotating seats, so i assume this makes it easier If anyone has pictures of bolts to remove etc, that would be useful Many Thanks Dave
  4. Sorry to start a new thread on this, but wanted to give an update to my Aux Heater Problem After running Vag Com and getting the error code 65535 Int Control Module memory error, i thought i would take it into the local Fraud dealers, for them to do a check Got a phone call saying that they had tested it through the Ford Comms software (whatever that is) and that it had come back with an error code of U2B51 that they didn't recognise?? They suggested a full Aux Heater replacement at
  5. Harvey, please excuse me hi jacking your excellent posts and pictures. As you may have seen i have posted this week, as my Aux Heater has stopped working (2006 Mkll 1.9TDI 115) VAG com has thrown up error code 65535 Internal Control memory Module My question is (and please excuse my ignorance, as i am no mechanic), Is the Internal Control Memory module part of the Aux Heater, and therefore shown in your photos, or, is it housed elsewhere in the engine bay?? If you could let me know i would appreciate it many Thanks, Dave
  6. Guys Could it just be that the fuse has blown which stops the Aux Heater working and throws up error code 65535, or is that simplistic thinking and way too cheap to imagine??? If it could be the fuse which number fuse should i change? Thanks, Dave
  7. Sorry i have looked again, and found a few mentions of controller module My question still applies though, what sort of cost is it to get a garage to do the repair (or replace) of the Control Module (Mkll 2006 model 115tdi)
  8. Thanks George I have searched around a bit on the forum and FAQ's but cant fins anything specific to "65535 Int Control Module Memory error" Could you please enlighten me on repairs necessary, and rough costs?? (To be done at a Garage)?? Thanks
  9. Have run VCDS this afternoon and it has thrown up the following error under module number 18 for Aux Heater 65535 Internal Control Module Memory Error There were 5 instances of this error, so we cleared them all So, is the error message serious or do you think the Aux Heater will fire up after this reset?? If it is "serious" what will need replacing and hpow much do you think it will cost?? Cheers guys
  10. Sotal Thanks again I've just spoken to my Brother in Law who has Vag Com and a cable, (didn't know this) so i am going to let him run the test tomorrow afternoon and see what faults come up Are there any specific codes / descriptions we should look for in terms of Aux Heater failure / faults etc If you could let me know i will take them along when by BIL runs Vag Com I will note any codes that do come up and post back on here after tomorrow. Hopefully you can advise from this Thanks again, Dave
  11. Sotal / Gregers, thanks for your replies 0c this morning, and this time i drove just a mile or so down the road and then got out No Jet Engine noise, and little pipe under the side of the car stone cold Therefore i assume something is knack'd Apart from taking it to Frauds, whats the quickest and easiest way to establish if there is a problem, and what that problem is?? Sorry of this is "basic" stuff, but i am certainly no mechanic!! Thanks, Dave
  12. OK, it was -1c this morning when i started the Gal (Mkll 2006 1.9TDI) Drove the kids to school and got back home after about 5 miles. The water temp guage was on normal, and there was heat coming through the vents, but there ws no "jet engine" noise when i got home, so i assume the Aux Heater is not working? It was firing up about 2 months ago when we had a cold spell, but nothing today Anyone in the Shrops, Staffs or South Cheshire area who has Vag Com, and would be willing to run it on the Gal for me, just to see first if error codes are being reported? Cheers Dave
  13. I had this on my Mkll Turned out to be the impellor had failed in the water pump I drove around for around 3 days then suddenlt the temp gauge hit hot and the engine overheated Check the water pump impellor is still in situ
  14. Took my 2006 Mkll in for service this week, and when it was on ramp got a call to say that the Exhaust Back Box was "hanging off" Went and had a look and it was! It was being held on by the two rubber mounts Strange thing was there was no blowing sound from the exhaust so dont know how long it had been like this??? When they removed back box, the middle section where it meets the back box was also corroded, which meant that i had to have this replaced too. The car is 2006 with 86,000 miles on it Just wondering if this is normal in terms of the exhaust sections wearing out / rusting?? Anyone still got an original exhaust system on a 10 year old Gal?
  15. I had this problem and it turned out to be a cable between the Alt and the Battery that was frayed and shorting out, causing the battery to drain
  16. Guys I know the threads regarding Limp Mode etc, but on my Gal Mkll 1.9Tdi 2006 the problem i have is that when i switch the engine on and pull away, there is no acceleration. A switch off and back on cures it. I have not had the car go into limp mode when driving, everything seems fine here, so i was just wondering whether the symptons at start up point to the turbo vein problems, or whether you may think it is something more sinister??? Thanks Dave
  17. Thanks Mirez I am now Wiser :) :D
  18. Hi there If it's working you will hear a humming noise behind the dash when sitting in car. The pump is located on the bulkhead to the rear of the fuel filter so you will hear the humming also from under the bonnet and if you put your hand on the pump you will feel it vibrate. Good news (i hope) I can hear a humming noise so looks like it is working BUT ... What happens if it stops working?? Does the car overheat or is there another fault shown???
  19. How would you know if the Run On pump had stopped working???? Sorry if a daft question but just interested in knowing what to look for My 2006 Mkll tdi has now done 88,000 so i am expecting something to fail soon, if i know what to expect re the run on pump, then i can be ready for it Thanks
  20. Don't know the pattern on your seats, but if you want to change both, then look on ebay link below 2 for 99p at the moment http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-Ford-Galaxy-front-seats-/230525476021?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item35ac639cb5
  21. If anyone has a nearside rear seat in this cloth trim they do not want, i would be willing to make an offer Please let me know if interested Regards Dave
  22. Steve Unless you have other problems, then the Water Pump is really all you need to change at the same time as Cam Belt
  23. Mine passed this morning, no probs or advisory's Another 12months of happy, trouble free, relaxing motoring - NOT :)
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