I know there has been a lot of discussion on here about the clutch pedal suddenly dropping to the floor, you know the one where pressure comes back after furiously pumping, well it happened to me last week coming back from Wales with the family. Finances didn't allow me to get it sorted straight away so I thought I'd try and see if I could sort it myself. I first tried to pressure bleed the system, but that didn't work, no fluid coming from bleed nipple. I then changed master cylinder, again no luck. Yesterday, whilst on my way to pick the youngest up from nursery, going uphill, there was an almighty bang and I lost transmission :rolleyes: . Whilst waiting for RAC, I had a look and found the bolt on transmission end of roll restrictor had sheared. I replaced it today, and the difference is unbelievable, no more knocking noises, more power, and clutch is a lot better. Unfortunatley whilst under the car, brake fluid has made an unwelcome appearance from the gearbox, so it's of to local garage (owner runs a Bammer) for slave cylinder and clutch on Saturday and I'll be