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Everything posted by suzuki91

  1. got some from the main dealer when i needed.
  2. hi, it was 800 euros including recovery. but it was a trip with others who were sharing the cost so would get the green flag split between the number of passengers. just leaves the expensive bit of the repair bill...
  3. hi all, having had a breakdown recently in the french alps, does anyone have a recommendation for best cover? luckely for me i got the car down the mountain to a village car park where the garage in the next village repaired the car in 3 days.(drive shaft splines worn out)so we made the ferry home ok and could complete our holiday.
  4. just had my drivers side fail on a mountain road in france, recovery and repair 800 euros. OUCH....
  5. sounds like the immobiliser to me? any time the key was apart? try the spare key.
  6. they have the arm rests so maybe not? i dont know how hard it would be to take them off. if you try it can you let us know?
  7. some have the floor fixings for 7 seats, ask them to check? they will be under the carpet if not on show.
  8. i have covered the top of the struts with tinfoil to stop the water filling the bowls. have'nt checked them to see if it worked though.
  9. i have had both, no difference except the looks. get the best one you can afford either model. i just liked the looks of the mk 2 better.
  10. mine lift slghtly as well on ignition.
  11. if you are talking about the gutterless feet adapters for the roof bars then there is a position for them. when i had the same it was over the front and rear doors. there may be a guide on their web site?
  12. as said, remove nut, lift arms off screen, wriggle and pull.
  13. you can not get a haynes for the mk11, so limited options for a manual.
  14. in the FAQ section is my method to repair this fault. main thing to remember is to keep tension on the wire when using the winch. here is the link http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=13813&hl=Spare+wheel+carrier
  15. a workmate has had a fault with both his headlights and after checking all he could he tried a new bulb, by chance both bulbs had blown! may save you time to check yours?
  16. check again, mine has two batteries. one under the other with a thin plate between
  17. best to use a roof box for light luggage with 7 seats in place, back seats to the rear window when in use.
  18. to get to any bolts that fix the track to the seat would need to move the seat forewards and back i think. can you see anything caught in the runners? may be a case of push hard to clear it?
  19. open the key up to see if the pat chip is in place, be careful they are very small.
  20. batteries could need replacing in the remote? if it does not open the door locks. easy to do then recode the key if the time is exceeded on the change.
  21. it does prize out in one piece with the surround.
  22. best bet is to find one for sale and explain what you want to do and ask the dealer if you can take all the measurements you need.
  23. you may like diesel after filling up with petrol again and again......
  24. they have'nt got the join in the rear washer pipe there still? on the mk 1 and 2 it can pull apart and leak into the foot well. check behind the trim along the door frame.
  25. look in FAQ section, also mentioned in the part on siezed wiper linkages, its easier to change while greasing the links so do both.
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