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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. Sorry, I can't make it that day... :D
  2. I saw the tool that does this job today at Halfords -
  3. Yes, please post a pic! That's an interesting alternative to the Autoleads 'half panel'.
  4. New rant... I hate it when I'm stopped at a roundabout and waiting because someone is coming out of the junction to my right - then they turn left into the road I'm coming out of *without indicating*. (fuming now just thinking about it again!!!) Am I allowed two rants? It seems that as the nights begin to draw in and there's more rainy days, so the fog light fashion victims are out and about again... (I was fuming, now I'm incandescent!!!) :lol:
  5. ... and bring a picnic! It's nice at this time of year. "Virginia Water is located at the south end of the Great Park, near Ascot. The Water itself is a large lake, with the Valley Gardens and Smiths Lawn (home of the Guards Polo Club) to the north. There is a pleasant walk around the lake, encompassing many curiosities, including a 100 foot totem pole, an artificial waterfall and grotto, an obelisk raised by George II, and part of a ruined city imported from North Africa."
  6. Sunday 1st October?????
  7. Can we meet on a Saturday or Sunday lunchtime, maybe?
  8. ... for the night owls who usually appear later on? :)
  9. OK, Mr Chairman! Where are we going to meet then? :lol:
  10. Come on now guys! Reading services has an on-site M&S if you want posh food. :D What about a meet at Beale Park: http://www.bealepark.co.uk/ If it's just a few of us there's no need to book. It's great for the kids too. Nice cafe. Then there's Black Park near Slough: http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/countryside/coun...tm#Black%20Park Bring a picnic to that one... How about a 'End of the runway at Heathrow meet'? If any of you are plumbers I'd advise leaving the pipe carrier at home, or we might start a security scare. :lol: Legoland meet? http://www.legoland.co.uk/ A bit expensive, this one, but all facilities. Or Odds Farm, for those with very young kids: http://www.oddsfarm.co.uk/ A pub lunch?
  11. Strange... Mine is called Medium Charcoal Grey. Not really silver. But not not silver. (That black one does look awesome!)
  12. My experience of warehouses... Car Giant is OK and prices are very good; just remember 'Caveat Emptor'. You can get a test drive, but limited to local roads (no Motorway) unless you can persuade them otherwise. MJA in Guildford are not as cheap, but supply good service and a really excellent warranty. Test drive no problem. The 'Trade Sales'/'Motorpoint' places are not for the faint hearted, and don't generally deal in anything as old as 02 plate. Forget a test drive unless you have placed a deposit, and even then under protest. Good luck with the Galaxy hunt... :P
  13. Recently had the air con repaired under warranty (which runs out this weekend) :D I've just done: Oil and filter change TQF change (I know it's supposed to be sealed for life, but you should have seen the sludge that came out of a five year old gearbox...no problems with it and it still works just the same though :) I just feel happier now.) Brake fluid change (two years for DOT4) Rear pads changed (they were down to 2 - 3 mm :D ) Re-greased spare wheel unit Had a good look underneath, and the rear silencer box looks a bit corroded... I just need to grease all the hinges/door catches and we'll be ready for the winter.
  14. Yo Anne?
  15. See you later tonight?
  16. Do you live in Slough now then? Or has Cooper's magic shop moved?
  17. erm indoor swimming pools now that reminds me.................check ya window screen ive just completely resealed mine........ just gotta wait for the rain :D My fingers are crossed for you! :o
  18. ..and could damage the ring gear...
  19. Yes, I'm there now, and so are you according to the list.... Awfully quiet though...
  20. (he he he)
  21. I Like the wheels BigD...
  22. You can tell something about a person by his or her choice of comedian... Cheech and Chong? The dope fiends? ;) Do you remember Sir Henry at Rawlinson End? :blink:
  23. Hi Strouf! Bigjeeze is right - check in the engine bay. These auxilliary coolant pumps can fail (as mine did) and on the way out start making more noise. But if it's really the little fan behind the climate control, to be honest I've never actually heard one, they are so quiet. If you smoke, put your cigarette near the panel and see if the smoke gets sucked in. (BTW regards from El Gato)
  24. Nice!
  25. I knew it... How does that song go? "All by myyyy-selffff, don't wanna beee, allll byyy myy-yy-selff, any more...."
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