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Everything posted by insider

  1. There isn't a throttle position sensor on the 2.3 engine as, unlike the VW petrol engines, it has a throttle cable not electronic throttle. As you seem to have a problem with idling when the engine is warm I would first suspect the Idle Air Control valve which sits on top of the intake manifold. Sometimes cleaning this works - it's not always necessary to replace it.
  2. The TDI badge has silver and red on it on the 130hp, only black and silver on the 115 Also should say in logbook ASZ1 variant and 96kw power Actually the 115 has silver on a red background, the 130 (and 150) are all red. The 90 is silver on black.
  3. It's sometimes difficult to see whether they've blown while they're still in place. There should be a fuse puller located in the centre of the fuse panel (orange U-shaped piece of plastic) unless it's dropped out and got lost!
  4. Have you checked whether any of the fuses have blown?
  5. I assume you've followed the instructions in the manual for the rear air conditioning? Note that the temperature from the third row vents can only be the same or colder than the temperature set in the front. When the rear A/C is on it will only cool the rear not heat it.
  6. There's a circuit board on the opposite side of the batteries when you separate the key fob. There is a metal contact (which makes the connection to the batteries) under which the PATS chip resides. Note: it might not look identical to the photo, i.e. some are squarer and flatter, but that's the sort of thing you're looking for.
  7. No re-programming required as it's locking / unlocking the doors. It sounds like the PATS chip fell out when you changed the battery. Check here - http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...st&p=149315 It's quite small and looks like this -
  8. Have you checked in your manual? Pages 224 and 225 should give you all the information you need.
  9. Look here - http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...st&p=131377
  10. The pump attaches between the incoming fuel line and the inlet port of the fuel filter: I don't think there is a fuel stop solenoid. Fuel delivery to the engine is all electronically controlled by the high pressure fuel pump and injectors.
  11. 4.0 litres with a filter change (3.75 litres without).
  12. The procedure for changing the fuel filter involves using a hand pressure pump (Ford special tool 310-110A) after installing the new filter. This must be operated at least 30 times to prime the fuel filter. There is also a warning not to operate the starter motor for more than 10 seconds at a time. After each attempt you should allow the starter motor to cool for 30 seconds before trying again.
  13. Referring to your previous post: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...st&p=152056
  14. The 2.8 engine is a VW unit and the speed is controlled electronically by the ECU. Only the 2.3 Ford engine uses the vacuum pump for cruise control. I would check the wiring from the stalk switch to the ECU first to confirm there isn't a break somewhere. With VAG-COM connected the operation of the switches can be checked. Which pedal switch was replaced, brake or clutch? Both switches can disengage C/C so the other one might need replacing too. Replacing the ECU should be the last, most expensive resort.
  15. I thought the 2.8 engine had timing chains not a belt?
  16. There's also a separate control module required for the multifunction steering wheel so it won't be as cheap and straightforward as just changing the steering wheel.
  17. Auxilliary heater. There are hundreds of references to this on the forum. It basically burns diesel when it's cold enough (below 10C) because the engine alone cannot generate enough heat for the passenger compartment.
  18. How was the battery tested? From the symptoms it appears to be the battery at fault not the starter motor.
  19. Follow steps A & B - http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...mp;#entry112375 The "special tool" is a 12mm triple square bit (12-point), like this - http://buy1.snapon.com/catalog/item.asp?se...re&tool=all
  20. You can change the fuel filter or sometimes there is a drain on it to just remove any water that's collected. Glow plugs do not need to be changed unless they become faulty. See this from the FAQ to reset the service indicator - http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry60286
  21. I suggest you contact them to check but these are what they list as compatible for a Mk2 Galaxy.
  22. The 2.3 engine also has a timing chain. I don't think it's any less reliable than the 2.8 but would obviously be much less powerful and responsive. If the extra road tax, insurance and fuel costs are not a problem to you then the 2.8 might be preferable.
  23. Try here for the blades - http://www.wiperblades.co.uk/ford-galaxy-2...c=&Ref=prod They can deliver to France.
  24. Try fuse 33 (10A), it powers the wiper switch.
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