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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by suzuki91

  1. ok, i have removed the rivets but i used a sanding disc on a grinder on the rivet bottom side, then parted the two parts with a hammer and chisel. i have taken the cabel mech apart to undo the snag and may need to replace the cabel as it has a couple of broken strands. more to follow.
  2. my new gal had the dredded stuck cabel for the spare wheel, so back to the dealer for a new one and they let me keep the old one. now i was going to take it apart to see how it has gone wrong. is it a matter of removing all the rivets or just some of them? and can they be replaced by bolts? if i do this job i will photo each step for further use.
  3. there is a kit being sold with fitting on e-bay for about
  4. i thought it was a good price, got them to drop by 400 quid, three month guarantee exteneded to 12 for 300 quid. and they are doing some repairs servicing and mot before i collect. it is true that the bottom seems to have fallen out of the market though?
  5. well, gone and bought a replacement gal now. its a 115 zetec on an 03 plate. 65k miles. pick it up in about a weeks time.
  6. hi all, sad to see my 97tdi go but now need to replace her soon. looking for a newish tdi 130 low milage. my old gal had 180k on the clock. never missed a beat though!! i have the loan of my sisters grand voyager at the moment. its the 3.3 petrol so hope to find a gal befor i put all my savings in the fuel tank?? if any one wants my opinion of the two cars i will post a review. can i still come to this site even though i am not a galaxy owner :wacko: ???
  7. what does this sentence mean in the ad? on e-bay. Because the power increase is by much more than 25% the T-Box is not allowed in the street traffic, but has to be entered by the technical control for every particular case
  8. yep engine clean and now dry as well. car is up for sale now as they can't afford to re-insure it and dad's bank is closed.
  9. connected up my gal to jump start the fiesta and she tried to turn over... batery terminals were a bit loose so looks like the battery then..phew... thanks for all the sugestions.
  10. i will hope for a warm weekend and try to start it then. only used a hose pipe low pressure to wash off the degreaser. i am inclined to think its the battery but with my luck the immobeliser will be involved somewhere!!! may take starter off to check as well.
  11. trying again today no electrics at all? clock flashes 00.00 then goes out when i turn the key. no lights come on on dash, whole electics seem dead. checked fuses all ok. must be water in something?
  12. i am posting here rather than the fiesta forum as that seems sooo quiet there. i degreased my kids fiesta engine and hosed it down, after a while i tried to start it and got clicking sounds. left it to dry out now its all dead. what have i done? charged the batterie up just in case, no good? where do i start to find the fault?
  13. done mine today. just over a tenner for the two lamps from fords one minute job..... did the rear fog light ages ago. any more like this?
  14. its an old trick but if you turn on the lights and try to start the car, if the battery if faulty the lights should dim.
  15. i got some from the ferry on the way over. proberly more than a motor shop on land..
  16. you beat me to it!! i have had fuses out and then had problems. i think that moving them sometimes makes a bad connection when you replace them.
  17. my 98tdi 180k miles 5 miles to work and back 43mpg.... some thing must be wrong??
  18. i carried 24 paving slabs in mine the 2 foot by 3 foot and 2 inch thick ones. estimated the weight to be around the 7ookgs and the Gal did not sink!
  19. the gas should only need topping up if it had leaked! he is trying it on...
  20. have you checked the oil level, this can make it grind if low!
  21. mobile locksmith 01354680326 or his mobile 07900890369 used ahim year or so ago. he comes to you.
  22. is the oil level ok? if low can make it noisy and feel different.
  23. had NTL for about 5 years now, never had a problem with the internet service. the help lines are crap. but that is same for all i have tried. at least unlike BT they are in England. (hope i hav'nt jinxed myself now)
  24. there are still items tested and busted look at the left hand margin. police comments at the end.
  25. found this site and thought some of you might like to have a look? its the same info that people try to sell. http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/index.htm
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