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Everything posted by suzuki91

  1. try yellow pages for a lock smith, they should be able to help.
  2. i would like to quit but then they may want to know who and what have i been doing all this time? so ill keep taking the money.
  3. oh my this was good, made me laugh about it all. thanks for the comments though. i'll have to realy look hard for the short then. it is on the starter circut as this is what blows it instantly.
  4. hi to any auto electrician or bod, my sons aprilia rs125 keeps blowing the 15amp fuse oh so regular. this started when i changed the clutch cabel which needed the battery to be removed and the cabel being fed down to the clutch. i guess that a wire must be broken or cut or ? so how do i find the culprit. i have looked but can not see anything wrong, is there a method to track it down how do they do this in a garage? if i put in a 20amp fuse say if thats all i have will it then blow up some part?
  5. have you loaded the iso to burn then got the burning software to do a check before burning? could be corrupt files. try getting the file again and if it transfers too quick ie 700megs in 3 mins its a wrong un. p2p like to fool people like that.(unless you have a t3 connection or better?)
  6. looks like you do not have the complete iso image. it may say 700mb as the file sizes are indexed at the start. so it looks like the full amount but is missing parts of the files. even windows will say the expected size...
  7. i have used bio deisel for over a year now, buy it neat and add to the tank about 5%. get and extra 3 to 5 miles a gallon.
  8. you will be sent a NIP within two weeks, if not recieved by then. no case.
  9. no sunroof! just a small leak?
  10. i had a few drips of water fall from the digital clock onto my arm the other day. i suspect the only way water has got into the roof lining must be from the windscreen? any advice? could i just run some sealent along the rubber seal?
  11. had my renewal with morethan in the post, whent online got a quote from them saved
  12. i'm off to La Tania next week. yeeee haaaaa.
  13. mine goes out after starting. have you checked your manual?
  14. shoot
  15. my 97 tdi will go 90 all day, up inclines with out slowing. i don't go any quicker than that, but there is still some in reserve. it now has 170 thou on the clocks.
  16. looking foreward to spring?
  17. drop the steering wheel and pull it out towards you on the adjuster. undo the screws that fix the surround, pull the surround out. two screw hold in the dash cluster and it pulls foreward and tilts out. undo the wireing plug and its out. bulbs may need a long nosed plyer to push into place. job should be done in about five mins..... think thats right.
  18. my 97 glx does not have heated mirrors..
  19. i changed the bulbs just to be sure, and they worked! just because the look ok does'nt mean they are???
  20. not in a 97 gal tdi had mine apart to repair the hinge.
  21. i keep a window wiper sqeegy in my car, the sort window cleaners use to remove the water. this wipes the screen clear better than a cloth.
  22. definately have a spare key on yourself or hiden on the outside of the car, could save a lot of swearing later? untill its sorted...
  23. i like yor wheels!
  24. to top up my one i joined a bit of hosepipe to a funel. this stoped any spills as the cap is half under the top body panel.
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