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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by suzuki91

  1. with all this boiling water why not make a cup of tea? :wub: save it going to waste.
  2. get some spare clip fastnings as you will break some along the way.
  3. got my 97 tdi with 150k on it six months ago, got a few bits sorted by the dealer, no problems with the engine at all. :blink:
  4. i have misty windows on my 97 tdi, used the air con whenever i needed it during the warmer weather. have to keep switching it on to clear the mist from the windscreen and keep turning the control from cabin to windscreen to get passengers warm. then i get cold feet!!!! my old serria had a good vent system, even kept all warm and de-misted on just air flow with out the fan on. it would be nice to have hot air blow from all the vents at the same time. by the way how do you remove the pollen filter, may try that? :(
  5. i got a spare key cut and programmed by a mobile locksmith, all for
  6. i leave aout 6" of the nozel out of the filler pipe, if i push it in all the way i find that the fuel flow stops.
  7. before you travel to buy consider the distance to take it back when something needs repairing. with the age of car you will get for that money there will be something needs doing. if its a small niggle you wil be doing it yourself, but bigger jobs need to return the car. getting it there and home etc.... i put my motorcycle in the car to return for fixing, worked for me.
  8. see my post about locksmith, he can make a new key and code it for you.
  9. just got a mobile locksmith to cut and program a new key for me. the cost was half what ford wanted and dont forget he came to me! give him a call if you need anything for any make of car. 01354 680326 07900 890368 07752 080491
  10. just got a mobile locksmith to cut and program a new key for me. the cost was half what ford wanted and dont forget he came to me! give him a call if you need anything for any make of car. 01354 680326 07900 890368 07752 080491
  11. just got a mobile locksmith to cut and program a new key for me. the cost was half what ford wanted and dont forget he came to me! give him a call if you need anything for any make of car. 01354 680326 07900 890368 07752 080491
  12. just got a mobile locksmith to cut and program a new key for me. the cost was half what ford wanted and dont forget he came to me! give him a call if you need anything for any make of car. 01354 680326 07900 890368 07752 080491 :blink: :lol: ;)
  13. my key shop could'nt code the new key, any one know where i can get it done.
  14. got a new key from ford not the remote type. tried to code as per the instructions here, but it did'nt work. at least it opens the doors!! going to try a friedly key cutter in town to get him to code it? :angry:
  15. just got a new key non remote type. it wont code using the red and black keys in the ignition as per the instructions in this forum. i am going to try a key cutter in town see if they can code it for me. :angry:
  16. i had a look for a zimmer frame, could'nt see one. its on the nearside under rear door. goes into the sill from a small box that goes to the rear of the car. :D
  17. when i was looking under my 98 tdi galaxy there was a pipe hanging down from the sill. i found a recess for it and plugged it in. what is it for and does it need replacing properly? :unsure:
  18. back on this morning :D
  19. found that some of the instrament lights were not working, on investigation found that the plastic bulb seats had melted out of shape or had bits missing. is this a common fault, or shows the car has had a nocternal life?
  20. just bought a tdi and one tank later, getting 45mpg. mix of 5 mile journey to work and running around. very happy after a sierra 2.0 and 25mpg. :D
  21. now has gone off for the time being, hope its fixed. must be very sensitive to water level? :lol:
  22. nope, it is still on. maybe its because too much water??? any other ideas. :lol:
  23. had a look at the level, seemed to be full. put in a teacup of water. see how that goes. :lol:
  24. my 1997 tdi galaxy has started to flash the warning light in the temp gauge, but its only the first journey in the morning. if i restart after 5 miles or so it goes out! whats happening? it is under warrenty at the moment and it would be nice to t :D tell the dealer what it is.
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