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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by raymac

  1. Right i,m off to get me dad :lol: :D ;)
  2. so do you have any bodykit on your current model :lol: No mate , i mean kit as dvd ,satnav and otrher bits and bobs :lol: not into bodykits unless there on the likes of jordan or pamela anderson :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Well if i had to replace mine i would get another one but with a bit more kit and maybe a 130bhp ,i have to say that it is the best car i have driven and the driving position is brill, great holiday bus
  4. Know what you mean mate got 3 myself :D
  5. Not to sure about the door but driving at 85mph in strong winds would have had my underpants beyond repair :lol: :) :lol:
  6. Have read somewhere that the 110tdi engine is renowned for its durability and them sort of miles seem to prove it :D
  7. Now the 130 sounds nice and a lot of kit to boot but what about the mileage,age ,sounds good at under 10k :o
  8. Well with that mileage you are well in the time permitted and i would be inclined to change it within the time period rather than mileage done :D how do you keep the mileage so low drive it up and down the drive :D :D
  9. If it's on auto then it's on :lol: i always leave mine on don't see much diff in consumption
  10. Sorted,now i have my free sky broadband and the cookies set all is ok :(
  11. i have that also but to type in this reply i had to log in, it was ok friday :)
  12. i know this is not the right area to put this problem on so hopefully it will be moved by a mod :) but everytime i leave the site and comeback i have to sign in again :) i have changed providers but that shouldn't cause the problem should it? any advice gratefully accepted :)
  13. Has anybody experienced this before,hasn't happened to me but the missus said it has happened to her a couple of times :blink: any ideas please ;)
  14. Got mine today, very nice, that's exactly the same gal as mine :( :D :lol:
  15. Oh yes Blackpool :lol: :D :D
  16. Here you go mate , i got mine off this bloke and it was through the letterbox next day :ph34r: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/GPS-Antenna-only
  17. Mat , tried external antenna to day and it picked up signal really quick and the satellite reading bar at it's strongest alll the time, will let you know how it does when i do a decent trip with satnav :ph34r: obviously the heated screen was holding back signal but that seems to be cured now :lol:
  18. Hi paul and welcome to the madhouse ;) before you try anything else or buy anything else have a look at putting some oil/wd40 on the pivot part of the arm, i had a audi80 and i changed the wiper and it wouldn't hit the top of the screen oiled the pivot part and all was well :D
  19. yes bleeno it doesj ust had a gander in the book :D Note that this is the second key and has no buttons ;) so I would doubt that will work. Should be able to get a locksmith to check the coding on the key. Don't know if they can change them though :D Anyone know about this? Er!!! ..read the manual!!! If it didnt work why print it?! Steady :D
  20. Matt have the same as you icn520 being the model number , bought it 6mths ago from halfords for
  21. Stick me down for one please , 150bhp with the dual aircon and multimedia if poss :D ;) :D
  22. I would take it back under warranty ,but don't bother rushing as your warranty is just a tad over 10yrs long :D :D ;)
  23. just found this http://www.discountcarshop.co.uk/data/disp...CFRhuEQodkyS0iw
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