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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Glad you enjoyed it T ......... NICE GRIPEN!!!!!!!
  2. Blimey ...... that was quick! ;)
  3. Steve "ICEMAN" 67 .......... you can't leave us matey! We all need you! Dont Go! Please! ........... I'll be your best mate! ;)
  4. Hiya Pete ..... welcome from me too ....... sounds like you got your handsful there mate ...... hopefully not with the car though. Touchwood, mine is same age but with a bit less mileage than yours and I haven't had any probs with mine apart from the self inflicted. Look forward to your posts. Regards Chris
  5. Steve ...sorry to hear about your mishap ..... I had to laugh though as a similar thing happened to me years ago in my primer grey Allegro with maroon interior and wait for it ...don't laugh ..... a square steering wheel! No, I didn't buy this car as it was given to my wife and i as a wedding present from the in laws. To cut a long story short, the rear wheel arches were rotten and I spent a whole week filling and sanding until they were superb!! I ran out of laquer so I had to pop down to the local car shop and on pulling away I caught the left arch on a Granada's rear bumper! The whole arch went "crack" and fell to floor with onlookers crying with laughter .............. I just had to scream "**** off in my loudest voice which made them worse ........... lesson learnt! ...... Get someone else to do it!
  6. Somewhere on your computer matey? ........ I downloaded it into "temp" and burnt them onto a cd.
  7. Welcome Elted from me ..... glad you are pleased with your Bamma. How do you find the 1.8? I didn't even know they did that size of engine in them. Shows how much I know. Look forward to your posts matey. Chris
  8. John, I'm not to sure about "re-greasing the shaft". Are you talking about the bendex shaft? If so then its not a good idea to grease this as this can compound the problem. The usual thing to do is to to apply a liberal amount of degreaser to the shaft and clean it thoroughly so that the bendex gear slides up the shaft without sticking. By lifting the starter vertically the gear should then slide back without any help. This is a common problem with a "sticky starter" where the gear remains at the top of the shaft preventing it from disengaging the motor and "crunching" the flywheel. Another problem could be the solenoid where the contacts temporarily weld themselves together due to the current involved and the build up of carbon. Scraping the carbon out of the gaps between the commutator segments is good practice. Hope this helps
  9. Well there's a first! ....... Mk 3 Galaxy with crap speakers ..... did Ford ask anybody what they thought about the sound quality from their head units? I can recommend Sony speakers Nick ....... I fitted 4 Sony XSF1727's which are basically dual concentric with about 30W RMS output power. Just find out what the diameter of speaker you require and also the depth as they obviously have to fit into the door. The Mk 2 uses 17cm which fit perfectly. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi from me ....... Touran's a nice car ....... if you want room then the Alhambra's probably your best bet ....... bit more expensive than the Galaxy for basically the same car and there are plenty of Ghias out there full of toys waiting for you. I'm dead chuffed with mine.
  11. whoops ...... sorry nai quoted the wrong post .........welcome anyway from me matey. Look forward to further details on problems with the car.
  12. Smilge

    My Galaxy

    Agree Nik ......... much prefer the Mk 2 alloys ..............
  13. I can't really see any problems with what you need to do .... what you need to do is to list both vehicle specs, age etc. If they're similar ages then I would assume the wiring looms would be very similar, as per most Ford cars, and adding optional extras shouldn't be a problem unless they're after market items.
  14. Fancy swearing at your daughter like that!????? tut
  15. Sorry to hear you're getting rid .......... Aeroplane handbrake? ........ aeroplanes don't have handbrakes ...... Toe brakes as part of the rudder pedals and an emergency parking brake that runs off 3000 PSI pneumatic pressure normally. I think you're talking about the throttle lever that allows you to power up the optional gas turbine engine that fits in the rear row of seats ............ :wacko: :(
  16. Grrr... :) You tempt fate... :) I think you may be right Sparky ... weird isn't it that you tend to find Gals of the same age and mileage not suffering similar problems .... i must be very lucky with mine as I've just had the normal fair wear and tear stuff on mine.
  17. Although a conceivable problem and it appears that your system is not overheating, this looks like an indication snag. There should be a water temp sensor that will switch the fan on ....... try and locate it and unpug the electrical connector. Short the two pins using a piece of wire which will hopefully get the fan running. If it doesn't then its a good chance the fan's U/S. If it doesn't, then either the sensors U/S or wiring to/from the sensor could be open circuit. Hope this helps.
  18. IIRC you pull the gaitor up there's a clip or a screw, depending on the model, that has to be pulled out for you to be able to unscrew it. You have to renew the clip.
  19. Still no problems with mine ...... oooh I lie .......... I had to turn the side vent off yesterday because it was freezing my fingers ...... :unsure:
  20. Was just thinking ....... If i saved all the money up I had spent on beer and fags ....... do you know what i would do with it? .... Spend it on BEER and FAGS!!!!!!!!!!!! :unsure:
  21. Arrrrrrr got you Groundbased ....... easily done matey .... a warning to us all I think. :16:
  22. Im confused groundbased or I haven't read the thread properly? ........ Pull the drivers door handle open ... mmmmm ...... select the top switch on the drivers door window control panel to unlock ..you know the one that locks all the doors whilst driving.
  23. You might find this useful ..........Ger_In_Car_Ent_Fitt_Inst.pdf.pdf
  24. Chris ...you have to be congratulated on your translation from German!!!!! ..... why was it I had visions of goose stepping and men with very small moustaches wearing jack boots working on Galaxys while reading it? The left part of the guidance stick switch is postponed simply only and locks themselves with a small plastic nose ;) :( :16: ACHTUNG SPITFEURE!!!!!!!!!
  25. Like it Seatkid ...... :ph34r: No seriously I think you're right and was just thinking the same as you and doing it myself ...... can't be any worse than a Montego!? What a waste of
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