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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by familyman

  1. As you were only 6 mph over you may get the option of the speed awareness course,mine cost
  2. Told you smoking was bad for you !!
  3. I have a drivers side door wiring loom of a 96 gal( mirror adjustment both sides,electric windows both sides,speaker,central locking,alarm light, NOT the low level door light,) surplus to requirement,can't see any broken wires, free to a good home-or a not so good home! anybody want it just give me a PM and for the cost of the P+P it's yours.
  4. You certainly know your stuff Maz , i never thought it was so involved, nice one !
  5. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FORD-GALAXY-FRONT-CO...id=p3286.c0.m14 are these any goo to you ?d
  6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TURBOCHARGER-GT1544S...id=p3286.c0.m14 Bloody typical! i spend the best part of
  7. The springs are different-lots of variations to suit the models,best bet is get the proper part number from your local ford dealer,and then try motor factors or someone like http://www.eurocarparts.com/default.asp they're usually prtetty good at getting bits
  8. Just been thinking -90 miles ,bet that was a nice drive and some smokescreen!
  9. Thanks for that ,made me feel a bit happier now! i was starting to worry it might be something else.
  10. Managed to get my blown turbo changed at last,thanks for all the help once again! The Gal runs great, plenty of power, no nasty noises ,only trouble is i'm now leaving a trail of white smoke ! it seems to be getting better the more miles i put on it,would i be right in thinking that when the turbo went some oil could have been drawn into the exhaust system and this is now slowly burning off? as the turbo blew at night i didn't stop straight away until i pulled up at some traffic lights and then noticed the smoke surrounding the car so it had plenty of time to dump oil into the exhaust. Once again any help would be welcome!
  11. http://www.vascularweb.org/patients/NorthP.../Angiogram.html this might help
  12. They look just the job .i shall give them a ring , thanks. Got sorted with this company,new garrett t15 turbo
  13. They look just the job .i shall give them a ring , thanks.
  14. Thanks-pretty well confirmed what i was thinking!
  15. Having finally wrestled the blown turbo off the gal( the centre bearing has well collapsed)where do i get another one from?it's a Garrett T15, any ideas on suppliers ,do i get new ,recon.or take a chance on used?has anybody good or bad experiences with recon units? once again any help is appreciated .
  16. The turbo on my 96 1.9 T.D.I. packed up the other night coming back from Edinburgh Airport ,loss of power and lots of smoke! got recovered home (thank god for Tesco recovery -would have been around
  17. Watch out when trying to loosen the bolts on the undertray-sods law will probably mean that the bolts are rusted and might round off when using a 10 mm socket , i had to get an old 3/8 th socket and tap it on to the bolts and GENTLY loosen the bolts ,might be better to get some new bolts rather than re-use the old ones.
  18. Had heavy snow on and off since 11.30 this morning here in Newcastle ,most of it's melted now ,so just looking forward to it freezing tonight! ho-hum, springs here!
  19. What about a risk assesment and a method statement? my god i'm suprised you're still alive!!
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vw-Sharan-Alhambra-G...9QQcmdZViewItem this looks cheap at the moment
  21. You can use mole grips to wind back the pistons as long as you are VERY carefull not to damage the rubber seals ,while you're down there, lubricate the handbrake mechanism on the top of the caliper , it's suprising how much it can improve the handbrake action .
  22. Give the guy a break-life dealt him a bad hand !
  23. Try e-bay ,for some reason all the body kits seem to come from poland! but prices don't seem too bad .
  24. Had the gal for nearly 5 years now ,the cam belt was replaced when i first bought the car (103000 miles) now,less than 17000 miles later , i was wondering when i should have the belt replaced again ,as at the current rate of driving the gal will take years to get to the 60000 miles recommended service interval, will the belt be ok or will age cause the belt to deteriorate? i change the oil and filters yearly just to be on the safe side ,but the cam belt is starting to worry me .
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