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Everything posted by mrben

  1. ok thanks for reply. Does your one rev-out of the ticking? Thanks.
  2. Hello all. 99 diesel mk1, my engine has started ticking on tickover. I can rev out of it when its just past 2000 rpm. I think it might be the lifters, are they hydraulic?? Shame, cause I change the oil twice a year, and it doesnt lose a drop, so will be cheesed off if top end is starting to go...do injectors make a tapping noise when they are on there way out? Thanks.
  3. Ah ok, thanks for reply zorg. That block connector you mentioned above, is it on the r/h/s of the engine as you look at it? I have no speedo, and i rekon its the wire fault that you mentioned, but cant seem to see the block of wires. I take it, all of the wires going to this block need to be earthed? Thanks.
  4. Hi Zorg. Why did you have to do cylinder head twice?
  5. Hello. Car has started to jump slightly over the last 6 months when in 1st. Tiz ok if you put your foot down, does it mainly when your just on the accelerator. Is this a sign of the distributor pump becoming worn? Changed fuel filter 2 months back, but no better. Thanks all.
  6. Well i'l be damned...Thanks again seatkid. Found the fuses (which no-one seems to have heard of!!!). Both blown (by my inverter). Replaced and both aux outlets working, as well as towbar indicators. Ace.
  7. Thanks for quick reply seat, much appreciated. Will have a look tomorrow as its weeing down at mo. What is IIRC may i ask. Doesn't seem to mention it in book...
  8. Hello all. The two aux. power outlets in the boot have stopped working. There doesn't seem to be a fuse for them? Also, i notice, it seems the relay in the rear to power the indicators in the tow electrics, is powered from these aux. power outlets, which is why i reckon the indicators on the caravan arn't working. I cant find a wiring diagram in the haynes for the two outlets....strange. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  9. Yes, wire in tailgate sheered again, and blew fuse. Fog lights working now. Thanks all.
  10. Hiya thanks for reply. I'v re-joined all those wires not so long ago, but i suppose its a case of peeling back tape again and having a look. Thanks.
  11. There doesn't seem to list a fuse for rear fog lights, so checked all fuses and all seem ok. Bulbs ok. very strange??...Any ideas?
  12. Mmmm, doesn't seem to be a fuse for the rear fog lights??
  13. Thanks for all that seatkid. Sorry for late reply.
  14. Hello all. Looking for info on where to direct my underseal, underneath, as m.o.t. Coming up. Is there any really common rot areas underneath to look out for? Thanks.
  15. Yes i think there is another relay by the looks of things, behind o/s/r/ light bulb panal, thats the relay thats clicking fast when i plug the caravan in. All fuses in caravan ok. Wiring in plugs ok. I'm gonna find another vehicle tommorrow with towbar etc, see if the caravan indicators work through that. thx anyway.
  16. (Mk1 tdi). It doesn't seem to say on the panel. Trying to find if there is a seperate fuse for tow-bar electric indicators. When i plug caravan in, lights and brake lights work, but indicators don't, and also stops the indicators working on the car, they start doing that fast clicking noise like when you have a bulb gone. When i pull the caravan electrics back out, the indicators work fine on the car. Bulbs are ok in caravan....ta.
  17. ok thanks chaps.
  18. Erm, my anti roll bar seems to be moving? The bushes seem pretty tight, as i undone the two bolts around the rubber bushes on the roll bar, so i could move it back over with a lever. With a lot of tugging, i managed to get it back enough to stop the end part of the roll bar fouling the chassis whenever you go over a bump...A month later, its now moved over again, and fouling again. Anyone else had this? Ta.
  19. ok cant help. Seat kid may be able to. He has excellent knowledge.
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