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Everything posted by mrben

  1. diesel mk11 v-reg. Any info on anything that might catch me out would be much appreciated, special tools etc. Thanks.
  2. Hi, thanks. Nope no o ring in the box, the seal on the fuel filter is already on the filter. The plastic connector piece just pushes down over it....but i does 'feel' a bit slack. Thanks anyway.
  3. Hello all. Just wondering if anyone could inform me if its a common thing for the plastic part that pops into the fuel filter to wear out? Reason i ask is that when putting it in place on the fuel filter, there is hardly any resistance when pushing it down over the ring seal thats on the actual filter, obviously then putting the pin through to keep it in place. I'm getting an intermittent fault at high revs (losing power), and i'm wonder if air could be getting in around said plastic part... Thanks for looking!
  4. I'm after a speed sensor (black plug that goes in the gearbox), would prefer it being sent to me in the post, so looking for a recommendation of where to buy one. Thanks. (1999 v-reg tdi galaxy)
  5. Hello all (Mk1 diesel) . Iv read on here about its an earthing problem of the sensor, that why the speedo's play up or not work on the galaxy's. I cut into the soft case that the wires are in - coming from the speed sensor, but the colours of them don't match up to what they're meant to be according to the haynes? Mmm strange. If i get the sensor off, is there a way i can test it too see if it is actually the sensor that has packed up? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for that...i almost did!!, but, alas, haynes was right. right bugger though getting the air con unit back on. And i sheered off a bolt undoing it in the power steering housing! slack belt now. leest she's going....
  7. chuffing Haynes!!...according to the book, you don't need to take timing cover off, but it looks like you do. have I got to take the crank v belt pulley off to get the bottom part of the timing cover off. the cover is hiding some water pump bolts! (tdi v-reg mk1). help much appreciated.
  8. No it doesn't have the pd engine. I was advised to use the oil by a vw enthusiast, for lots of reasons, which none of i can remember now...
  9. Any recommendations of possibly what oil to change to try to stop hydrolic tappet from tapping? Just one of them taps under 2500 rpm, getting worse. I'v always used the comma 505.01 5w40 fully synth, and good 'Mann' filter. Bout 150k on car, don't know exact as speedo hasn't worked for yonks. (mk1 , v reg, 1.9tdi). Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello zorg. Did you eventually get the speedo to work?
  11. Its 1.9 tdi mk 1, not a pd. Use the 505.01 spec oil. It sounds like just one tappet tapping away. Getting high milage now, but I do oil and filter every 4 months.
  12. Hello. Yes i'v checked and i do have a 'Mann' filter on. These filters are meant to have the correct quality valve in.
  13. I'm going to attempt to remove the sump to see if the mesh thing that the oil lifts up through is clear, as i think the top end isn't gettiing enough pressure on tickover. Does anybody know if there is any problems i might encounter....Thanks.
  14. Is a bit low, so i thought maybe i should drain and put new in?? is it easy to do? Thanks.
  15. hello insane, yes it says, quality - Mann, so must be the one...
  16. Hello seat. Found the filter on gsf website, but cant see a mention of it being premium. Its
  17. Well i never. Many thanks seat. I will try that, and hopefully it will cut the tapping tappets noise down a bit, although, they still do tap when the oil is nice and warm, so they could just be getting worn, or maybe the oil pump getting worn, but i'l try a proper filter. I'm surprised i'v never heard any garage mention that before, about a valve in the filter...Thanks.
  18. oil rentension valve?? anyone heard of one before, and is it easy to renew. Meant to be worthwhile if getting tapping tappets at tickover and low revs...Thanks.
  19. Ok, thanks. Yes I thought there might have been a way of removing top/cam cover and somehow servicing the lifters. A squirt of teflon or something...but I think its a case of a new set, which is timing belt off etc, so unlikely to happen :)
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