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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by MadBaz

  1. It's probably the Gear lever inhibitor switch, iirc this has been covered b4, use the search facility, I couldn't see it in the FAQ, If the ABS light stays on after starting it's possibly the clockspring, again covered b4. Oh, and welcome to the nuthouse
  2. Rattle duly recovered :wacko: , apologies to Gregers. BTW Ann Summers have a sale ATM
  3. Here it is in jpeg form:
  4. I haven't sung since they found out what was wrong with the school choir!! I absolutely do not wear or have worn womens clothing, not that theres anything wrong with that, if your in the pc brigade.
  5. I NORMALLY ONLY WEAR WOMANS CLOTHES AT WEEKENDS BUT IF YOU PAY ME 25 QUID ILL WEAR THEM ALL THE TIME. SHEILA, is this your doing???? :blink: :blink: do you want details of my paypal account? BTW saw down the local last night
  6. The almighty, forum god may close this thread if it goes much longer
  7. :D :D :16: Gud one Gregers
  8. this blasphemy is making me CROSS
  9. I don't want to be called Gregers any more - from now on my name is Sheila. You'll all like my new friend Georgie He's a real cutie and is totally house trained! care to explain???
  10. Some recovery companies won't cover you if you don't carry a servicable spare, won't mention the one thats an anagram of car.
  11. MadBaz


    Thats about right, ignore all the owners of noise polluting oil burners.
  12. One thing worth mentioning is the all the diesels are VW and the Galaxy petrols are Ford units, without getting into the diesel vs petrol scrap, The diesels and VW petrols can all be connected to VAG-com where as the Ford petrols are very limited to any diy ECU communication.
  13. Never had a prob with any Ford engine other than a bit of tappet rattle, its the crap thats bolted on/around 'em that falls to bits
  14. Mines the most reliable, It has no: aircon, cruise control, rear electric windows, MFD, ABS, heated front screen, electric mirrors, driving lamps, turbo, secondary air injection, roof rails, alloys, heated seats, autobox, alarm, ESP, passenger airbag (passenger is an airbag!!!) CD multichanger or a booster heater, to go wrong.
  15. Might work on petrol variants, but the diesels are all VW.
  16. I recently replaced about 3 feet of loom in tailgate using 2 lengths of 7 core trailer socket cable and chockblocks, and it works ok. I chopped the loom near the top of the tailgate (behind the trim)and managed to squeeze the chock blocks inside the frame, and chopped it below the rear top seat belt anchor point (agian behind the trim)and tucked the chockblocks down near the rear light cluster, it's a mind numbing job, just don't cross any wires and make sure you leave some slack, this can be pulled thru and tucked out of sight.
  17. Nice one BJ, a few years ago the ceo of a junk mail company made the mistake of showing off his new house in a magazine, quite a few internet junkies gave him a taste of his own medicine and subscribed him to just about everything in the world, His mail was delivered daily by an artic or 2.
  18. Can't rely on the council round here, they've demolished loads of houses (with scenic views) sold the land to developers and given a huge proportion of whats left to economic migrants. Then theres the mis managed right to buy, wheres the money from the sale of these houses gone??? Oh I know it's poured into the ethnic minority (or should that be majority) gay and lesbian centre in the high st !!! A lot of the scum that was on these estates have now moved to pastures new, like across the road from me and it's p*****g a lot of people off. 3/4 bed houses are like rocking horse shit, I know of council tenants round here who are illegally overcrowded but can't be rehoused due to shortage of stock. I know people should aspire to owning their own home but I'd be lucky to find a decent 3 bed house for less than 85k and thats more than 4x mine & Clare's combined salary and in huddersfield 6/7x what 'real' people earn. Banks will lend that amount but it only takes a minor disaster, say redundancy which is common in predominatley manufacturing towns, to end up back on the council waiting list. sorry rant over.
  19. I thought the same as yourself but after a bit of googling 60 watt seems to be fine.
  20. Mine were a direct bulb replacement from Halfrauds @
  21. I've got Xenon bulbs , not HID's, in my Gal and they do improve night driving without glare. The prob with aftermarket Hid's is that (i believe) there is no self levelling or headlamp wash which is required on a car which is equipped by the manufacturer.
  22. Cheers Bj, will do a post for FAQs when I finish it.
  23. Cheers Bj Done the inner race no probs its the outer thats a right you know what! not much metal to get a puchase on, to top it all I tried to remove the pinch bolt but it sheared so ive got that to drill and tap, removed hub assy with sussy unit attached.
  24. I only have a small vice (an engineers kind :16: ), and I need the motor back on the road b4 I take the kids back to the dragons tomorrow, also I like a challenge. Seriously though I'm kinda in deep doo dah, i'm wondering if a bit of heat will soften it up enough to cut with a Dremel anyone done anything similar?
  25. Top post :P :P :16: Just one question, why did the guy call Renault Assist when he was driving one of British Leyland finest a LDV Maxus.
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