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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by seatkid

  1. Why does this topic makes me very nervous....? :D
  2. Depends on whether the tester spots it. It won't fail the emission test without the cat.
  3. b...bu...buuu.....b.....ib..if....y.y..y.you....ch..chch cHange...d..th...t.t./t. l l l loom.......VROOM - Well done! :D
  4. Don't know whether to laugh :D or cry! :D mumblemumblemumble :D ;)
  5. Best thing I did was stick the radio code sticker on the glovebox lid (top flap) on day one. Save this scenario happening again..
  6. Sounds like excellent advice :D (for a petrol engine anyway - remember that in diesel engines the oil goes black virtually straight away)
  7. 95 vintage engine and a single engine flush = kiss of death! Its less risky to start smoking 60 per day than to start using additives. Forget them both otherwise you will regret it... (been there, knacked the engines, got the teashirt) Why not just change the oil and filter more regularly?
  8. Mainly because the two times I asked the dealer to do this, (different dealers - different cars) my cars both came back with bent sills. :lol: :lol: bast*rds bast*rds :lol: :lol: The second dealer denied damaging and told me I must have driven over a brick! Thats when I decided never to use a Seat dealer again for regular servicing. Actually my manual says "it is advisable" to change tyres back to front (i.e. not diagonal) but... :lol: I bet they do :lol: My mate who been in the tyre trade xxxyears also recommends using the spare when you change, as tyres apparently have a shelf life of 3 years - and you can stick that still "just legal" one back as the spare saving
  9. Guard dog? The ultimate alarm? Ask Ivor nicely :lol: and he'll show you how to knock one up using 2 x 1. Isn't there a law against zipping your dog up in a bag? :lol: Why not just attach the leash to a tie down eye - or is that a bit cruel? :lol:
  10. sat nav? wos dat? How about read the instruction manual, or stuff some old socks in the speakers.
  11. Wow! Product development in the right direction at last! Any chance of the part no. and price SA?
  12. Evaporator failure which took 18 months, several visits and hundreds of pounds just to locate by Seat dealer. Still not fixed - bank ran dry.
  13. Are you sure its overheating and not just a sensor problem? i.e. does water start boiling.. If you're constantly losing water then maybe Head problems or a failed pressure cap on your top up bottle. If not then, 1. check water pump -does the heater(s) pump out lots of hot air when set to maximum - and doesn't go cold after a short while 2. check thermostat, and radiator - when it overheats , is bottom radiator hose cold? If so blocked radiator or closed thermostat. 3. Check Fans come on when overheating - but this is normally not a problem when moving at speed.
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: That theory appears to fit...ergo... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. :lol: Are they allowed to do that? (for safety reasons)
  16. Agreed..anyone care to set up a poll to gather some stats about a/c failures? Might be better ammunition...
  17. Halfway between max and min? :lol:
  18. Ford certainly know they have problems - there are some TSB's concerning failing A/c. I think most dealers ignore TSB's because A/C is a future cash cow. SEAT and VW are even worse than Ford. All TSBs genreally start with the phrase "Should a customer express concern" e.g.
  19. ...Does this mean if I did some work on my engine, it might simultaneously effect other forum members engines at the same time? (but only if they have quantum oil) Spooky or what? :lol: Couldn't we somehow use this effect to reduce servicing costs (and fix the a/c without trying?) Einstein might be onto something here..... :lol:
  20. Quantum motor oil? - spooky :lol:
  21. Nimrod might be right about no speed input Ford TIS..
  22. There is a minimum speed, but its low. Basically to stop knocking the acceleration sensor in the garage etc. setting them off.
  23. Evidently a clear case of Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" :lol:
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