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Everything posted by davewill

  1. I've posted a couple of things recently that have stopped working on my Gal 1/ Aux Heater 2/ Rear wiper Well since the temp has gone down to around -12c here in rural Shropshire over the last 24 hours, both the Aux Heater and the rear wiper have started to work again Started the car up this morning and jet engine noise straight away. Pulled off the drive and tried rear wiper and it worked fine. Been out in the car 3 times today, and both worked OK So now stumped as to why they work at - 8 to - 12c, but wont work at 2c or when its raining Oh and by the way, still struggling with the Vag Com connection Cheers Dave
  2. Chris I have done as you said re Device Manager, but when i open it up i can only see Com 4 Com 5 and USB Serial Com 7 Com 3 does not exist, and i have saved Com 3 on VCDS as the port Now totally confused??
  3. I reinstalled VCDS Lite but cant reinstall windows as it is a Company Laptop When i click Com 3 and test i get a pop up box that says Port Status OK Interface Found Type - Serial Pass through opto /ISO No Ross Tecg Design No Latency test poor 6.9 10.0 15.1ms I take it that this is the reason it wont work, but any answers as to waht to do next (apart from reinstall windows)
  4. No Chris. Comes up with the same message on every modeule i try I havent tried a full scan test yet, but assume it would be the same on this as well
  5. Could be water pump and impellor problem (falling off) I had same problem with my Mkll Tdi, no heating and then engine boiled Replacement water pump and cam belt
  6. Doh!!!! Sorry just read Seatkid post and he does say o/s Dave
  7. Seatkid Thanks for comments. Does the wiring for the rear wiper go through the right hand rubber sleeve, or the left hand one at the top of the tailgate (as you look at the car from the back)?
  8. Thought i would invest in a Vag Com cable (usb)from e-bay, and download VCDS Lite Installed software on laptop, and plugged in cable to car and switched on ignition Connected via Com 3 and did test and it recognised connection and interface so saved this Went into select control module and picked aux heater It started scanning but eventually small box came up that said No response from Controller Am i missing something in terms of the set up, or should i enter any other details?? Thanks dave
  9. Forgot to add that the rear washer works whether or not the wiper works
  10. My rear wiper has decided to only work when it is dry. I noticed this last weekend, as after i had washed the car the rear wiper did not work. The next morning it did work, and has worked ever since until today. I left home this morning and it was working, drove 20 miles and stopped for a meeting. Came out and it was raining, and rear wiper did not work, and has not all the way home. I am assumng it is a connection problem, and probably in the rear rubber sleeve at the top of the tailgate, but wondered if anyone else had experienced this?? Its a Mkll 1.9Tdi Thanks Dave
  11. Sorry should have also said that its a 2006 Mkll model with 89,000 miles on it
  12. Galaxy Mkll 1.9Tdi 115bhp Automatic I seem to be having a bad run at the mo with the Gal (aux heater packed up, run on pump packed up, exhaust fallen off) and now the dreaded Loss of Power syndrome is hitting hard Started about 2 months ago with the occasional loss of power. Always happened when starting off journey and accelerating. Got up to about 25mph, then power loss happened, and very limited acceleration on flat road. Turned engine off and on and reset to all OK In the last week or so the problem has been occuring almost every time i start car up and drive. Sometimes the turn off and on does not solve the problem, but sometimes it does. It doesnt happen when i am travelling on Motorway, just on start up and acceleration through 25 - 30 mph. I do do a lot of short distance driving (less than 2 miles) but then occasionally do a 140 mile motorway drive. On these journies i have tried the "italian tune up" method, and driven at 4000 revs for a period. Just wondering where you would start to try and solve the problem MAF, MAS, Turbo Vanes, i know they all contribute to the problem, but in which order should i go, and what can i achieve myself without an expensive trip to Frauds/VW Thanks all Dave
  13. And i thought these were going for about a tenner! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-Ross-Tech-VCDS-VAG-COM-Hex-CAN-USB-Cable-/160512439684?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item255f497584
  14. Hi, I bought these ones and they are still working after 4 months of use. I had different ones before but they lasted just couple of days. Usually LED bulbs has very narrow beam and can't be seen unless you are looking straight into them. George Cheers George Just ordered a pair so i will give 'em a go
  15. Anyone fitted these type of sidelight bulbs to their Gals I have one sidelight bulb gone, so need to replace, and thought these looked quite funky http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6-LED-XENON-WHITE-501-BULBS-FORD-S-MAX-C-MAX-GALAXY-/200435613580?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2eaae4bf8c Cheers Dave
  16. Have had the Aux (Run on) Pump replaced today at the VW dealership Cost all in including VAT was
  17. Lots of people say air locks in pipes, but i say Water Pump and Impellor falling off If it is the Impelloor, you will get overheating of the car within a few days
  18. Booked it into a VW dealer for the run on pump to be replaced They have quoted
  19. Sorry it was Bigjeeze i should have typed not Gregers -apologies
  20. Gregers, hope you get some takers for the service Unfortunately i would not be able to remove the pump myself, and secondly can only be without the car for a day. Other option is you pop up to snowy Shropshire and do it on my drive :lol: Cheers Dave
  21. Hi Dave They are over
  22. Pretty sure the run on pump is now the cause of my Aux Heater not working, as its as quiet as a Church Mouse under my bonnet when i switch on the ignition. No humming noise at all!! Does amyone know a rough cost for Frauds (or VW ) to replace the pump?? Cheers Dave
  23. Hi Dave As already said you need to establish whether run on pump is working, just turn ignition on without starting engine you should hear a hum from inside the car if it's quiet, or lift the bonnet, it's located behind the fuel filter if you put your hand on it you should also feel it vibrate. When ignitions turned off it should carry on for 2 or 3 minutes then stop. Now the heater is firring up next time from cold start engine and let the heater warm the engine up, if the heater runs continuously with the "jet sound" without slowing down or shutting down up to normal temp 90deg ish, pumps OK, if it shuts down or slows down after about 30 seconds then the coolant is not circulating, ie pump not working or some other blockage. ps, when you say pipes are cold are you referring to the coolant pipes clipped to the floor or the air/exhaust pipe? Chris Its the small exhaust pipe that is cold. Today it hasnt fired up again, so now i am thinking that maybe the Aux pump is faulty and that is causing the aux heater not to fire up
  24. After 2 weeks of no Aux Heater working, the bl***y thing fired up last night Had left the car on a car park all day, drove home around a mile, and when i switched off the engine, there was the "jet engine" sound, and the "aircraft fuel" smell Put my hand onto the Aux heater exhaust, and the "small box section" was warm, but the pipes were cold Went out later last night and when i got back the jet engine noise was there again. Did notice however that the noise stopped after a few seconds of turning off the engine. In the past i seem to remember it lasting for 30 - 45 seconds So now dont know what to get looked at or repaired, or shall i just leave it till winters out!!
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