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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by familyman

  1. thanks, and remind me not to buy a focus! all that hassle for an alternator.
  2. :lol: The son of a friend of mine was recently charged over
  3. :lol: would it be possible to put the later six speed gearbox into a MK1 or is a load of hassle ,any one tried this ? would it be a worthwhile exercise?
  4. ;) there is a set of roof rails on E-Bay at the moment- item no 4528176201, i don't know how much Ford are charging but these should be cheaper. As for the fitting of the rails, i should think the headlining will have to come out which could be a tricky job
  5. :( don't think it would suit early gals ,mine has V shaped notches in pistons not round holes to suit pins .
  6. :blink: After giving the Gal a good wash and rinse i decided to change the pollen filter. After removing the bulkhead trim to gain access to the filter i noticed the suspension stut tops were full of soapy water, after drying them out i was shocked at how rusty the tops were ,the large nuts on top of the struts being in poor condition, i applied some releasing fluid to the nuts and then filled the strut tops with grease to shield the tops from further water ingress . The Gal failed its M.O.T last time out on a cracked front spring , and the mechanic who changed it said he had a nightmare job getting the strut off ,now i know why!.Has any one else noticed this water trap?. The worrying thing is you can't see this unless the bulkhead trim is removed and this could turn in to a nasty long term problem
  7. Could it be a non standard cable for c.d. changer?
  8. Gal is 96 t.d.i. 109k, belt renewed 6k ago. I don't know if this makes any difference but Gal does not do many miles ,maybe used once a week.Would more regular use make a difference?. Total mileage by me is 7k in two years!
  9. screeching noise usually on first start of day,then after that seems o.k. or if steering is at full lock i.e parking and even then not every time .Drive belt has 6K on it since renewal
  10. :D Thanks for reply guys, I will try to change belt myself ,when ankle biters and other half give me time !. All the best Jon
  11. :D Can any one advise on problem with noisy start up ,when i start Gal it screeches loudly ,i assume aux drive belt is slipping ,any one had something similar?. If it is belt, is it easy to fix? .any ideas welcome . Thanks
  12. :) Any one who fancies a mahogany effect dash should check out www.prewoodec.de . I've just fitted one of their kits and up to now it looks o.k. .Time will tell how durable it is although it does come with a 5 year guarantee,as long as you follow fitting instructions .Kit comes as a set of precut shapes with a self adhesive backing. Clean areas to be done with provided cloth, carefully place individual pieces on to dash,when happy with positioning warm area with a hairdryer set to hot ,this sets off adhesive and softens peices to allow pieces to follow contours on dash . Product comes from Germany and is a good fit .Several finishes are available inc carbon fibre . English agents are at www.dcp-shop.co.uk.(i hope this is right address)
  13. :lol: Any one with security studs for alloys should try and see if you can loosen them.While trying to take off front wheel ,security stud sheared off and damaged adaptor nut .This took a week to replace(had to come from Germany)plus damaged stud had to be drilled out ,leaving disc u.s.Has this happened to you?.My local garage owner said same had happened to his Focus.Try yours now,rather than a dark winters night stuck in the middle of nowhere.CHECK YOUR NUTS!.
  14. Can any one help with ideas about fitting 5000 series radio into mk1 galaxy? . What about fascia trim and connections?.Any recommendations?Thanks
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