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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by GSMGuy

  1. Maglite, I'd have a mooch a bit more and get a TDi if you can, the fuel savings alone will pay for a vehicle of that cost in a couple of years.. If you are thinking about upgrading your headlamps, I can get you a nice HID kit for a lot less than you have been quoted too.. See this thread.. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...27&hl=hid's HTH Mike
  2. AFAIK, the Jatco is used in all of them - I think the reason the diesels suffer more is simply because they put 300 nm+ of torque through the box.. Strangely, I found mine to behave better in the lower gears too.. Which is weird.. Mike
  3. Throttle Potentiometer??? Sounds like a bit of VAG-COM is needed... Mike
  4. If the revs stay relatively static, and the car speed increases upto them, or the engine races away when you accelerate, it's a sure sign that one of the clutch packs in a Jatco box are on their way... If so, the problem will become worse and spread to the lower gears, apparently - it gets so bad that the gal won't even move off!! Picking my babe back up tomorrow with a fully reconned box and torque converter... Brought about by the symptoms above... Will keep ya all informed!! Mike
  5. Aux heater cuts in below 10 degrees +-0.5degrees, as that is the settings and tolerance for the sensor, which is clipped to one of whe wiper arm supports on the NS under the cowl at the base of the windscreen.. Take it out and bridge it or test it in a pot of ice cream... That's what I did to make sure it was ok.. Incidentally I have had mine running at an indicated 11.5 degrees, so there are some variations.. Mike
  6. Absolutely not, the pump is driven by the auxiliary belt. You would need to remove the timing belt to do the job but the old one can go back on. It may be financially prudent to change the belt and tensioner whilst they are off though if you are near a belt change interval. Even if you have had the belt done recently, I woulsd ALWAYS replace it if it has to be removed, even a little oil contamination from dirty hands can cause problems later on... For the cost of the belt... Better safe tahn sorry!! Mike
  7. Well, they do say that necessity is the mother of invention! :lol: Mike
  8. That'll sort the Jatco box out..... :lol: Don't mention the J word! She's coming home later today or tomorrow B) Can't wait to be shut of this hire car - only done 400 odd miles in it, cost me over
  9. Never mind the 313ps - what about the 550nm of torque!!!! Mike
  10. Wiper stalk is circa
  11. Paul, I am in Aintree if you fancy a trip through the tunnel.. Mike
  12. Gotta comment, even though it's off topic - as had a sad departure at the weekend... My trusty (and bloody mint) '99 R1 was wheeled off to her new owner.... Only thing that will take away the pain, is my spankin K5 GSX-R 1000 when I pick (Suzy) up on Thurs!! :o Mike
  13. Hi m8, Firstly, if the timimg was out, why did the so called specialist simply not readjust it by moving the pump, or if it wasw really bad, by moving the sprocket around on the belt?? Have you by chance had the cambelt done recently, as the timimg should be recalibrated after it is done.. Also, ANY air bubbles in the supply to the pump WILL cause starting problems and rough running for the first couple of mins or so - is the engine speeding up or racing of it's own accord after starting? Have you had the fuel filter replaced recently, as the o rings may be missing or incorrectly seated?? Hope this helps Mike
  14. Do a search on here, the main thing is that the cheap leads on Ebay are NOT genuine VAG-COM and do NOT unlock the software - you'll need to pay an additional $99 for that, also if they have opto isolators, as almost all of them do, they are not fully compatible with the software anyway, I got mine from www.skpang.com they are genuine OEM VAG-COM and are fully compatible.. HTH Mike
  15. I thought 130's had traction as std?? Mike
  16. Tony, take it you work for a Fraud dealer then?? Mike
  17. Lol @ VR^ - that's what I do, scares them sh*tless most times! Mike
  18. I posted some pics in this thread.. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...wtopic=3623&hl= if you get stuck!! I'd go out and give all the screws a liberal spray of plusgas/wd40 tonight, and then again before you start on it! Mike
  19. CD, has the adjustment made any difference to the range?? I am just contemplating fitting a second set to my Gal, so I can have HID main beams too!! Mike
  20. Mr T, Chromedome went for the H7 kit in 8000k colour. the same kit would do your Gal. You do have to cut a 22mm hole in the rear bover, but the kit comes prefitted with a high quality grommet, which is nice and tight fitting. Mike
  21. Fans under the bonnet (radiator) will automatically come on if aircon is on, even in low temps, as switching the aircon on turns on both fans at low speed, to make sure that there is adequate airflow over the condensor at all times, eg when moving slowly, or staionary in traffic. Just check to make sure that the dealer hasn't turned off the aircon, or put the climate into ECO mode... Mike
  22. Chromedome - glad you are pleased, they really do turn night into day IMO, with regard to the adjustment motor, sounds like you may have some stripped teeth/threads on the gears, as they are only plastic - may be worth enquiring as to whether or not they are available as spares, rather than go to the expense of replacing the motor as well?? Mike
  23. Chromedome, thanks for the kind words :D :et us know what you think tonight - after you have "seen the light" so to speak! Mike
  24. Velcrohead, can do the one with a halogen main beam for the SAME price, if you want to go to the dual HID, there is a
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