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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Smilge

    My Galaxy

    I think he saw mine Mum and decided that the Mk 11 wheels looked better ....... lol
  2. Sorry mate .... don't agree with that. Snaking is due to incorrect load distribution caused by most of the load being behind the van axle and air pressure on the front of the van is basically an air brake which will increase your fuel consumption. That's it.
  3. Hiya Explorer and a kind welcome from me too ................. Renault? ................ It's french and so was the Exocet!!!! I hate the french!!!!
  4. Traitor !!! ....... to the gallows with you JK ...... :(
  5. There are some other built in systems you can get matey, but again very expensive. I very much doubt your Escort will have the connections required as post 2000 was the big turnaround for fitting a CAN BUS to most cars. Have a shop around matey and there's bound to be someone else on here who can give you some more pointers.
  6. Well done Ola ....... mmmm ....... a good summary except for the spelling ..... :( The good bit is realising how much money you've saved by doing it yourself. Thanks for the post mate. Chris PS ............. "Captain there's a ship on the scanner!" ..................................... "Some what?!"
  7. Hiya Goldfinger ....... mmmmm ... I doubt it unless you are capable of fitting CAN-BUS to your escort. Its Double Din anyway and interfaces with the CAN BUS so that you can run a CD changer through it. It also requires a GALA connection. To be honest, you're better off buying yourself a separate cheaper GPS system as these things arn't cheap.
  8. Wouldn't have a clue Kev but you might like to try this site: http://www.tdiclub.com/
  9. It was thank you John and the link was very useful as I teach Radar principles. You can't get enough "history" of a very interesting subject.
  10. Probably something to do with uncreosoted lap panels Mum ...and you left the lawnmower in it.... :lol:
  11. What would I do ...... yep ..... cut your losses and sell it for spares ......get a newer model as there are plenty about and the second hand car market is pretty good at the moment. Just shop around regardless of distance and you'll save a pretty packet. Avoid the auctions.
  12. Hiya Strouf ..how's you and the family? Yep, you are lucky with regards to your radio. What you have here I reckon is the RDS system PTY or priority selected to News, where the system looks for any channel that is broadcasting news .... a bit like the Traffic Alert where all of a sudden the radio starts to announce traffic alerts while you were listening to your favourite Nana Maskouri song. If you read the manual you can select various PTY's. Hope this helps.
  13. Tend to agree ........ check the dipstick for signs of the dreaded white sludge.
  14. BigJ ........ was it a two lane motorway that this lorry was overtaking on? If so then they are allowed as far as I'm aware. The M54 is an example and you can wait a long time for a lorry to overtake another ............ and that smirk when you finally overtake both and look in the side mirror to pull back in!
  15. I didn't know they did digital speedos ....... are you talking about the FIS display between the the two analogue instruments?
  16. Nice one Ola ...look forward to it ......... wouldn't it be funny if we were all wrong?...... :rolleyes: :D
  17. You cheeky little toe rag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :16: :16: :16: :16: :16: :16:
  18. Anti squeel shims missing?
  19. Anything to do with the auto gearbox is expensive matey, but not having ever owned an automatic, I'm not really the man to speak to. I'm sure once a few have read this you'll get some good advice from members that have had similar problems to yours.
  20. No clutch matey...just a torque converter on an automatic. Expensive!
  21. Hello Keefy ...... from a 46 year old god! Welcome to the forum matey.... look forward to your posts.
  22. Now that is good Maz ........ "can I sit next to you babe?"
  23. mmmmmm.......I think so matey ..... I'm having to think about the value of my electronics qualification now so I'm just going to cry! B)
  24. Thank you Mum ....... haven't heard that one you cheeky mare! Still, when you look as good as me at this age ...........I'll stop there. :lol:
  25. In your world ola ........ ITS ALIVE ITS ALIVE ...... lol ......Now Dr Frankensteen ..... They're filthy diodes! When it comes to charging a battery you dont need lovely smoothed stabilised DC ..... just select AC on your meter and measure the ripple voltage coming from the alternator. Disgusting!
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