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Everything posted by MadBaz

  1. thats just reminded me to get my box set of Due South off my neighbour
  2. Maz, with new ADSL connections, BT test the speed over a few days/weeks to find what is the most stable so your likely to find the speed getting higher and lower but it will settle down, the other thing is it depends on how many people are using the net on your local loop (contention ratio) at any one time it could in theory be up to 50, doesn't explain the dropping of your connection though. If it doesn't settle by thursday then there is something wrong and a call to Tiscali c/s should be in order and I'd be asking for a free month. If its a usb modem then shut down your pc, unplug the modem from pc and power, reboot to windows then plug modem back in power first then to usb port and see if that solves it.
  3. Where's my Araldite.....
  4. I don't know what the specific light temp (kelvin) is on mine, but all xenons are around 6500K, extra blue can be attained by colouring the tip/glass. The link to ebay says all his bulbs carry an E mark and are ISO9001 compliant, all E marked products have to be produced to ISO 9001:2000 in order to get the mark, the comment "absolutely legal" in UK is misleading, the 90, 100 watt varieties are not legal. look here for some FAQ's.
  5. I've done a little more investigating and I'm wrong as usual, there is a buzzer on i/c pcb but I don't know what its for, the buzzer for lights on is on the relay board but mines an early mk1 and in '98 they changed, but I can't find any reference to the lights on buzzer for any model anywhere. It may help but the relay i've got has a number 36 stamped on the top, its on the bottom row third from the left but there are 6 relay slots on that row whereas you'll have 5.
  6. Sorry I dont know which type it is, It's probably same as ashtray and I was quoted
  7. Just don't go too far or you'll be doing last line of my sig :lol:
  8. Its on the instrument cluster pcb, have fun :lol: Seriously though, do your door switches and courtesy lights work as they should, as well as the instrument lights ie they come on when ign on and can only be dimmed when side/headlights are on?
  9. Duh, sorry dp_essex, Thats defo the sender, don't know how to get connector off though, last one I changed was on a series landrover and that had a capillery tube, not one of these new fangled leccy thingamibobs. just a word of warning though it might not be the sender causing probs Let us know how you get on mate.
  10. Not sure if this helps, but it should get you to the right area, as I understand it should be a bulb. 1. open ashtray and pull it up and out 2. undo bolt of selector handle 3. pull off selector lever trim 4. unclip selector lever shield I think it should be visible then attached to a bit of plastic called the scale illumination bulb holder. Have fun
  11. Halogens are normal Xenon are whiter and normally brighter and come with blue tipped/coated varietys, xenon also go bluer the older they are, due them decomposing, and HID (high intensity discharge) which are whiter still, usually a mfr option nowadays, although they can be retrofitted. I don't know what they are in the link, heated lenses? Just a note the 55/60 watt varietys of xenons are legal anything higher is not and I think those that have them are tossers.
  12. Message from dp what do you reckon.... is it the nut type thing with the gray connector, and if it is, do you know how it comes off 'cos i tried and i couldn't budge it! dp.bmp Dp that looks like the one , it should undo using appropiate spanner, but it will be a tough nut to crack (sorry, couldn't resist) the coolant will drain out of hole so be prepared for spillage and topping up when replaced.
  13. Had a look in haynes comic and tis, both a bit vague but here goes: Temp gauge sender on all petrol models should be on the underside of the thermostat/coolant outlet housing on the n/s of the cylinder block, where two sensors are fittedthe lower one is the temp sender, the upper is for the ECM don't connect anything to this one, ie multimeter, the ecm controls the fans on the 2.3. According to tis it should have a white/red wire connected to it, doesn't show it on haynes wiring diags but don't take this as gospel. the sender decreases its resistance to electric current as the temp rises. When coolant temp cold, sender sends small current, Temp gauge = low/cold when coolant temp is hot, sender sends more current, Temp gauge rises Hope this helps, clear as mud to me B)
  14. TOU defo need in order of priority: 1. Any working aircon climate/manual as long as it works. We really suffered on the hottest days of last year 2. Heated screen 3. Parking sensors, I stil struggle in Sainsburys car park 4. If you do a lot of miles then Cruise control 5. Heated seats? never had em on a car so I don't know Just my opinion based on what I miss the most :( :( edit: Oh and Hi watch out for mo4, they let her loose at weekends :lol:
  15. Cheers Rockkeeper will bear that in mind, Good luck with MOT.
  16. Got to do a service on mine soon, local Fartwell is offerig pollen/fuel/oil/air filters with 5l of oil for
  17. I usually go to Transcontinental at Galpharm stadium or koi carp centre in brighouse, both have been doing marine for about three years now, i think I'll have a gander at the one in Osset though. Thinking about starting with some live rock and/or coral and introduce a pair of captive bred 'nemo's' to keep the kids happy. I've heard that anenoemes can be hard to keep esp for a novice marine aquarist. I've only got a 36/18/12 tank so atm I can't be too extravagant. I'm trying to talk the missus into letting me get a 48" Rena panoramic, very nice tank but got mot soon so we'll see.
  18. Temp gauge should be available from VW if ford wont supply it, My local VW dealer insist he can get most components unlike ford who prefer to change a whole unit. It is relatively easy to change, no more than an hours work. I'd be suspecting sender/sensor though first.
  19. Thanks Rockkeeper, I'm definately going to give it a go, local fish shop will give me a credit note for existing fish and they have a good marine stock. Cheers
  20. I've got same problem, I thought I'd cured it but came back today, only seems to happen in cold. I've got a theory...watch this space......
  21. Check for a puddle in the compartment under the front passenger seat
  22. I would not recommend diy, but finances dictated at the time, It's a brave man that does his especially on the street like I did.
  23. You don't fill a Galaxy with booster seats by being gay :huh: !!!
  24. I got me a samsung digimax a4 and its crap but good enough for point and click, sorry. Rockkeeper, on the subject of fishes and risking a thread hijack (nice piccys by the way), how easy is it to maintain a tropical marine tank and are there any pitfalls? I've got a tropical freshwater 3ft community tank and am looking for something different now but I don't want to do cichlids, I think 3ft would do to start with live coral and anenoemes and some smaller species of fish. I do have a fluval external filter, what else would I need? Thanks in advance, Brian
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