All this stuff about greenhouse gases, carbon footprints ( WTF? ) is just another form of social control so we don't question what's really going on . It's all smoke and mirrors .These people couldn't lie straight in bed
Watched a film on tv late last night called "they" scary as hell! , any of the "jason bourne" films are a good watch,the 1970 steve mcqeen le mans film is a good one to watch -ok the dialogue isn't up to much but the cars are fantastic!
just finished fitting a twin headlight conversion, always fancied one and this one came up at a decent price, it's also a big improvement over the standard lights
the springs might be colour coded ( at least the front ones are ,to compensate for different engines )with some paint marks on them. rear ones may be all the same, as the weight of the back of the car shouldn't vary that much between models