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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by familyman

  1. We must have the same sense of humour ,i thought it was very funny ! :P
  2. this is ending soon on e-bay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Genuine-Ford-Gal...1QQcmdZViewItem if any body fancies it
  3. All this stuff about greenhouse gases, carbon footprints ( WTF? ) is just another form of social control so we don't question what's really going on . It's all smoke and mirrors .These people couldn't lie straight in bed
  4. The Smog Monster hasnae learn'd the local lingo yit. it shoold end "someone is oot there." Somewan twank him ! Twank me ? i'm not gay !
  5. No wonder you see so many gals up for spares or repair , a good sized repair bill can easily wipe out a gal.
  6. "Debbie does Dallas" bloody hell! that's going back a bit !
  7. Watched a film on tv late last night called "they" scary as hell! , any of the "jason bourne" films are a good watch,the 1970 steve mcqeen le mans film is a good one to watch -ok the dialogue isn't up to much but the cars are fantastic!
  8. Woman sees sign outside pet shop-CLITORIS LICKING FROG
  9. Nice coat hangers!
  10. halogens ,look like search lights on the front of the car ! will be even better when i get them properly adjusted!
  11. Can you get clear lenses? never thought of it until now!
  12. Water level sensor ?
  13. just finished fitting a twin headlight conversion, always fancied one and this one came up at a decent price, it's also a big improvement over the standard lights
  14. Just be prepared to "stiffen" your resolve !
  15. the springs might be colour coded ( at least the front ones are ,to compensate for different engines )with some paint marks on them. rear ones may be all the same, as the weight of the back of the car shouldn't vary that much between models
  16. Have you used the right oil filter ? if not the engine could have been starved of oil,regardless of the correct oil level .
  17. Give it a few days, for some reason electronic money transfer takes ages ! so much for the wonders of e-banking!
  18. Tell them to pay
  19. the little tinkers -you have to laugh ! unless it was your house !
  20. her baps were good when new but have now gone a bit saggy !
  21. Has the caravan club mag got a readers wives baps section ?
  22. Lovebirds ,marriage and kids do NOT mix , ah the optimism of youth ! don't worry you'll soon grow out of it !
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