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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by familyman

  1. Can't really follow that can i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. typical woman , you all think yours smell of roses !
  3. One of them looked like phil mitchell off eastenders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Had to take the day off too unblock our drains ! fantastic job, up to my elbows in s**t ! suppose it's one way to stop biting your nails !
  5. 18 guests 12 members on at this time of the day -you can't all be snowed off ! get back to work you lazy sods !
  6. Bit of a covering first thing this morning here in newcastle ,but pretty well all melted away once the sun came out, starting to freeze now though ,so driving tonight should be fun !
  7. We really are going to hell in a hand cart ,it just beggars belief what is going on in this country,worse thing is very few people get angry anymore, they just accept it .No wonder people are leaving in droves , a family around the corner from us are off to Australia and a workmates family have just gone to Canada , we're doomed
  8. Anybody else seen richard hammonds crash on top gear tonight ? he is one hell of a lucky boy! took some real balls to drive that machine ( car is not the word ! )
  9. :) BORO 5 BOLTON 1 never saw that one coming ! well pleased with that ;)
  10. just the eldest has a laptop-which after further investigation is looking doomed ,more bloody money down the pan ! :)
  11. sadly captain oates and i are having the same amount of luck ,no loose connections + on closer examination the screen is damaged -nice black streaks across it ,this doesn't look promising !
  12. :lol: i shall give that a try-as captain oates said " i may be some time "
  13. :lol: daughter had a paddy with her laptop as it was working a bit slow, threw it on the floor,and suprise suprise it won't work any more ( ring any bells mo4 ?)it'll start up,then goes to a grey screen where the message "cannot find operating system " flashes up ,pressing any of the "f" keys has no effect so i can't get into recovery mode,asked the guy in pc world and he recons the hard drive is knackered .Any ideas anyone ?just to top it off some of the keys have gone west as well ! i don't have a windows xp recovery disc so i can't re-install anything ,is it doomed or can it be economically fixed ?
  14. How do trees know exactly when to fall on a car , sods law or what ?
  15. :) don't know what all the fuss was about ! we had virtually nothing here in newcastle ! got a bit breezy about 10.30 am but that was about it ! some people had "for sale" signs blown over but that was about it !
  16. ^_^ thanks, and i'll let peeps know when i visit -once the wind stops blowing a gale !
  17. :huh: i once saw a mains leccy cable to a house SIX inches below the surface -dodgy!!
  18. :lol: :D 87 allen keys ? how on earth have you collected that many ? :lol:
  19. Wonder what the odds were on that scoreline ? you could have retired on that bet!
  20. :ph34r: 1-1 draw against hull ! still at least we didn't get beat-unlike sunderland!
  21. That's what you call close formation ! the typhoon pilot is a brave lad!
  22. :rolleyes: :) I hope a suitably sarcastic comment was made ! ;)
  23. ;) :11: Gas to inflate the abdomen? i'll try that one on the wife and see if she believes that ;)
  24. ;) Are you offering?
  25. Hope everything goes ok, and wishing you a speedy recovery, recovery? makes you sound like a sofa! . Take care and all the best.
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