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Everything posted by raymac

  1. any views on ecu chipping on the 115(up to 130) thanks Gooner have a look at this one on ebay,one of the members on here had his done by him and was well impressed,a good jaunt i know but gives you an idea of the prive and the power to be had :lol: :lol: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Tdi-chip-tuning-ecu-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. Gooner just like to say what a cracking result the weekend, if you had seen my reactions when henry scored the winner you would have thought i was at the emirates every other week rather than st.andrews :lol: :P but you can't have it all i suppose ,i would like to think with that crop of young players coming through you will be right at it next season ;) but i wouldn't write this season off just yet ,you never know :lol: :lol:
  3. raymac


    The Tamworth snowdome perhaps :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
  4. Cheers Gunner,well after downloading winrar file i have bee able to open file and download it to my pc,have burnt a disc and will now get my nephew to transfer data to his laptop,i'm not to sure how to do it myself :lol: :mellow: thanks for your advice :( arsenal were awesome against welshburn and hope you beat manure this weekend :huh:
  5. I need some help please if possible, i have tried downloading software from ross tech and to be honest i'm finding it a bit of a headache, i can open the usb port but then all i get is "interface not found" any ideas or advice please , a mate sent me a file but i can't even open it :lol: don't forget i'm a self confessed pc numpty :mellow: hope someone out there can help
  6. The same thing happened today, missus driving along(bloody jinxed she is)and on it came again :ph34r: i went out and drove it round the block and nothing ,i've got my lead on order and have downloaded vagcom onto my brother in laws laptop :blink: very generous he is :D soon as lead arrives and will have a fiddle :24: with it :lol:
  7. Possible head gasket? lets hope not ^_^
  8. Could be the pump that carries on to move the water around the engine to avoid hotspots ;) not sure if it's fitted on your model though :blink: check this link http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry54739
  9. Hi Our Sharan does about 55 mpg, in summer got it up to 63 mpg, over the 150k miles we have covered it has averaged 50-55 mpg Our Galaxy however about 50 mpg tops Regards Eric 63mpg :32: thats seriuos mileage, you must have been driving it like it was made of china :32: :31:
  10. Bloody hell gooner thats cheap,i just got qouted
  11. Was wondering why the windows slighty misted the the other week now i know thanks to the intelligensia on this forum :rolleyes: must be why the aircon place where i had the condenser replaced seemed a bit put out to check the system over again :P
  12. Thank you both :rolleyes:
  13. i am looking to purchase software and lead for laptop and was hoping that someone might be able to steer me in the right direction :excl: and congragulations to the person(s) who upgraded the site it's the dog's knackers :rolleyes: :P :D Sorry Moved to the Internet and Computer Section.
  14. I would be inclined to think that if you get the aux heater fixed then your problems will be solved,mine kicks in at 10c, i replaced my plug about 2 months ago and although a bit tempremental it works most of the time and warms the gal nicely :rolleyes:
  15. Well you might as well have a right good feed over the christmas and burn it off in the new year :wacko:
  16. the recirc flap is vacuum operated, it maybe that the switch/valve is stuck? remove the switch and see if you can manually operate the flap by sucking/blowing down the hose! if mot remove the upper glove box (if you have one?) and you should be able to see the actuator :wacko: jeez doing a gooner here :wacko: Wolfie,do you mean the stowage bins on top of the dash on a mk2 :lol: sorry but you are dealing with a dummy here :D :) merry crimbo one and all :D
  17. Thank you very much sir :) I would also like to say a merry christmas and a happy new year to you and yours from me and mine :) by that i mean all members and non members of course.
  18. I see by your "seen you coming mate" comment you think i have been taken for a mug :blink: well after numerous searches andphone calls this was the best deal i could get, forgot to mention the missus creased the two front pass doors and that repair cost in the region of
  19. Thanks mate i'll check that tomorrow :16: Went out to look at relay @ 03.00am (workstime :blink: ) started the gal up and after about 5 secs gave it a good quick rev and hey presto we are taxiing on the public runway once more :o so looks like i'm going to get cooked again on the way home :o
  20. Just insured mine and wait for it :blink:
  21. Thanks mate i'll check that tomorrow :lol:
  22. before anyone shoots me down about search engine :D i have looked and found one post stating that fuse number 12 is the fuse for aux heater,checked and is fine can anyone varify that is the correct fuse and if it is then i know i need to look elsewhere to find the problem,cheers :rolleyes:
  23. Have an idea this could be down to the aux heater not working all of a sudden,changed glowplug about 4/6 weeks ago and it was firing up nicely with no smoke or unburnt diesel smells now since the missus told me about the warning light i have noticed it is not kicking in even when the temp is in the minus bracket when previous it would kick in at 8/9c , any ideas? have checked search engine for fuse location and found one stating possibly fuse no12 ,but that is fine any ideas where fuse may be.thanks in advance :rolleyes:
  24. The missus told me that yesterday the glowplug light came on as she was driving ,so she pulled over turned the engine off restarted and all was well, i recall this happening to me about 3 months ago and the same happened when i switched off :lol: any ideas as to what it could be or is it not worth worrying about as the light does not come back on straight away?
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